
Why might traditional health care providers be reluctant in suggesting or implementing CAM techniques?

CAM—Application and Caution

The term “alternative medicine” implies that CAM treatments fall outside the realm of medicine.

Using South University Online Library or the Internet, research on the following practices included under CAM:

· Chinese medicine

· Herbalism


From your experiences and knowledge in the health care field, answer the following questions:

· Does the promotion or lack of promotion of CAM techniques confirm this gap in healing modalities? Explain how?

· Why might traditional health care providers be reluctant in suggesting or implementing CAM techniques?

· The side effects of traditional medicines are becoming increasingly referenced, especially in the media. Conversely, one rarely hears about the cautions of selecting alternative treatments, leading individuals to seek more natural treatments found in CAM practice. What is the problem of polarizing healing techniques in this way?

You will apply the knowledge and techniques of CAM models, specifically traditional Chinese medicine, including herbal medicine for a selected illness. Using the perspective of traditional allopathic medicine, answer the following questions:

· What is the overall philosophy behind the treatment methods?

· According to the treatment paradigm, what are the possible causes of the patient’s symptoms?

· What additional information may the practitioners require?

· What interventions may be utilized through these methods (how will the condition be treated)?

· What are the benefits and risks of using these methods of treatment?

Based on your understanding, create a 5- to 6-page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to all the above questions.

Your response should adhere to the following guidelines:

· It should have 5- to 6-pages not including a cover page, an abstract and a reference list.

· There should be a title or a cover page.

· The title or the cover page must be followed by an abstract of 100–200 words.

· The paper must use the APA style for citing sources and references.

· The paper must have a minimum of eight current references. Note that primary, peer-reviewed references are preferred.

On a separate page, cite any sources you used in the APA format. Click here to learn how to cite sources using APA guidelines.

Note: Peer-reviewed refers to the articles reviewed and approved by author’s professional peers who are experts on that topic.

Support your responses with reasoning and examples.

What are some of the changes that the people you interviewed could implement in their lifestyles and behaviors to improve their health status?

Healthy Lifestyles

Research the South University Online Library and the Internet to read more about the behavioral patterns. Conduct an interview (via phone or face-to-face) of ten or more people in the age group of fifteen to sixty-four years, to survey the impression of their health, health problems, and lifestyle choices.

Ask the following questions, while conducting the interview:

· Do you smoke?

· Do you drink alcohol?

· Do you wear a seatbelt while driving a car?

· Do you talk on the phone while driving?

· Do you exercise four to five times a week?

· Do you eat a healthy diet with fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, and whole grain?

· Do you suffer from any of the following conditions: high blood pressure, stress, weight issues, or diabetes?

Compile the data collected through the interview for each category of questions, taking into consideration the age group to which they belong.

For doing so, create a three column chart.

· In the first column, list the health behaviors for which people were interviewed.

· In the second column, list the percentage of individuals interviewed against each behavior.

· In the third column, list the percentage of people who believe they have healthy lifestyles (information can be found in the text readings or from the Internet).

Next, analyze the chart to understand how these columns differ from each other.

In a Microsoft Word document, create a 3- to 4-page report of your analysis, answering the following questions:

· Are you surprised to see the trends of the most common behaviors? Discuss.

· Did an individual’s age relate to his or her health behavior? For example, do individuals in the age group of fifty to sixty years have different behaviors than individuals in the age group of thirty to forty years?


· What are some of the changes that the people you interviewed could implement in their lifestyles and behaviors to improve their health status?

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format

Describe you role as a health care leader in your community


Grading Criteria

Create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your Population-Based Nursing Care Plan Project. Include a minimum of 7 slides (15 maximum) and the following information provided below. The PowerPoint Presentation is worth a maximum of 200 points in addition to Week 6 Discussion.

Breast Cancer is the topic you are using for this work.

Points will be awarded as follows:

Requirement Criteria
25 Points:

Describe your population group (Breast Cancer)

Describe your population’s health problem Provide health data relevant to your population and health problem

Identify a Population Group at risk, population of interest, and/or vulnerable population in your community.

Use health data to refine and limit population of interest/at risk for your community.

Find and compare epidemiological data (national, state and local) to refine population of interest/at risk through continued collaboration with professionals and consideration of health data

50 Points:

Describe the results of comprehensive community assessment showing collaboration with health care team members (system) and/or individuals/families/groups that represent the population.

Collaborate with professionals across the health care system in order to find the gap in care or other social determinant. Begin to take the lead to advocate and collaborate for population.

Informally interview at least one professional who works on primary and secondary prevention at the community and system level of care. Include professionals from disciplines outside of nursing.

Informally interview family members of population of interest/at risk to identify culturally appropriate interventions. Volunteer at appropriate

50 Points:

Develop possible evidence-based, culturally competent interventions/programs aimed at primary prevention at the community and system level of care specific to your community.

Consider primary prevention for key health concerns for population of interest/at risk in your community. (Do not include tertiary preventative measures.)

Consider nursing interventions at the community and system level of care aimed at primary prevention for population of interest/at risk.

Include culturally competent assessments and interventions by Interviewing family members of population of interest/at risk. Support your ideas with the scholarly literature. (Do not include care at the individual level.) Continued….

25 Points:

Chose a possible way to evaluate outcomes of your project

Use initial health data and intervention goals to choose one short term and one long term goal to evaluate outcomes of the intervention(s).
25 Points:

Presentation to Community Professional

Present your project ideas to at least one professional in the community. Include feedback received and important lessons learned.
25 Points:

Describe you role as a health care leader in your community

Describe your role regardless of personal work setting. How will you promote positive social change as a health care leader in your community?
Total 200 Points
Deductions – 25 Points may be deducted for:

· No Title page or reference page

· Inadequate number of references to support your project.

· Errors such as typos, grammar , spelling , punctuation, syntax, or lack of APA style or incorrect APA formatted references.

how will you collaborate with other healthcare providers to promote the health of your community?

Please address the following in your discussions:

  • Share feedback you received as a result of presentation to another profession in the community.
  • Discuss your role as an advocate and healthcare leader in promoting positive social change as a scholar-practitioner to improve the health of vulnerable populations in your community.
  • In your current practice and as a health leader in your community how will you collaborate with other healthcare providers to promote the health of your community?
  • What feedback did you receive about your project?
  • How will you advocate for social change in your community?
  • How will you collaborate with other professionals to promote the health of your community as a result of what you have learned in this course?