
Health Behavior Analysis Project

Health Behavior Analysis Project
The HBA project is an exploration of your personal health and nutrition status based on foods you consume, your daily physical activity, and your personal and current body measurements at a certain snapshot in time. You will conduct this project in a Scientific Method framework.  You will use the following tools to collect your BaselineMeasurement Data described in the project: Nutrition AnalysisPhysical Activity Survey and Personal Anthropometry Assessment.
Nutrition Analysis (Dietary Intake) – Choose 3 Days you will use to record your dietary intake on the enclosed forms. This must include one weekend, and 2 weekdays. Study the measurement techniques first so that you are better able to accurately record intake. Consider using tools such as your smart phone, small notepad or other recording device that you can have with you at all times as our memories can often change the detail if we delay. Physical Activity Survey – This section will be divided into 2 areas. 1) Record any formal activity you participate in. This might include dance class, soccer practice, your time working out in the gym or outside of the gym          2). This area consists of general activities of daily living or, activities you might not consider as “exercise” but is never the less important to your overall health. These could include walking from the “el” rather that riding the bus, vacuuming at home, taking the stairs rather than the elevator, shoveling snow from your sidewalk etc., Bet you didn’t think this could matter!Personal Anthropometry – using the worksheet, record all measurements: height, weight, abdominal girth and hips at widest point.  You will also calculate your BMI. Please be assured that this information will not be shared and that honesty is the best policy!
Dietary Intake Instructions:
·      Keep food records for 3 consecutive days (15 pts)

  1. Include 1 weekend day.  The goal is for the records to represent your usual eating habits.
  2. Record EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth including water and small tastings
  3. Record the time that you eat or drink.  Write it down immediately. Consider using tools such as your smart phone, small notepad or other recording device that you can have with you at all times.  Don’t trust your memory!
  4. Record the amount of each item
  5. Record how it was prepared (baked, fried, roasted) and any additives/sauces (mayonnaise, butter, salad dressing)
  6. Use the Hunger/Fullness Scale to record your level of fullness.
  • Estimating Portions
  1. Important for making your analysis accurate.  Actual measurements are the best: use a measuring cup or food scale.
  2. Read labels and estimate the portion of food you consumed to the nearest ounce, cup, tablespoon,

or other common measure.

  1. If you need to estimate, here are some tips:
  • Once you’ve input your information into “SuperTracker” generate the following reports using the averages from your three days of intake. The averages can be found following the reports for individual days 1-3. Print the following reports with the data from the averages of your three days:
    • Food Groups & Calories Report
    • Nutrients Reports
    • Meal Summary Report
  • Finally, use these reports as well as MyPlate as a comparison to answer the questions included on the page below. Most of the answers to these questions can be found by examining the reports. (25pts)

To summarize, Part 1 should include the following:

  • The above 3 reports from “SuperTracker” (25pts)
  • Personal three day food diary (15pts)
  • Physical Activity Worksheet (5 pts)
  • Personal Anthropometry Worksheet (5 pts)

Use the 3 reports to answer the following questions
·      You should submit the 3 reports with the following nutrient critiques.
·      Answer the Conclusion/Discussion questions.
Fruits & Vegetables

  1. How does your 3 day average for fruit and vegetableintake compare to the goals set forth by “My Plan”?  How does your carbohydrate intake compare to the recommendation of 45-65% of calories coming from carbohydrates? (hint: refer to “nutrients reports”)  (5 pts)

2.  Does your “Grain” intake meet the recommendations set forth by “My Plan”?  Do you meet your target for “whole grains” and “refined grains”?  How does your “dietary fiber” intake compare to the recommended “target” fiber intake? (hint: find out your fiber intake by looking on “nutrient reports”).  If it does, list which foods you ate that contributed to your fiber intake.  If it did not, name 2 foods you could eat to increase your consumption of dietary fiber? (5 pts)
1.  How does your “total fat” intake compare to the recommendation of 20-35% of calories should come from fat? (hint: refer to “nutrients reports”). Name 3 foods that you ate that contributed the most to your fat intake. (5 pts)
2.  How does your saturated fat intake compare to the recommendation of <10% of calories? (hint: refer to nutrient reports)   List 2 foods that you ate that contained saturated fats and state the actual amount of saturated fat that the foods contain. (Hint: if the sat fat is not listed in your report, google it) (5pts)
3.  How does your daily cholesterol intake compare with the suggested limit of <300 mg/day? (hint: refer to “nutrients report”)   (2 pts)  Name 1 food you ate that contributed the most to your cholesterol intake.

