Personal Career Development Portfolio
Students will create a Career Development Portfolio for themselves.  The information that is presented in the portfolio must be discussed within the context of one of the theories we have learned throughout this class.  The portfolio will include the following sections
Demographic information
350-700 words (or 1-2 pages) of your career development concerns and why they are concerns (resume development, life planning, education, etc.) and what strategies you have for skill development
350-700 words (or 1-2 pages) of any cultural implications you need to consider and why (value of career, privileges, barriers, generational values
Select 2-3 types of assessments and discuss the results and implications (include a copy of these in an appendix)
Select two possible career paths.  Be sure to use the resources available to discuss the specifics about the course, including: salary, work schedule, daily work tasks, career path.  Cite any resources you used.
Write up a 700-1750 word (or 2-5 page) summary of the information and what it means to you.  Please include specifics about what you learned, what you see you need to do, and how you will use this information going forward.  Finally, include what you might do for yourself if you were your career counselor and why.  Bring in information from what you have learned this term.  Be sure to cite your resources.
Attach any assessments or activities you talk about or completed, as well as a cover letter and resume.
Point Value: 23 Points
Description: Students will create a Career Development Portfolio for themselves. The information that is presented in the portfolio must be discussed within the context of one of the theories we have learned throughout this class. The portfolio will include the following sections • Demographic information • 350-700 words (or 1-2 pages) of your career development concerns and why they are concerns (resume development, life planning, education, etc.) and what strategies you have for skill development • 350-700 words (or 1-2 pages) of any cultural implications you need to consider and why (value of career, privileges, barriers, generational values • Select 2-3 types of assessments and discuss the results and implications (include a copy of these in an appendix) • Select two possible career paths. Be sure to use the resources available to discuss the specifics about the course, including: salary, work schedule, daily work tasks, career path. Cite any resources you used. • Write up a 700-1750 word (or 2-5 page) summary of the information and what it means to you. Please include specifics about what you learned, what you see you need to do, and how you will use this information going forward. Finally, include what you might do for yourself if you were your career counselor and why. Bring in information from what you have learned this term. Be sure to cite your resources. Attach any assessments or activities you talk about or completed, as well as a cover letter and resume. Point value: 23 points Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 3 Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Total Possible Score: 23.00
Include all important demographic information including: age, gender, race/ethnicity, and education.
Total: 1.80
Clearly and fully Identifies all of the information listed in the assignment.
Clearly identifies most of the information listed in the assignment. May be missing one detail.
Identifies some of the information listed in the assignment, may be missing two details.
Does not identify most of the information listed in the assignment.
Does not identify any of the information listed in the assignment.
Describes career development concerns and why they are concerns.
Total: 1.50
Describes several concerns and thoughtfully and insightfully explains why they are concerns.
Describes several concerns and with some insight explains why they are concerns.
Describes few concerns and creates an explanation with a little insight as to why they are concerns.
Describes oTnly one concern and/or has little/no insight into why this is a concern.
Does not describe a concern or an explanation.
Select 2-3 types of assessments and discuss the results and implications.
Total: 2.00
Clearly identifies 2-3 assessments taken and thoroughly and with great insight discusses the results and implications.
Clearly identifies 2-3 assessments taken and thoughtfully discusses the results and implications.
Clearly identifies 2-3 assessments taken and discusses the results and implications.
Identifies 2-3 assessments taken and minimally discusses result and/or implications.
Does not identify any assessments and/or does not provide results and implications.
Cultural Implications
Total: 2.00
Describes several cultural implications and thoughtfully describes how they could impact career.
Describes several cultural implications and describes how they could impact career.
Describes a few cultural implications and describes how they could impact career.
Describes one cultural implication and/or minimally describes how it could impact career.
Does not discuss any cultural implications.
Selects two career paths and gives details about salary, work schedule, daily work tasks, career path course.
Total: 1.00
Identifies two career paths and gives details about all five of the listed variables or more.
Identifies two career paths and gives details about four of the listed variables.
Identifies two career paths and gives details about three of the listed variables.
Identifies one career path and gives details about the variables or identifies two career paths and gives details about one or two of the listed variables.
Does not identify any career path and no details about the paths are given.
Writes a summary of the information presented, what is means, how you will use it, and what you would do with yourself if you were a career counselor.
Total: 3.50
Provides a thorough and insightful summary of the information provided as well as a well thought out discussion of the meaning of the information, how it can be used, as well as an insightful analysis of how a career counselor would use this information with you.
