What other factors influence your perception?

Unit III Essay

Wade and Tavris explain that each person’s body experiences ups and downs throughout the typical day. In fact, biological rhythms, the fluctuations that occur in one’s biological system, dictate numerous factors within one’s body, including hormones, urine output, blood pressure, and our reactions to stimuli. Most of the time, our biological rhythms are in sync with the external environment, and they typically occur within a 24-hour cycle known as circadian rhythms. In this assignment, you will keep an hourly record of your mental alertness level for a minimum of three days using the following five-point scale:
PSY 1010, General Psychology 2 1–extremely drowsy or mentally lethargic 2–somewhat drowsy or mentally lethargic 3–moderately alert 4–alert and efficient 5–extremely alert and efficient At the end of your observation period, you should compose an essay that defines circadian rhythms and explains how one’s biological clock works. Additionally, you should describe what happens when it does not work properly. You must also address the following questions in your essay:
Did your level of alertness follow a certain pattern or circadian rhythm? Did you reach a noticeable high and low point once every 24 hours, or did you have a shorter rhythm? Did your level of alertness rise and fall numerous times throughout the day? If you performed this activity on the weekend, were your cycles the same as during the week? Finally, think about how this experiment affects your life and your perception. What other factors influence your perception? To conclude your essay, you should discuss four psychological factors that could be used to explain how you perceived the world around you.
Draw on the research from the textbook as you compose your essay. In addition to your textbook, you must use at least one other academic source. Your response should contain an introduction and conclusion and be at least one page in length, but it can be longer if necessary to address all aspects of the assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Describe the impact that violence and social media can have on behaviors.

Unit IVArticle Review psychology

Wade and Tavris explain that various factors combine to influence one’s thinking patterns and behaviors. Most would agree that we are inundated with outside influences on a continuous basis. The need to stay connected to various forms of media is growing by leaps and bounds. Have you ever wondered what impact media consumption could be having in your life? Can viewing violent acts lead to vicious behaviors later? One particular area worthy of closer examination relates to one’s environment and how extraneous information can intrude our waking and restful thoughts.
In fact, research conducted by Van den Bulck, Cetin, Terzi, and Bushman (2016) revealed that violent and sexual media viewing can not only influence one’s memories, but this content can have an impact on dreams as well. Read the article listed below. Van den Bulck, J., Cetin, Y., Terzi, O., & Bushman, B. J. (2016). Violence, sex, and dreams: Violent and sexual media content infiltrate our dreams at night. Dreaming, 26(4), 271-279. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=pdh&AN=2016-54555-001&site=ehost-live&scope=site
After reading the article, write a review of the article that discusses the featured study, literature from the text, and your opinion of the article as well. Your review should also relate back to the information covered in Unit IV. In your review, be sure to include the following items: Briefly introduce and summarize the article. Identify the authors’ main points.
Explain how the study’s results may differ if conducted in the United States as opposed to using Turkish participants. Keep in mind that Turkey has stricter sexual media censorship rules than the United States, and violations of such can produce regulation fines.
Explain additional factors that influence learning, conditioning, and behaviors as outlined in the textbook. Examine how one’s dreams influence external behaviors. Describe the impact that violence and social media can have on behaviors. Relate the article back to this course.
Does it support the information in your textbook? Your article review must be a minimum of two pages in length. You must reference the assigned article and your textbook. If necessary, you may use other scholarly sources to support your review as well. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Please be sure to cite any outside sources, and format your paper in accordance with proper APA formatting.

How does the opponent-process theory explain why drug addiction is so difficult to break?

Opponent-Process Theory

Opponent-Process Theory
The opponent-process theory suggests that we often experience emotions in opposing pairs such as fear and relief or pleasure and pain. When we experience one end of the spectrum, the other end is temporarily suppressed and thus we rarely experience the two at the same time. However, there are times when we experience both emotions before the first emotion fades. When this happens, the experience can be uncomfortable or even strangely enjoyable.
A good example of this process is skydiving, which was the basis of the primary research into this theory. When a person skydives for the very first time, the jump elicits high levels of fear and relatively low levels of pleasure, even upon landing. However, as the skydiver gains more experience, the level of fear decreases while pleasure increases. Often, the skydiver feels both at the same time, resulting in high levels of excitement.
Another example is shopping and the guilt that often follows. For example, a woman finds a new dress that she loves but not having the money, she charges the new dress. She immediately feels excitement and pleasure with her new purchase. However, soon after getting home, she begins to feel guilt for charging a dress that she wanted, but did not really need.
Now, read the following article:

  • Solomon, R. L., & Corbit, J. D. (1974). An opponent-process theory of motivation: I. temporal dynamics of affect. Psychological Review, 81(2), 119–145. doi:10.1037/h0036128. (ProQuest Document ID: 614270014) http://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?sch=auo&turl=http://search.ebscohost.com.libproxy.edmc.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=pdh&AN=1974-26855-001&site=eds-live docview/614270014?accountid=34899

Based on your analysis of the article, explain in detail how the opponent-process theory works. Be sure to address the following:

  • How does the opponent-process theory explain why drug addiction is so difficult to break?
  • With this understanding, what can a person do to affect their emotions in a way that helps them break their addiction?

Write your initial response in 3–4 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Explain what stage of development the child in your scenario would be in according to Freud, Erikson, and Piaget.

Assignment Details: 501-1 Unit 2
Nature v. Nurture
This Assignment assesses the following course outcome:
HN501-1: Examine theories of human development.
For this Assignment, you will write a case scenario that explores information related to development and the impact of nature versus nurture for a child who is anywhere between the ages of 3 through 12. You can have the child living with biological parents, a single parent, a grandparent or other family member, a foster parent, and so on. In your case, make sure that you discuss specific negative and positive influences in this child’s life. Include influences such as: church, school, peers, family members, neighbors, the media, culture, and community social services. Present a thorough current picture of the child, and also include their history. After presenting the case scenario, respond to the following statements:
1.    Explain what stage of development the child in your scenario would be in according to Freud, Erikson, and Piaget. Specify the details of development that apply to the stage of development your child is in.
2.    Illustrate how the child in your scenario is impacted according to Bonfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory. Examine the influences present in the child’s microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem.
3.    Analyze how the child in your scenario is impacted from a nature versus nurture standpoint.
Your Assignment should reflect professional writing standards using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and reflect knowledge of human service theories. This paper should be 4-6 pages (not including the cover page and reference page) in APA style format. Your paper should include a minimum of three sources.