
What motivation do you see for taking a stand on an important issue even when it is difficult to do so?

Application: Taking a Stand




Effective leaders have a high degree of self-awareness and know how to leverage their strengths in the workplace. Assessments are a valuable tool that professionals can use to learn more about themselves and consider how their temperament and preferences influence their interactions with others.




As you engage in this learning process, it is important to remember that everyone—regardless of temperament type or related preferences—experiences some challenges with regard to leadership. The key to success is being able to recognize and leverage your own strengths while honoring differences among your colleagues.




At some point in your leadership career, you will encounter an ethical or moral dilemma that requires you to take a stand and defend your position.




For this Assignment, you evaluate an issue and consider how you could act as a moral agent or advocate, facilitating the resolution of the issue for a positive outcome.




To prepare:




  • Consider the examples of leadership demonstrated in this week’s media presentation and the other Learning Resources. (Democratic, authoritative, or Laissez-Faire)
  • To further your self-knowledge, you are required to complete the Kiersey Temperament as indicated in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider your leadership style (Democratic), including your strengths for leading others and include your results from Kiersey Temperament Sorter to describe potential challenges related to your leadership style.
  • Mentally survey your work environment, or one with which you are familiar, and identify a timely issue/dilemma that requires you to perform the leadership role of moral agent or advocate to improve a situation (e.g., speaking or acting on behalf of a vulnerable patient, the need for appropriate staffing, a colleague being treated unfairly).
  • What ethical, moral, or legal skills, dispositions, and/or strategies would help you resolve this dilemma? Define the differences between ethical, moral, and legal leadership.
  • Finally, consider the values and principles that guide the nursing profession; the organization’s mission, vision, and values; the leadership and management competencies addressed in this course; and your own values and reasons for entering the profession. What motivation do you see for taking a stand on an important issue even when it is difficult to do so?

    To complete:

    Write a 4 to 5 page paper (page count does not include title and reference page) that addresses the following:

    1) Introduce the conceptual frameworks of the ethical constructs of ethics, moral, or legal standards and the purpose of the paper.

    1) Consider  an ethical, moral, or legal dilemma that you have encountered in your work environment and describe it. ( an example is ” a Jehovah witness refusing blood even though it is needed to save his or life”)

    2) Analyze the moral, ethical, and legal implications utilized in this situation. Describe your role as a moral agent or advocate for this specific issue.

    3) Consider your leadership styles (Democratic) identified by your self-assessment and determine if they act as a barrier or facilitation during this dilemma.




    Required Resources





  • Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
    • Chapter 4, “Ethical Issues”

      This chapter examines ethical frameworks for decision making and principles of ethical reasoning. You are also introduced to the ANA Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, MORAL decision-making model, and ethics committees.

    • Chapter 5, “Legal and Legislative Issues”

      Chapter 5 provides an overview of the many legal and legislative issues of which leaders and managers need to be aware. As you read this chapter, keep these issues in mind.

    • Chapter 6, “Patient, Subordinate, and Professional Advocacy”

      Nurses are the best advocates for patients and the profession. This chapter examines more closely the role of becoming an advocate, patient rights, subordinate advocacy, whistle-blowing, professional advocacy, advocacy in legislation and public policy, and media.

  • Cianci, A. M., Hannah, S. T., Roberts, R. P., & Tsakumis, G. T. (2014). The effects of authentic leadership on followers’ ethical decision-making in the face of temptation: An experimental study. The Leadership Quarterly25(3), 581-594. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2013.12.001

    Abstract excerpt: The present research investigates the impact of authentic leadership on followers’ morality, operationalized as ethical decision-making, in the face of temptation. This experiment finds that authentic leadership and temptation interacted to affect individuals’ ethical decision-making. Specifically, authentic leadership significantly inhibited individuals’ from making unethical decisions in the face of temptation, whereas followers of neutral or less authentic leaders were more likely to succumb to temptation..

  • Disch, J. (2014). Using Evidence-Based Advocacy to Improve the Nation’s Health. Nurse Leader12(4), 28-31. doi:10.1016/j.mnl.2014.05.003

    Abstract excerpt: Evidence-based practice is 1 of the 5 competencies that the Institute of Medicine has identified for all health professionals. Its intent is to employ evidence-based practice and integrate best research results, clinical expertise, and patient values to make patient care decisions. This article will explore the concept of evidence-based advocacy and describe ways in which one prominent nursing organization, the American Academy of Nursing, uses evidence-based advocacy to positively impact the nation’s health and advance the nursing profession

  • Martin, M. B. (2014). Transcultural Advocacy and Policy in the Workplace: Implications for Nurses in Professional Development. Journal for nurses in professional development30(1), 29-33.  doi: 10.1097/NND.0000000000000027

    Abstract: This article introduces the role of nursing professional development specialists in serving as a resource for both patient and staff advocacy regarding cultural and linguistic matters. The impact of changing demographics, support for civil rights, and established policy related to culture and linguistics is emphasized. An overview of policy at local, state, and national levels is suggested to promote nursing professional development in the interest of culturally and linguistically compliant nursing practice.

  • Woods, M. (2014). Beyond moral distress preserving the ethical integrity of nurses. Nursing Ethics21(2), 127-128.


    This guest editorial discusses the difficulties involved in dealing with those sometimes-painful moral problems encountered in practice.





  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012a). Ethical, moral, and legal leadership. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 8 minutes.

    In this week’s media presentation, expert Terry Buttaro discuss how today’s health care organizations can capitalize on the strengths of nurse leaders to plan for and navigate change effectively.



Discuss the need assessment tool that would identify the nursing student’s knowledge concerning the nursing process.

Practicum Learning Agreement

NUR/590AB Version 2


University of Phoenix Material

Sample Educational Practicum Learning Agreement – Not Implemented

Student’s Name Manda Ragland- McIntyre Faculty A. Jean Pickus RN MSN



919-923-5697 UPX


Name of Practicum Site N/A – Virtual project Address, City, State, and Zip Code of Practicum Site N/A – Not implemented

Name and Educational

Credentials (Minimum of an RN MSN required)

Sherri-Strain-Garner RN MSN Mentor’s


Mentor’s Job Title Child Psychiastric Nurse Mentor’s


Number and Email
Practicum Goal:

1. To analyze, develop, implement, and evaluate an educational program for nursing students on the nursing process first semester of school.

2. To utilize advanced nursing knowledge to assist nursing students in understanding the nursing process, critical thinking skills, and implementation needed to deliver best nursing practice.

Complete this column for Week One – NUR/590A Complete this column for Week Two – NUR/590A Complete this column for Week Two – NUR/590A Complete Before Midpoint Review Complete Before You Start NUR/590B
Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review (at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome- To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B
1.0 Analyze the educational needs of the novice nursing students related to the nursing process , critical thinking and implementation needed to deliver quality nursing care to patients.

1a. Conduct an review for literature at least 15 peer reviewed articles on the nursing process learning needs of nursing students.

1b.Discuss with mentor the need assessment tool that would identify the nursing student’s knowledge concerning the nursing process.

1a. Annotated of bibliography of peer reviewed articles.

1b. Submit a need assessment tool.

1c. Submit a need assessment result.


Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review (at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome- To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B
2.0 Develop an educational curriculum for incoming program nursing students that will provide knowledge and resources for understanding the nursing process and critical thinking skills and the implementation needed to deliver quality nursing care to patients first semester.

2a. Literature search 15 articles that identify classroom instuctional methods.

2b. Develop lesson for classroom instruction to provide the nursing students in the knowledge of nursing and implementation include:

1. Learning objectives

2. Content outline

3. Teaching


a. powerpoint

b. Handout materials

2c. Develop powerpoint at least 25 content slides and detail speaker notes on nursing process, critical thinking and implementation of nursing process.

2a. Submit annotated bibliography of literature reviewed on content instructional methods.

2b. Submit written plan.

2c. Submit copy of powerpoint with detailed speaker notes.

Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review (at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome- To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B
3.0 Analyze the implications to students, faculty, and the organizational if the educational curriculum on the nursing process and critical thinking skills was actually implemented.

3a. 3a.


Learning Objectives Learning Strategies Evidence of Accomplishments Midpoint Review (at 30 hours of Practicum Project) Outcome- To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B
4.0 Evaluate overall project with an emphasis on student’s learning in project completion



  Identify how the organization puts public health into practice.

Interview a governmental public health agency or someone working in healthcare (clinician, hospital administrator, etc). Summarize your interview. Include challenges, strengths, and other information you found important/interesting:


GPH714 Principles of Public Health

Topic: Informational Interview



Using the table below as a guide, develop interview questions to ask a representative of a governmental public health agency or someone working in health care.  You do not need to include all the aspects listed below.  In addition, you may include other information not listed in the table.  Your interview should not last more than 1 hour.


Organization/Department ·        mission and purpose

·        structure

·        goals

·        priority issues

Public Health Practice ·        implementation of 10 EPHS

·        public health infrastructure

·        emerging issues

Interprofessional Collaboration ·        key partnerships

·        public health working with healthcare

General ·        strengths

·        challenges

·        opportunities


Based on the information gathered in the interview, summarize your interview and lessons learned.  Assignment should be between 2-3 pages double spaced.  Submit the completed assignment via Blackboard.

Structure your written assignment accordingly:

·        Introduction/Overview

·        Describe the organization.

·        Identify how the organization puts public health into practice.

·        List examples of interprofessional collaboration.

·        Provide your insight on the organization based upon the concepts learned during the past 2 modules. This may include your recommendations for the organization.

·        Incorporate information about strengths, weaknesses and/or opportunities in the summary.

Note on writing:

Ø  Use professional writing.

Ø  Do not use personal pronouns (I, me, we, us, etc.).

Ø  See rubric in syllabus for guidance on grading.


Ø  This assignment should include very limited references/sources. It should mostly be in your words.  If using outside sources, please reference using AMA format.

does hand washing and appropriate staff dressing among the surgical ward nurses reduce cross infection during patient management?

Course Project: Part 3—Translating Evidence Into Practice


In Part 3 of the Course Project, you consider how the evidence you gathered during Part 2 can be translated into nursing practice.


Now that you have located available research on your PICOT question, you will examine what the research indicates about nursing practices. Connecting research evidence and findings to actual decisions and tasks that nurses complete in their daily practice is essentially what evidence-based practice is all about. This final component of the Course Project asks you to translate the evidence and data from your literature review into authentic practices that can be adopted to improve health care outcomes. In addition, you will also consider possible methods and strategies for disseminating evidence-based practices to your colleagues and to the broader health care field.


To prepare:


  • Consider Parts 1 and 2 of your Course Project. How does the research address your PICOT question? PLEASE REFER TO FILES ATTACHED BELOW
  • With your PICOT question in mind, identify at least one nursing practice that is supported by the evidence in two or more of the articles from your literature review. Consider what the evidence indicates about how this practice contributes to better outcomes.
  • Explore possible consequences of failing to adopt the evidence-based practice that you identified.
  • Consider how you would disseminate information about this evidence-based practice throughout your organization or practice setting. How would you communicate the importance of the practice?

    To complete:

    In a 3- to 4-page paper:

    1) Restate your PICOT question and its significance to nursing practice. My PICOT question is: does hand washing and appropriate staff dressing among the surgical ward nurses reduce cross infection during patient management?

    2) Summarize the findings from the articles you selected for your literature review. Describe at least one nursing practice that is supported by the evidence in the articles. Justify your response with specific references to at least 2 of the articles. Please refer to the articles below:



Aiken, A. M., Karuri, D. M., Wanyoro, A. K., & Macleod, J. (2012). Interventional studies for preventing surgical site infections in sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Surgery, 242-249. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2012.04.004


Al-Khawaldeh, O., Al-Hussami, M., & Darawad, M. (2015). Influence of Nursing Students Handwashing Knowledge, Beliefs, and Attitudes on Their Handwashing Compliance. Scientific Research Publishing. Doi:


Bukhari, S., Hussain, W., Banjar, A., Almaimani, W., Karima, T., & Fatani, M. (2011). Hand hygiene compliance rate among healthcare professionals. PubMed – NCBI. Retrieved 1 April 2016, from




3) Explain how the evidence-based practice that you identified contributes to better outcomes. In addition, identify potential negative outcomes that could result from failing to use the evidence-based practice.


4) Outline the strategy for disseminating the evidence-based practice that you identified throughout your practice setting. Explain how you would communicate the importance of the practice to your colleagues. Describe how you would move from disseminating the information to implementing the evidence-based practice within your organization. How would you address concerns and opposition to the change in practice?


This part of the Course Project should be combined with the other two components of the Course Project and turned in as your Portfolio Assignment for this course.


Note:  In addition, include a 1-page summary of your project










  • Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2012).  Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.).Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
    • Chapter 12, “Sampling in Quantitative Research”

      This chapter introduces key concepts concerning sampling in quantitative research. This includes such concepts as a description of populations, different types of sampling and their uses, and how to determine a manageable, yet sufficient number to be included in a sample. The chapter also includes suggestions for implementing a sampling plan.

    • Chapter 13, “Data Collection in Quantitative Research”

      Once a sampling design is complete, the next step is to collect the data, and this is the focus of Chapter 13. The chapter describes how to develop a data collection plan, and provides information about the different types of instruments that can be used, such as structured observation and biophysiologic measures.

    • Chapter 21, “Sampling in Qualitative Research”

      The focus of this chapter is on the sampling process in qualitative research. The chapter describes the different types of sampling and when they are commonly used. Sampling techniques in the three main qualitative traditions (ethnography, phenomenological studies and grounded theory studies) are highlighted.

    • Chapter 22, “Data Collection in Qualitative Research”

      This chapter examines the process of data collection in qualitative research as well as key issues surrounding data collection. This includes such methods as self-reporting, surveys, interviews, and personal journal keeping. The chapter also highlights important considerations when utilizing unstructured observations to gather data and how to record field notes.

  • Keough, V. A., & Tanabe, P. (2011). Survey research: An effective design for conducting nursing research. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 1(4), 37–44.

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    This text emphasizes the advantages of survey research. The authors describe the nuances of survey research projects, including their design, methods, analysis, and limitations.




  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012b). Data collection. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.

    Dr. Kristen Mauk discusses how she collected data for her DNP project in this video. She describes the details of her pre- and post-tests used to track nurses’ knowledge in a rehabilitation unit.



  • Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2012).  Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.).Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
    • Review Chapter 2, Fig. 2.1
    • Chapter 27, “Systematic Reviews of Research Evidence: Meta-analysis, Metasynthesis, and Mixed Studies Review”

      This chapter focuses on the different types of systematic reviews. The chapter discusses the advantages of this type of analysis and the steps for conducting a meta-analysis or metasynthesis.

  • Dingle, P. (2011). Statin statistics: Lies and deception. Positive Health, 180, 1.

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    In this article, the author outlines how misleading statistics are used to make false claims about the positive use of statin drugs in order to retain a market share of sales for pharmaceutical firms.

  • Katapodi, M. C., & Northouse, L. L. (2011). Comparative effectiveness research: Using systematic reviews and meta-analyses to synthesize empirical evidence. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice, 25(3), 191–209.

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The authors of this article assert that more comparative effectiveness research (CER) is necessary to accommodate the elevated demand for evidence-based health care practices. The article supplies a summary of methodological issues relevant to systematic reviews and meta-analyses used in the process of CER.

  • Stichler, J. F. (2010). Evaluating the evidence in evidence-based design. Journal of Nursing Administration, 40(9), 348–351.

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    The quality of evidence used in EBP can vary considerably. This article highlights the necessity of critically appraising facility design research articles and using a hierarchical model to rate the strength of evidence.

  • Bernd, R., du Prel, J.-B., & Blettner, M. (2009). Study design in medical research: Part 2 of a series on the evaluation of scientific publications. Deutsches Aerzteblatt International, 106(11), 184–189. Retrieved from

    This article provides guidance in evaluating the study design of scientific publications for reliability and credibility. The authors suggest that the most important elements to consider are the question to be answered, the study population, the unit of analysis, the type of study, the measuring technique, and the calculation of sample size.

  • Walden University. (n.d.a). Paper templates. Retrieved July 23, 2012, from (for review)

    This website provides you access to the School of Nursing Sample Paper, which will serve as a template for formatting your papers.




  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012g). Hierarchy of evidence pyramid. Baltimore, MD: Author.  (for review)

    This multimedia piece explains the hierarchy of evidence pyramid. The piece offers definitions and key information for each level of the pyramid.

  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012n). Weighing the evidence. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 6 minutes.

    In this video, Dr. Kristen Mauk provides insight about how she analyzed her data and interpreted meanings of what the data showed. She describes how she drew conclusions based on the results and how she explained unexpected findings that were contrary to her initial hypotheses.


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