Provides a thoughtful summary of the information provided as well as a well thought out discussion of the meaning of the information, how it can be used, as well as an somewhat insightful analysis of how a career counselor would use this information with you.
Provides a summary of the information provided as well as a discussion of the meaning of the information, how it can be used, as well as an analysis of how a career counselor would use this information with you.
Provides a minimal summary, that does not include everything covered in the portfolio and minimally interprets the data.  There is little discussion on how a career counselor would use this information.  OR this section has content but is incomplete.
There is no summary, no meaning presented, and no discussion about how this information would be used by a career counselor.
Attachments include two to three career assessments, a sample cover letter, and a sample resume.
Total: 2.00
Includes all required attachments.
Includes most of the required attachments; may be missing one.
Includes some of the required attachments; may be missing two.
Includes one attachment.
Does not include attachments.
Writing and Organization
Total: 4.60
5 – Demonstrates exemplary clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, flawless mechanics, and precise APA formatting.
4 – Demonstrates effective clarity and organization. The paper contains a well-articulated thesis statement, proper mechanics, and correct APA formatting.
3 – Demonstrates adequate clarity and organization. The paper contains a clear thesis statement, adequate mechanics, and mostly correct APA formatting.
2 – Demonstrates some clarity and organization. The paper contains an unclear thesis statement, poor mechanics, and improper APA formatting.
1 – Lacking clarity and organization. The paper lacks a thesis statement, effective mechanics, and proper APA formatting.
Total: 4.60
5 – Demonstrates exemplary critical analysis of the research materials.  The student comprehensively uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
4 – Demonstrates effective critical analysis of the research materials. The student fully uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
3 – Demonstrates adequate critical analysis of the research materials.  The student adequately uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
2 – Demonstrates some critical analysis of the research materials.  The student partially uses varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.
1 – Lacking critical analysis of the research materials. The student fails to use varied, scholarly, relevant, and current resources to inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving, and decision-making.

What overall accomplishment/ satisfaction does an individual achieve from being a BHS specialist?

Informational Interview
Dr. Robin Brooks is a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) and consultant at LSU Health Sciences Centre in Louisiana. She is also the founder and director of the ‘Putting the pieces together’ Behavioral Health Services (BHS) at LSU. Dr. Robin Brooks is a Ph.D. holder in Behavioral Health from Arizona State University, with over eleven years’ experience in the field. In his routine task, Dr. Brooks oversees developing treatment plans for all his patients, leading the therapy sessions, monitoring patient recovery, along with providing patient care and intervening upon crisis. Dr. Robin can be contacted directly in his LinkedIn bio or even contacted using the med facility administrative number +1504-568-4808 or street address number 433 Bolivar or on LinkedIn (
The primary reason for having the interview with Dr. Robin Brooks is to inquire his insights into a field of study I am passionate to join. I believe that information derived from the interview will be an eye-opener in encouraging me to excel as a future professional mental health counselor. Besides, I am motivated to play a part in alleviating the rising problem of increasing population of mentally challenged people in my society, considering that I also lost close relative due to such state of health (Donaldson et al., 2014).
Some of the fifteen questions I had drafted before-hand for the interview with Mr. Brooks in understanding the profession seek to inquire about:
1. Why did you choose the profession and what did you like in the profession?
2. Some of your challenging encounters as a BHS specialist?
3. Some of the memorable experience during your career?
4. What number of cases have you intervened and how many do you handle daily?
5. Which is the most intriguing case you have ever handled?
6. What other identified elements of work exposure that should be emphasized during classroom learning?
7. What other qualifications are important for new graduates joining in the field?
8. What are some of the ideal professional bodies you would recommend to students seeking to nature their career?
9. What are your motivation/ drive for working as a mental health specialist?
10. What overall accomplishment/ satisfaction does an individual achieve from being a BHS specialist?
11. What is your take about online degree and on-campus degree for the course?
12. What impact does the job has on one’s personal life?
13. What are your views regarding the level of professionalism and integrity that goes along with the job?
14. What other areas of majors are available for students pursuing this field?
15. What is your general take about the profession, and what is your advice to any student seeking to join the profession?
Interview Script
In commencing the interview, it is essential that the formalities of engagement be prioritized to facilitate a smooth discussion. Therefore, in my discussion, it will be important that I introduce myself with civility by first gesturing for the greeting (along with the hallway or pavement) before introducing myself and my purpose for visit. However, if in the office I would knock before proceeding with the introduction formalities. After which, I will ask for the interviewee consent to have a face-to-face interview, including other acknowledgments of how I seek to achieve the interview purpose (Crosby, 2014).
For example, “greeting Madam? My name is XXX, a final year student at Argosy University pursuing my degree as a social worker. We did communicate a week ago where you booked me an appoint today.” If she consents me to take a sit I will then proceed with the purpose of my invite. “I am glad to have joined you today and hoping to benefit much from your insights about life as a licensed professional social worker in the field”. Also, the interviewer must acknowledge the interviewee for his participation in the interview both through formal acknowledgement and a thank you note. For example, “thank you ones again for your time and patience, I am very grateful to be in your presence and for sharing in detail. I look forward to meet you again in future, all the best in your career and bye.” Generally, it is important to conduct self diligently to enhance the cordial relationship and atmosphere important to encouraging a good interaction platform (Crosby, 2014). Also, it is essential that the interviewer asks for permission all the time when seeking to include other instruments for the interview, or when seeking clarity. Good communication etiquette is paramount to the success of an interview process (Crosby, 2014).



Preparing for the Informational Interview
Begin to prepare for this informational interview by identifying the professional you plan to interview. Ideally, the professional should be engaged in a career that you hope to pursue. (You may want to identify a second candidate in case your initial choice is unable to complete the interview with you.) This professional may work in your local area, but that is not necessary. If you cannot identify a professional easily, ask your friends and family if they know anyone who works in the field of psychology. You may also want to phone your local community mental health center or social services agency to ask for names and contact information of potential professionals you could interview. Contact your facilitator for guidance if you have difficulty in identifying someone.
In a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document, address the following:
Provide the following identifying information about the individual you have selected:
The name
The job title (licensed psychologist, social worker, or case manager)
The level of education (a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree)
A description of job responsibilities or day-to-day tasks
The type of license, if applicable
The state of residence and practice
The e-mail address or phone number
Develop a list of at least fifteen questions to ask in your informational interview. Research possible questions to include using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet. Refer to the Job Resources document to conduct an Internet search using the search terms “informational interview questions” in order to find suggested questions. Be sure to put them into your own words for the purpose of this assignment and to give credit to your source by using in-text citations and a reference list in APA format.
Ask the interviewee about his or her work, academic preparation, and advice. In addition, include the interviewee’s answers to questions on the following topics:
The experience, skills, and knowledge necessary for success in a career in psychology or in graduate school
Relevant professional organizations
His or her views on professional ethics and academic integrity
The role of psychological research in his or her work
His or her greatest challenges and rewards
His or her reasons for choosing the field
Develop a script (word-for-word written statement) that you will use during the warm-up (meet-and-greet) portion of the interview. What will you say to the interviewee when you meet him or her? What will you do? For example, will you shake the person’s hand and introduce yourself? Include small talk of a professional nature that will serve as an introduction and explanation of the purpose of the interview. Demonstrate in your script your ability to interact professionally and effectively in a professional environment.
This assignment is preparatory work for the interview to be conducted later in this course. Do not conduct the interview for this assignment.
Submission Details:
Write a 1–2-page paper in Microsoft Word format. Apply APA standards to cite sources.



Unit V Essay
Wade and Tavris explain that various factors combine to influence one’s thinking patterns, intelligence, and memories. In fact, we often embrace certain biases and mental shortcuts to assist our cognitive processing. These efforts can prove both costly and beneficial. This assignment is divided into parts, so it is suggested that you begin working on it in advance. PSY 1010, General Psychology 3
Find a popular press article or story from the nightly news in which someone argues a point that you disagree with. Write a paragraph agreeing with this person. Allow one day before moving on to the next part. Make sure at least one day has passed since writing the first paragraph. Now, write another paragraph disagreeing with the person. You will include both of these paragraphs in your essay. Discuss the differences between your arguments from the first paragraph in which you agree and the second paragraph in which you disagree. Elaborate on whether you think that your opinion has changed on this topic, particularly thinking about your initial thoughts on the topic before you wrote either paragraph. In your discussion, incorporate research from the textbook to explain how reasoning, intelligence, and memories influenced your arguments. How did cognitive dissonance affect your reasoning abilities? Your response should be at least two pages in length, but it can be longer if necessary to address all aspects of the assignment. You must use the textbook and at least one additional source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. If you need further help with your essay, you should consult with the Writing Center staff, allowing enough time to receive guidance and feedback. You can email the Writing Center at