  1. How does your 3 day average of protein foods compare to the goals set forth by “My Plan”?  Comment on the types of protein foods you consumed (i.e. Seafood group, Meat, poultry and eggs group, or Nuts, seeds & soy group) which group did you consume the most of?  How does your protein intake compare to the recommendation that 10-35% of total kcals in your diet should come from protein? List 2 foods that contributed the most to your protein intake (6pts)

2.    Give an example of an animal protein and a non-meat protein source.(2pts)
Conclusion/Discussion Questions (20 points)

  1. Describe your experience keeping food records. Did you think it was an easy or difficult task?  How beneficial do you think it would be for someone who is trying to make eating behavior changes to keep food records?  Do you think that the majority of people would be compliant to this task? (2 pts)
  2. Did you only eat when you were hungry?  Did you eat at times when you felt full?  What do you think may have contributed to when you ate other than being hungry?  Did you find that you ate larger portions when you went longer periods of time without eating?  Can you identify any patterns of eating based on your hunger level? (2 pts)

3.   How many “Empty Calories” did you have? (hint: refer to “Food Groups & Calories Report”).  These are  foods  that provide little to no nutrition other than the sugar or fat.  Of those empty calories, how many came from “solid fats” and “added sugars”?  List 3 foods that you ate that contributed to these empty calories. If you consumed the “recommended amount”…Good for You!!!  (3 pts)
4.   Calculate the percentage of your calories coming from “added sugars”.  The American Heart Association suggests adult women should get not more than 5 teaspoons (20 grams) of sugar per day, adult men shouldn’t get more than 9 teaspoons (36 grams) of added sugars per day.  How do you compare? (3 pts)
5.  How much sodium do you take in over the 3 day average?  How does that compare to the recommendation to keep sodium intake at < 2300 mg/day? List 3 foods that contributed the most to your sodium intake and    state the actual amount of sodium in those foods. (2pts)
6.  How does your activity level compare to guidelines set forth by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)?  (see chart in Ch 14 book).  Comment on the specifics of the recommendations given and how they compare to your activities.  Evaluate your “overall” activity levels.  Are you physically active most days of the week? (2 pts)
7.  Is your waist circumference below the “high-risk” waist circumference of 40” for a male and 35” for a      female? (1 pts)
8.  Does your BMI fall in the underweight, healthy weight, overweight or obese category?  Comment on your findings.  If your BMI does not fall in the “healthy” category what would be an appropriate “goal weight” based on the BMI chart? (1 pts)
9.  List 4 specific and measurable goals/things you can do to improve your overall eating and/or exercise habits based on the results from the assignment above? (4 pts)

Describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of addictions

Psychology homework help
14) Be familiar with medical and pharmaceutical resources in the treatment of addictive disease and other substance-related disorders.
103) Describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of addictions.
7-1. Describe the potential risks of the following:
A. Over-the-counter drugs
B. Dietary supplements
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:
3) Describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, on the consumer and significant others.
4) Recognize the potential for substance use disorders to mimic a variety of medical and psychological disorders, and the potential for medical and psychological disorders to co-exist with addiction and substance abuse.
14) Be familiar with medical and pharmaceutical resources in the treatment of addictive disease and other substance-related disorders.
103) Describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of addictions.
7-2. What are some of the reasons why people use performance-enhancing drugs? Do you think that people can become dependent on performance-enhancing drugs?
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:
3) Describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, on the consumer and significant others.
14) Be familiar with medical and pharmaceutical resources in the treatment of addictive disease and other substance-related disorders.
26) Screen for alcohol and other drug toxicity, withdrawal symptoms, aggression or danger to others, and potential for self-inflicted harm or suicide.
103) Describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of addictions.
8-1. How would you explain the challenges regarding which disorder came first, the mental illness or the addiction? Provide an example to support your explanation.
This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standards:
5.C.2.e. Potential for substance use disorders to mimic and/or co-occur with a variety of neurological, medical, and psychological disorders.
5.C.2.g. Impact of biological and neurological mechanisms on mental health.
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:
3) Describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, on the consumer and significant others.
14) Be familiar with medical and pharmaceutical resources in the treatment of addictive disease and other substance-related disorders.
103) Describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of addictions.
8-2. How would you incorporate psychopharmacological treatment when working with a client suffering from anxiety and addiction? What types of medication would you expect the client to be prescribed? What medications should not be prescribed?
This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standard: 5.C.2.h. Classifications, indications, and contraindications of commonly prescribed psychopharmacological medications for appropriate medical referral and consultation.
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:
3) Describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, on the consumer and significant others.
4) Recognize the potential for substance use disorders to mimic a variety of medical and psychological disorders, and the potential for medical and psychological disorders to co-exist with addiction and substance abuse.
14) Be familiar with medical and pharmaceutical resources in the treatment of addictive disease and other substance-related disorders.
103) Describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of addictions.
Each Question must be answered with 150-200 words with a cite in each one.
Question: how are you today
Answer: I am doing well “Sun is out bright” (2009)
Question: Where are you going today?
Answer: To the lake and “the sun was to bright” (2009)
Reference at the bottom on the pages

