How recent theories, specially Robert Sternberg’s and Howard Gardner’s theories, have tried to solve some of these problems and limitations


The text should be handed in, printed and stapled, following a Microsoft Word format, a letter size twelve (12) and a spacing of one and a half (1.5) between sentences (or line spacing in the paragraph options). The extension of the work should not be less than three (3) pages or greater than five (5) pages of content…. The written essay should be a product that reflects your understanding and interpretation (substantiated with arguments, evidence and reasoning, expressed in a clear, consistent, and accurate matter) of the assigned readings( I WILL PROVIDE THEM) Do not use Internet sources and limit yourself to the assigned texts, the discussion in class and your own argumentative capabilities.
To understand the validity of an instrument we must critically assess the core concepts that supposedly are being defined, measured and applied in a psychometric test. Having that in mind we have, during the second unit, critically revised the concept of “Intelligence” since the beginnings of “mental tests”, in the late XIX century, until the more recent theories of Intelligence developed in late XX century (specially during the 1980s and 1990s). For that reason the purpose of the this test is to elaborate a single essay that discusses the following:
1.cdebate at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century.
2. The problems and limitations regarding how “Intelligence” has been measured, defined and applied. 3. How recent theories, specially Robert Sternberg’s and Howard Gardner’s theories, have tried to solve some of these problems and limitations. It is advisable that you take into account the following “guidelines” when elaborating your discussion:
1. Take into consideration the historical overview regarding the theory of evolution and individual differences as discussed in class and on Hergenhahn and Hanley’s (2014) text. It also advisable to look at Sternberg’s (2003) historical revision of some of the theories of Intelligence.
2. Focus on one of the recent theories, either Sternberg’s or Gardner’s, giving examples on how they prove that “Intelligence” cannot be reduced to what usual and traditional psychometric tests measure.
3. Use at least two (2) of the assigned texts. Limit yourself to said texts and the discussion in class. Assigned texts (in the order they were assigned). Hergenhahn, B.R. & Henley, T.B. (2014). Evolution and Individual Differences. In B.R. 1. Hergenhahn & Tracy B. Henley, An Introduction to the History of Psychology (279- 319). Belmont: Wadsworth. Sternberg, R. (2003). Intelligence. In Donald K. Freedheim & Irving B. Weiner, Handbook of Psychology: Volume I, History of Psychology (135-156). New Jersey: Wiley & Sons. Sternberg, R. (2009). The Theory of a Successful Intelligence. In James C. Kaufman & Elena L. Grigorenko (Eds.), The Essential Sternberg (71-101). New York: Springer. Gardner, H. (1989). Multiple Intelligences Go to School: Educational Implication of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Educational Researcher 18 (8): 4-10. Gardner, H. (1995). Reflections on Multiple Intelligences: Myths and Messages. The Phi Delta Kappan 77 (3): 200-203, 206-209

What do you hope to gain academically and personally from participating in the NYUAD J-Term program?


It’s my opening/personal Statement for studying abroad in abu dhabi. Here’s a little information about myself
I’m a psychology major, I come from a very religious family which were completely against me studying or going to college. I’m Muslim and from afghanistan. I have visited pakistan and afghanistan , which is why it inspired me to eventually become a doctor and go to meds school. I decided to major in psychology because i get the best of both worlds. One half i get to learn how to deal with people from within , and understand them more. Which will help me tremendously in the medical field. I believe that if they accept me to study abroad it will help me experience the different types of cultures and people. ( I really don’t know what else to say)
I am applying to take , a psychology course in Abu dhabi. My 2nd and 3rd choices are all history courses. maybe you can say something like I want to know where History comes alive. or something of that sense.
But here are the things that they are asking for
Please write a 450-500 word essay about yourself. Please address the following topics and include any other information you think would be of interest to the selection committee in evaluating your application:

  • What do you hope to gain academically and personally from participating in the NYUAD J-Term program?
  • If you are applying for a J-Term abroad, explain why it is important for you to have this cross-cultural experience at this point in your studies.
  • What challenges, if any, do you anticipate facing?

Analyze the roles and/or skills that a forensic psychology professional could have provided the police professionals involved in your example, as well as an evaluation of the positive impact of these roles and/or skills.


brief description of an event/situation that has affected a macro community. Analyze the roles and/or skills that a forensic psychology professional could have provided the police professionals involved in your example, as well as an evaluation of the positive impact of these roles and/or skills.

  • Article: Daniels, J. A., Bradley, M. C., Cramer, D. P., Winkler, A. J., Kinebrew, K., & Crockett, D. (2007). The successful resolution of armed hostage/barricade events in schools: A qualitative analysis. Psychology in the Schools, 44(6), 601–613. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: Giles, H., Barker, V., Fortman, J., Dailey, R., Hajek, C., Anderson, M. C. (2005). Law enforcement and the public: The role of intergroup accommodations (Top three paper). Conference Papers—International Communication Association, 1–43. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: La Vigne, N. G., Solomon, A. L., Beckman, K. A., & Dedel, K. (2006). Prisoner reentry and community policing: Strategies for enhancing public safety. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and the Urban Institute, 1–28. Retrieved from read pp. 1–28 only.)
  • Article: Stix, G. (2009). Taming the madness of crowds. Scientific American, 300(3), 16. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Government Document: Buslik, M. S. (2009). Not in my neighborhood: An essay on policing place (NCJ Publication No. 229230). Geography & Public Safety, 2(2), 3–6. Retrieved from

Explain how and why individuals become involved in extremist groups.


Assignment 1: Discussion—Terrorism

Given the nature of terrorism, psychology has a significant role in understanding it and treating its devastating effects. Terrorists are deemed fanatics that are both willing to kill and die for their causes. Understanding terrorism is, therefore, necessary and of paramount importance, including understanding which psychological factors render terrorists to be so susceptible to extremist ideology.

  • Explain how and why individuals become involved in extremist groups.
  • Describe the function they perform within the group.
  • Identify the motivational factors that drive terrorism.

Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:

  • Explain how and why individuals become involved in extremist groups.
  • Describe the function they perform within the group.
  • Identify the motivational factors that drive terrorism.

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources