Use the A-B-C-D method of writing objectives. The objectives should incorporate Bloom's taxonomy, be written at the appropriate level for the audience, and include at least two learning domains (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective)

Nur 649E
Paper details

Using the Personal Class Design Project – Part 1 assignment you began in NUR-647E, you will complete the course design to include learner objectives, outline, teaching strategies, and associated evaluation, and method.
Using Part I, write and revise the original learner objectives submitted.
Use the A-B-C-D method of writing objectives. The objectives should incorporate Bloom’s taxonomy, be written at the appropriate level for the audience, and include at least two learning domains (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective). Refer to \”NUR-649E – Nursing Education Seminar II: A-B-C-D Approach to Objective Writing\” and \”NUR-649E – Nursing Education Seminar II: Learning Domains.\”
Map out a class time frame, outlining when to cover each of the content areas. Refer to \”NUR-649E – Nursing Education Seminar II: Lesson Plan Template.\”
In addition to the content area, include the class time frame:

  1. Time frame for covering each topic area
  2. Teaching strategy for each objective
  3. How the learning will be evaluated

Include rationale for each selected instruction and the evaluation method used.
Support your rationale by citing at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources (less than 5 years old) in addition to the course materials.
There is no predetermined length for this assignment. It is intended that each student will develop a class that can be utilized in the student’s selected area of education.
Personal Class Design Project: Part 2 Rubic
1No Submissions0.00%
3Less than Satisfactory80.00%
70.0 %Content
10.0 %Writes or Revises Learner Objectives Using the A-B-C-D Method of Writing Objectives. Incorporate Bloom\’s Taxonomy; Objectives Written at the Appropriate Level of Audience.
Objectives not written using the A-B-C-D method.
Learner objectives revised using the A-B-C-D method, but objectives do not incorporate Bloom\’s taxonomy, or may not be written at the appropriate level of audience.
Learner objectives revised using the A-B-C-D method. Objectives incorporate Bloom\’s taxonomy and are written at the appropriate level of audience.
Learner objectives revised using the A-B-C-D method. Objectives incorporate a balance of higher and lower Bloom?s taxonomy and are written at the appropriate level of audience.
Learner objectives revised using the A-B-C-D method. Objectives make full uses of the higher levels of Bloom\’s taxonomy for critical thinking when appropriate and are written at the appropriate level of audience.
10.0 %Objectives include at least two learning domains: cognitive, and psychomotor and affective. Indicates which objectives are linked to which domains.
Objectives do not include at least two learning domains: cognitive, and psychomotor and affective.
Objectives include two learning domains: cognitive, and psychomotor and affective, but fails to indicate which objectives are linked.
Objectives include two learning domains (cognitive, and psychomotor and affective) and indicate which objectives are linked.
Objectives include more than two learning domains (cognitive, and psychomotor and affective) and indicate which objectives are linked.
Objectives include all the learning domains (cognitive, and psychomotor and affective) and indicate which objectives are linked.
50.0 %Class Time Frame Covers: Topic and Content Area. (10%) Teaching Strategies for Each Topic. (10%) Evaluation Strategy for Entire Program. (10%) Rationale for Each Selected Teaching and Evaluation Strategy. (20%)
Class time frames do not cover all four criteria (topic area, teaching strategies, evaluation, and rationale).
Class time frames cover all four criteria, but four criteria are incomplete or inappropriate for stated objectives.
Class time frames cover all four criteria and the four criteria are stated though they could use further development.
Class time frames cover all four criteria and individual criteria are complete.
Class time frames cover all four criteria and they are both detailed and comprehensive.
20.0 %Organization and Effectiveness
5.0 %Organization
Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. Organization is disjointed.
Some paragraphs and transitions may lack logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident.
Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationship to each other.
Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are used appropriately.
There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Individually and collectively, paragraphs are coherent and cohesive.
5.0 %Length
*Unacceptable length to class design ? it is too short to address the assignment criteria at the expected scope
Acceptable length to class design. Plan is appropriate in length ? some sections may be too short while others are a bit too long.
*Excellent length to class design. Clearly and concisely addresses assignment criteria. Flows nicely ? not too short and does not ramble.
5.0 %Language
Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence structure, lack of variety in language use. Unaware of audience.
Some distracting and/or inconsistencies in language choice, sentence structure, and or word choice are present.
Sentence structure is correct and occasionally varies. Word choices and language are appropriate to the targeted audience.
Clearly aware of audience; uses a variety of sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary; uses figures of speech to communicate clearly.
Uses a variety of sentence constructions, figures of speech, and word choices in unique and creative ways that are appropriate to purpose, discipline, and scope
3.0 %Scholarly References (Utilizes at Least Three Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed Resources Less Than Five Years Old in Addition to Course Materials)
*Selected literature is irrelevant and insufficient. Does not meet stated criteria. Does not use evidence-based sources when available. Uses only course materials.
*Weak selection of sufficient and relevant literature (less than five years old) and no scholarly, peer-reviewed references used (other than course materials). Uses only course materials.
*Fair selection of sufficient and relevant literature (less than five years old) and at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed reference used (other than course materials). Does not use evidence-based sources when available.
*Partial selection of sufficient and relevant literature (less than five years old) and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed references used (other than course materials). Uses evidence-based sources when available.
*Excellent selection of sufficient and relevant literature (less than five years old) and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed references used (other than course materials). Uses evidence-based sources when available.
2.0 %Proofreading
Paper does not appear spell-checked and proofread at the graduate level.
Paper appears spell-checked and proofread at the graduate level.
10.0 %Format
5.0 %Mechanics
Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning.
Mechanical and sentence structure errors are frequent and repetitive; distracting to reader.
Some mechanical and sentence structure errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader.
Document is largely free of sentence structure and mechanical errors, although a few may be present.
Writer is clearly in control of standard, written American English. No errors are present.
5.0 %APA Format
Correct APA format is not evident in the paper.
Correct APA format is infrequently used in the paper: Cover page, margins, double-spacing, font size, and all other elements of APA.
Correct APA format is inconsistently used in the paper: Cover page, margins, double-spacing, and all other elements of APA.
Correct APA format is mostly used in the paper: Cover page, margins, double-spacing, font size, and all other elements of APA. Correct APA format is mostly used in the paper: Cover page, margins, double-spacing, font size, and all other elements of APA.
Correct APA format is consistently used in the paper: Cover page, margins, double-spacing, font size, and all other elements of APA such as headings and pagination.
100 %Total Weightage
see attached part 1

Mary Smith, CNO, has just been named in a lawsuit along with two of her registered nurses. The lawsuit arose as a result of a patient’s hip fracture sustained as a result of a fall

In the clinical area, you may encounter a situation as the one mentioned below. It is of relevance because liability in clinical practice can occur, and it is vital that the nurse take appropriate steps to protect her/his license. Further, in this hypothetical, the chief nursing officer is also a named party on the claim even though she had no direct patient care with the patient (now the plaintiff). Consider how you would proceed in this circumstance. Prompt: In responding to the hypothetical case study, please use at least three evidence-based sources, as this is a scholarly endeavor. You must internally cite and list your sources using correct APA format. The paper must be organized using the questions listed below as subheadings. Begin with an introduction and then proceed with the questions. A conclusion subheading ties the paper together.
Mary Smith, CNO, has just been named in a lawsuit along with two of her registered nurses. The lawsuit arose as a result of a patient’s hip fracture sustained as a result of a fall. The two nurses named in the lawsuit were caring for the plaintiff on the day of the fall. Mary Smith, as CNO, claims that she had no involvement with the care that was provided to the patient and cannot fathom that she is also a named party on the claim. The lawsuit alleges negligence and seeks unspecified damages from all three nurses named. Discuss the following issues as they pertain to this case:
1. How does liability extend to the CNO?
2. What defenses are available to the CNO? In other words, what evidence can the CNO put forth to show that she should be dropped from the suit?
3. None of the nurses, including the CNO, have liability insurance. Is this a concern?
Why or why not? Guidelines for Submission: The short paper should follow these formatting guidelines: 2–4 pages in length, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA format (use at least three evidence-based sources).

Have you noticed that your toddler is having more tantrums?

1. Respond to classmate by extending their thoughts on how we can help children develop autonomy.
Have you noticed that your toddler is having more tantrums? Have you wondered why this is happening? Maybe you feel as if it is a result of something that you have done. Maybe you think that they are trying to be independent and express themselves. Whatever the cause it can be very frustrating. Having a good understanding of what tantrums are, why they are happening, and how to help put a stop to them, can be beneficial to both the parents and the child(s).
Maybe you have heard of Erikson’s stages of development. The one that I will be discussing in this letter is the Autonomy versus shame and doubt stage. “During this stage, caregivers need to find an appropriate goodness-of-fit between adult expectations (e.g., neatness, schedules, obedience to rules) and what the toddler isdevelopmentally capable of doing. Firm, pleasant control—without a sense of shame—and calm, acceptinghandling of conflicts can increase toddler autonomy. Caregivers should not focus on the toddler’s temporaryfailures; rather, support should be given to help the toddler achieve developmental tasks. This sensitive yetfirm support of the child’s struggle for autonomy increases a sense of secure attachment because it builds abond between the child and the caregiver as the caregiver responds to the child’s unique needs, providesfeedback to the child’s behavior, interprets his or her signals, and plays affectionately with him or her” (Wardle, 2013).
There are many characteristics of a tantrum, that I am sure that you already know. However, there may be some that you haven’t realized yet. So what exactly is a tantrum defined as? According to the article, Kicking and Screaming: Is It Really A Tantrum?!?, “A temper tantrum is an uncontrollable release of anger, lasting longer than a few minutes. Screaming, throwing, yelling, hitting, crying, biting, and head-banging are all hallmarks of tantrum behavior. Understanding why young children are prone to fierce and powerful emotional outbursts can help parents respond effectively with compassion and empathy. So what are some of the characteristics that we were talking about before?
Age: Sometime between 12-18 months old children start having intense emotional outbursts typically known as “tantrums.” Some children may only exhibit mild tantrums, some do not have them until closer to age three, and a few children will never have outward tantrums at all.
Intense: All healthy children (and adults) will occasionally cry, become angry, and exhibit brief emotional outbursts as a normal part of living. However, tantrums are intensely loud and physical, and of long duration – sometimes lasting as long as 20-30 minutes.
Inevitable: During a tantrum, children really do “lose it” – they are no longer rational or in control of their actions. Although tantrums can sometimes be avoided or prevented, once it begins, a tantrum generally cannot be stopped until the rage and frustration are fully released by the child.
Normal: Temper tantrums can be frustrating for a parent, but they are a normal part of development for toddlers as they learn to cope with the ‘big feelings’ of frustration and anger.
Diverse: A child’s personality and temperament are factors determining how often and how intense their tantrums become. Children who have more expressive tantrums may be more challenging for parents to deal with, but frequent tantrums are not necessarily indicative of anything more than a lively personality.
Now that we have an understanding of what the definition of a tantrum is and the characteristcs of said tantrum, how can we tackle this problem as a group? A great article to read for tantrums and how to help prevent them is, Temper Tantrum From KidsHealth. According to the article, “Tantrums should be handled differently depending on why your child is upset. Sometimes, you may need to provide comfort. Other times, its best to ignore an outburst and distract your child with a new activity. If your child is tired or hungry, it’s time for a nap or a snack. If a tantrum happens after your child is refused something, stay calm and don’t give a lot of explanations for why your child can’t have what he wants. Try to find something he can have. Move on to another activity with your child” (Temper Tantrum, 2018).
I hope with this letter that you have a better understanding of what tantrums are, why they happen, how they can be prevented, and how to help your child through them. Although the are frustrating, as long as we work together, we can help control them better! If you have an questions or concerns, please feel free to ask them! I will be more than glad to help answer whatever questions you may have. Below I have a list of great articles that I found online that may be helpful to you.

In this assignment, you will write an essay about the research methods and ethical implications of a social psychology study.


In this assignment, you will write an essay about the research methods and ethical implications of a social psychology study. You will get information about the study from one of the entries in the SPARQ “Solutions Catalog”, which is a web site maintained by Stanford University at SPARQ is an acronym for “Social Psychological Answers to Real-world Questions.” Each entry in the Solutions Catalog names a problem, and then offers a solution to that problem, based on a research study in social psychology.
To keep this assignment short and manageable, your only sources for this assignment should be from the SPARQ site and your course materials, such as your textbook. There is no need for you to cite any of the course materials. Therefore, no additional citations or references are needed, beyond those from the SPARQ site.
In this exercise, you will choose one of the entries in the SPARC site, and then write a two to three (2-3) page paper that meets the following requirements.
Begin your paper with a short introductory statement that clearly identifies the article from the SPARQ site that you are using, as well as the corresponding research article.  Model your statement after the following example:
The article I selected from the SPARQ website is entitled “Boost Grades by Reframing Failures” (Wilson, n.d.), which summarizes a research article (Wilson & Linville, 1982) on the topic.
Please note that there are two APA “in-text citations” in this example. The first citation “(Wilson, n.d.)” is an in-text citation for the SPARQ article. The SPARQ articles are undated, which means that there is no date of publication reported. The “n.d.” designation is an abbreviation for “no date”.
The second citation “(Wilson & Linville, 1982)”, is an in-text citation to the original research article. We are asking you to cite this paper for practice in using APA, but are not requiring you to read the original paper. Normally, you should cite only those articles that you actually read and used, but we’re making an exception here for the purposes of practice.
Briefly summarize the main details of your chosen social psychology research study. Identify the main research method(s) used in the study (e.g., case study, experiment, observation, etc.).
Explain whether or not you believe the research methodology that the researchers used in the study was the most appropriate for the study. Provide a rationale for your response.
Discuss whether or not you believe the research methodology used in the study is the one (1) method that provides researchers with the most information in general. Explain the main reasons why or why not.
Explain the major ethical implications of the selected study (e.g., informed consent, debriefing, etc.). Describe the main reasons why you believe the study was or was not ethical. Provide a rationale for your response.
The final section of your paper will be a reference section that contains a corresponding reference for both of the in-text citations in your introductory statement (see point #1, above). In APA-style citations, in-text citations must match up with a reference in the reference section. You can model your reference section after the following:
Wilson, T. D. (n.d.). Boost grades by reframing failures.  Retrieved from
Wilson, T. D. & Linville, P.W. (1982).  Improving the academic performance of college freshmen:  attribution therapy revisited.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42 (2), 367-376.
These examples follow the APA conventions for an Internet article, and a professional journal article, respectively.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Describe research methods that are used for studying social psychology.
Develop an increased understanding of the dynamic between society and individuals.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in social psychology.
Write clearly and concisely about social psychology using proper grammar and mechanics.