Describe the medical and spiritual uses of hallucinogens both currently and in the past

Psychology homework help
5-1. What are some of the chronic and acute physiological effects of alcohol use?
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:
3) Describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, on the consumer and significant others.
14) Be familiar with medical and pharmaceutical resources in the treatment of addictive disease and other substance-related disorders.
26) Screen for alcohol and other drug toxicity, withdrawal symptoms, aggression or danger to others, and potential for self-inflicted harm or suicide.
103) Describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of addictions.
5-2. According to the latest version of the DSM, what are the signs and symptoms of alcohol use disorder?
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:
3) Describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, on the consumer and significant others.
9) Understand the established diagnostic criteria for substance dependence and abuse, and describe treatment modalities and placement criteria within the continuum of care.
14) Be familiar with medical and pharmaceutical resources in the treatment of addictive disease and other substance-related disorders.
103) Describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of addictions.
6-1. Describe the medical and spiritual uses of hallucinogens both currently and in the past.
This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standard:
5.C.2.h. Classifications, indications, and contraindications of commonly prescribed psychopharmacological medications for appropriate medical referral and consultation.
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:
3) Describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, on the consumer and significant others.
14) Be familiar with medical and pharmaceutical resources in the treatment of addictive disease and other substance-related disorders.
103) Describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of addictions.
6-2. Consider the physiological effects of the so-called “designer” drugs. What are the dangers of these drugs?
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:
3) Describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, on the consumer and significant others.

Discuss how heredity and the environment might affect personality disorders

Psychology homework help
 Integrative Personality Theory
For your final paper, you will complete the rest of the assignment which you began in week three and create your own theory of personality development by synthesizing the concepts and constructs of all the theories that seem most accurate and appropriate to you and by using those concepts to reflect on your own personality and development.  Remember to use the template provided to guide you through the steps.
Research a minimum of eight scholarly sources related to these concepts in the Ashford University Library to support your statements in the paper. Popular websites and your textbook may augment, but they will not count toward, the minimum number of sources needed for the paper.  The following content and headings must be included in your paper.
Please visit the Ashford Writing Center for guidance on how to format headings in APA Style. Also, please take note of the suggestions provided for the length for each section in the instructions below.
Provide a general introduction to the topic of theories of personality. Explain what you plan to cover and describe the direction your paper will take. This section will not feature a heading, and it will be approximately two to three paragraphs.
Major Concepts
In this section, you will present the seven specific concepts identified from the seven models you think best apply to the study of personality in distinct subheadings.  For each concept, identify the major personality model from which the concept was taken as well as the theorist associated with that model.  This completed section will be approximately four to five pages.
Excluded Concepts
In this section, present the concepts you have chosen to exclude in your theory of personality development.  Reflect on the basic assumptions that define personality and identify three specific excluded concepts from any of the theories studied in the course.  For each of the excluded concepts, provide a rationale explaining the various aspects of the concept that make it unsuitable for your use.  This section will be approximately one to two pages.
The Differences between Healthy and Unhealthy Personalities
Describe the basic differences between healthy and unhealthy personality, based on the concepts that you have chosen to include and exclude from your theory.  This completed section will be approximately one page.
The Roles of Heredity, the Environment, and Epigenetics
Provide your analysis of the roles heredity, the environment, and epigenetics play in the development of personality. Discuss how heredity and the environment might affect personality disorders. This completed section will be approximately one page.
Assessment and Measurement of the Theory
Reflect on the major concepts you have selected for inclusion and provide a brief description about how those concepts are measured and/or assessed. Review the assessment sections of each chapter and discuss those measures you think are most applicable and effective.  This completed section will be approximately one page.
In this section of the paper, review the self-reflection you wrote in Week One of this class and describe how and in what ways your views have or have not changed. Analyze your Week One self-assessment using the concepts that you have included in your integrative theory and describe how your theory explains your personality. This section will be approximately one page.
Provide a brief conclusion that summarizes the ideas presented in your integrative theory of personality. This section will not feature a heading and it will be approximately two to four paragraphs.
Allport, G. W. (1968). The person in psychology: Selected essays. Boston, MA: Beacon Press.
The Integrative Personality Theory paper: