With reference appropriate models and theories, examine the ways in which attitudes to change within an organisation can be adapted in order to improve performance


Using the attached case study:With reference appropriate models and theories, examine the ways in which attitudes to change within an organisation can be adapted in order to improve performance
Evaluate the potential influences upon organisational culture and sub cultures and demonstrate your understanding of the ways in which they can affect each other
Analyse the ways in which individual personalities and power relationships could influence management styles within the organisation

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The Assignment Brief
With reference to the attached case study,
Guide to weightings for the assessment
(30)% With reference appropriate models and theories, examine the ways in which attitudes to change within an organisation can be adapted in order to improve performance
(30%) Evaluate the potential influences upon organisational culture and sub cultures and demonstrate your understanding of the ways in which they can affect each other
(30%) Analyse the ways in which individual personalities and power relationships could influence management styles within the organisation
(10)% Greater credit will be given to work showing originality, a holistic response to the task and reference to current data/examples to support points made.
Word Count: 2,500 +/- 10%
Outcomes met by this assessment:
Knowledge and understanding:
Evaluate the global nature of contemporary business organisations and the environmental factors which impact upon international operations
Evaluate resource management issues which arise as a result of
operating in an international market.
Evaluate a range of management issues associated with
International operations
Apply theoretical models/concepts to a range of international
Management situations
Analyse complex issues, arguments and tasks associated with the
Management of international organisations
Assessment criteria
You will be assessed in accordance with the assessment criteria as detailed in the course handbook.
The Wakewood Organisation
The Wakewood organisation comprises seven units, each of which has been managed autonomously over the last five years. Each unit is managed by a General Manager and comprises one or more product/service departments and other staff departments. Each unit is, in effect, an autonomous…

Explain the difference between continuous theories and discontinuous theories of development, citing examples of theories and theorists from the text for each.


1.Explain the difference between continuous theories and discontinuous theories of development, citing examples of theories and theorists from the text for each.2.Define and discuss the following Piagetian terms:
3.Describe in outline format the major characteristics of each of Piaget’s four stages of development, including the respective age groups.
4.List and describe the educational implications of Piaget’s Theory.
5.List and describe the classroom applications of Vygotsky’s developmental theory.
6.Define the following:
a.conservation task
b.object permanence
c.zone of proximal development
d.psychosocial crisis
7.What implications do Erikson’s psychosocial stages have for teaching elementary students? Adolescents? Be sure to define and discuss the relevant stages according to Erikson.
8.List and describe Piaget’s and Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. Define and comment on the three program levels (global, local, and individual) for fostering moral development in the classroom.

Discuss how that character typifies the stage and how the character is resolving the conflict.


please please i need help for the following assignment for psychologyYour group has been hired by an advertising firm that is developing a series of commercials for family-oriented products geared toward the entire family. They want to develop a series of commercials that will target family members at various life stages. Your group needs to thoroughly describe Erikson’s theory of Psychosocial development. In your description of each stage, identify and analyze a television, movie, or literary character for each stage of the theory. Discuss how that character typifies the stage and how the character is resolving the conflict. The marketing firm will use this information as they develop commercials targeting each developmental stage. Finally, provide a review of three recent studies relating to EriksonÂ’s theory of development from the list below.
The advertising firm has requested that you submit a 4 to 5 page report summarizing your research in this area. Therefore, your group should submit one combined Word document that conforms to the following directions:
· Give a description of Erikson’s theory, including the stages of development using the criteria listed above.
· Identify a character at each stage.
· Choose three of the following studies found in the Library article search engine Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection.
· For each one you choose, describe the study and discuss how it supports or does not support the information you have written in your report about Erikson. Specifically:
o Which particular aspects of the theory does the study examine?
o Do the experimental or discussion results strengthen or weaken the theory and you ideas? Why?
o Do you agree or disagree with the conclusions? Why or why not?
The following articles can be found using the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection database, available on the Find Articles and Books page of the library.
· Reexamining Gender Issues in Erikson’s Stages of Identity and Intimacy by Horst, Elisabeth A.
· Individuation and Attachment in Personality Development: Extending Erikson’s Theory by Franz, Carol E.; White, Kathleen M.
· Egocentrism in Older Adults: Piaget’s Three Mountains Task Revisited by McDonald, Lorraine; Stuart-Hamilton, Ian.
· Piaget on Childhood by Siegler, Robert S.; Ellis, Shari.
· Vygotsky and Identity Formation: A Sociocultural Approach by Penuel, William R.; Wertsch, James V.
· Attachment, Social Rank, and Affect Regulation: Speculations on an Ethological Approach to Family Interaction by Sloman, Leon; Atkinson, Leslie; Milligan, Karen; Liotti, Giovanni.
· An Ethological Perspective by Stevenson-Hinde, Joan.
· Integrating Biological, Behavioral, and Social Levels of Analysis in Early Child Development: Progress, Problems, and Prospects by Granger, Douglas A.; Kivlighan, Katie T.
· Nonshared Environmental Influences on Individual Differences in Early Behavioral Development: A Monozygotic Twin Differences Study by Asbury, Kathryn; Dunn, Judith F.; Pike, Alison; Plomin, Robert.
· The Home Environments of Children in the United States Part II: Relations with Behavioral Development through Age Thirteen by Bradley, Robert H.; Corwyn, Robert F.; Burchinal, Margaret; McAdoo, Harriette Pipes; Garcia Coll, Cynthia.
· Relationships Among Paternal Involvement and Young Children’s Perceived Self-Competence and Behavioral Problems by Culp, Rex E.; Schadle, Stephanie; Robinson, Linda; Culp, Anne M.
As with all assignments in which you are referring to someone else’s writing, cite any sources used and format them according to the requirements of the APA style guide. This formatting includes, but is not limited to, the following guidelines:
· Margins – set to one inch
· Font – 12 pt. Times New Roman, no bold, or underline
· Title – center above the paper, 12 pt. font (Level A Heading), no bold, underline, or italics
· Pagination – every page; consists of a header containing a short title for the paper and page number placed in the upper right corner of the page
· Line Spacing – double space all work including the References Page.
· Point-of-View – third person, objective; limit perspective to research; no personal opinion or narrative
· In-text citations – must conform to APA requirements
· References list – must conform to APA requirements

Now that we have taken a look at this topic what about the issue of emotional intelligence?


Great work on getting a handle on the issues of general intelligence. It sounds like we have a variety of debated ideas this week in this DQ and that is outstanding for moving us forward and helping us to glean from each others perspectives the power of enhanced knowledge. Now that we have taken a look at this topic what about the issue of emotional intelligence? Take a look at these findings: This is a new definition as of December 17, 2007. It is based on the academic work of the Jack Mayer and Peter Salovey. This definition differs from the Mayer Salovey definition in one very important way because it emphasizes that emotional intelligence an innate potential.In other words, each baby is born with a specific and unique potential for these components of emotional intelligence:
1. Emotional sensitivity
2. Emotional memory
3. Emotional processing ability
4. Emotional learning ability
Because the definition offered here is based on an innate potential, it makes a very important distinction between this inborn potential and what actually happens to that potential over a person’s life. What do we need to know about this concept that will help us understand our discussion this week?