Outline the history of special education in the United States


1. On pages 689 and 690 of Chapter 20 there is a list of several specific learning disabilities.  Please select and describe three of these learning disabilities.  2. What will be some personal or professional challenges you anticipate when working with children or      adolescents with disabilities?  3. Please list and describe at least one local resource for children or teens with the following disabilities. Include the address and phone number and services provided by these agencies: a. autism b. deafc. blindd. developmentally delayed
Chapter Objectives
•       Outline the history of special education in the United States
•       Explain the categories of disabilities
•       Discuss the procedures for IDEA and Section 504 in the schools
•       Describe some counseling strategies for children with special needs
•       Talk about working with the families of children with disabilities
The Situation
•       Children with disabilities are different from the norm
•       Their problem is just as much society’s perception as the limitation of the child
•       Counseling is only partially about the special need
•       It is more about dealing with society’s reaction to it and the effects of those reactions on the child
•       They are often treated poorly both at school and at home

Describe two ethical violations and two instances of professional misconduct presented in the case study

Ethical Violations—When Things Go Wrong
Most complaints against clinical mental health counselors are in the areas of competence and conduct (e.g., client abandonment, sexual conduct, dishonesty); business practices (e.g., billing, reports, documentation); and professional practices (e.g., termination referrals, employment opportunities, nonprofessional relationships).
Specific information regarding ethical complaints to state licensure boards, despite its obvious importance, can be difficult to obtain. Complaints can be filed by clients, colleagues, attorneys, or some other interested party, such as an employer or parent of a client. The process of investigating these complaints is quite tedious and can lead to actions or sanctions against the counselor. This, in turn, can affect the counselor’s ability to practice. Clearly, no counselors are exempt from having complaints filed against them; therefore, the best protection is to maintain an ethical practice.
For this Discussion, use the Case Study Analysis Worksheet located in the Learning Resources for this week. Then select one case study from the ACA Ethical Standards Casebook and consider potential consequences of engaging in these violations and how you would safeguard against them in your own counseling practice.
Post by Day 3 a brief description of the case study you selected from the ACA Ethical Standards Casebook. Describe two ethical violations and two instances of professional misconduct presented in the case study. Explain one consequence that may result from each of these situations. Finally, explain what you would do to safeguard against each in your counseling practice.
Be sure to use the Learning Resources and the current literature to support your response.

What are some of your basic values that guide your work and your life?

Final Project: Reflective Ethical Autobiography
In the Final Project for this course, you are to develop a reflective Ethical Autobiography, intended to define your ethical perspective as an emerging counselor in training.
In order to understand clearly where you are headed, you must also evaluate where you have been and what has influenced you along the way. It is important to reflect critically upon your own values (and sense of personal/professional ethics) and how you developed these perspectives in order to develop an ethical framework. To help accomplish this goal, the Final Project for this course is an Ethical Autobiography in which you will explore various elements of your life experiences that might influence your future ethical framework.
As you reflect on your journey through this class, some of the course readings may have informed your Ethical Autobiography. You can also make use of outside resources, but much of the paper will be exploring what you bring to the profession and events that may have influenced your ethical lens. This reflective autobiography should have personal meaning to you and should help you understand what being an ethical practitioner means. In this sense, you are writing an intellectual and Ethical Autobiography, that is, who you are as virtue of what you believe, what you do, and what you have read. Think broadly—there are no wrong answers; you are exploring your own world.
You may find the following article helpful, as you begin conceptualizing your Final Project:

  • Bashe, A., Anderson, S. K., Handelsman, M. M., & Klevansky, R. (2007). An acculturation model for ethics training: The ethics autobiography and beyond. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38(1), 60–67.

For Your Consideration: (The points outlined below are intended as prompts for developing the essential elements of your Final Project).
Some examples of questions/issues that you can address:

  • You may share how you developed a sense of right and wrong.
  • Who/what influenced your moral and ethical development?
  • What experiences contributed to your personal and professional beliefs? Are your personal and professional beliefs congruent?
  • What is your idea of right and wrong? Are there absolutes or are there shades of gray? Do the same guidelines apply in all circumstances?
  • What are some of your basic values that guide your work and your life? What experiences have potentially influenced your decision making?
  • What aspects of your personality and work ethic are most compatible with the counseling field? Which aspects are the least compatible?
  • Was there a time, in your personal or professional life, when you felt that your confidentiality was violated, that you were involved in a dual relationship in which you felt uncomfortable, or perhaps an issue resonated unexpectedly with you (e.g., transference)?

Essential Elements (You must address the points outlined below in your Final Project.):

  • Select four counseling issues, describe these issues, and explain potential ethical challenges for addressing these issues in your professional practice.
  • Explain state or region laws or statutes that might apply to these ethical challenges.
  • Reference specific codes of ethics that you ascribe to for your practice and how adhering to ethics and law present challenges for addressing these issues you selected.
  • Explain why this Assignment is meaningful to you.
  • Describe how adhering to ethics and law for professional counseling practice might influence social change.
  • Finally, explain how you have changed because of your work in this class. Describe personal and ethical values you have reexamined because of your work in this course.

You should present your Final Project as a 12- to 15-page (including cover page, abstract, and references—therefore, approximately 10–12 pages of text), double-spaced, APA-formatted paper. Papers can be longer if the purpose of the paper is served, but the quality of ideas and conciseness of the writing should justify the extra length. Also, please proofread your papers to make sure that grammar, punctuation, and other mistakes do not hinder the communication of your ideas.
Your Instructor will evaluate your Final Project according to all four indicators in the  Final Project Rubric, located in the Course Information area.
Furthermore, you will be evaluated on your ability to:

  • Develop your ability to think about, use, and integrate what you have read. You should go beyond just a summary of what you have read. You should also be well balanced in your arguments, and go beyond the obvious (e.g., “we should be aware of ethical issues and follow the ACA Code”) into specifics, gray areas, and more subtle questions.
  • Demonstrate that you have learned something from this course on ethical decision making.
  • Clearly communicate your reflective thinking.

You can find information on scholarly writing in the APA Publication Manual and at the WaldenU Writing Center website.

What are some reasons for using a case study approach?

Case Study Paper Instructions
There are many methods available for conducting research, one of which is a case study. The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to conduct and complete a case study.
Instructions: Answer the following 4 questions using current APA format throughout. This includes your title page, running head, author note, appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure, introductory statement, citations, page numbers, levels of headings throughout the document, and consistency between your citations and references. Use your course textbooks and at least 2 additional scholarly references. This assignment must have a title page, 2–4 pages of content, and a reference page. Give the answers to these questions in your own words and with your own explanation. Cite and list your various sources as references. Create your own phrase for a properly-formatted level one heading for each question so as to be clear about which item you are answering. Your headings must not be simply copied/pasted from the questions. An acceptable heading must clearly capture the essence of each question.
1.      What is a case study?
2.      What are some reasons for using a case study approach?
3.      What are advantages and disadvantages of this approach?
4.      Where, or in what ways, can a researcher acquire information/data that can be used for a case study? In other words, what are some various sources for information that a researcher can use in a case study? Note: For question 4, these are 2 ways of stating the same question; these are not 2 separate questions.
Case Study Paper Grading Rubric
Points Possible
Points Earned
Criteria #1
0 to 50 points
Current APA format is used throughout the document. The paper must also include the following:
·         Properly-formatted title page and references (the course textbooks and at least 2 additional scholarly references);
·         The required length (2–4 pages);
·         Proper citations;
·         Introductory statement;
·         Levels of headings;
·         Consistency between citations and references;
·         Appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure; and
·         Proper structure for a case study approach.
Criteria #2
0 to 25 points
·        All 4 assigned questions are addressed.
·        Sufficient explanation for each question is provided.
·        A properly-formatted level one heading with your own phrase is present for each question.