
Compare and contrast your thoughts and understanding of therapies

CAM Therapies

Now that you have completed your course, share your opinion on CAM therapies. Compare and contrast your thoughts and understanding of these therapies before taking this course and after its completion.

Use your analysis on the basis of research and readings you have done during the course and write 2–3 paragraphs on each of the following topics that clearly depicts your understanding:

· Conventional (allopathic) or mainstream medical practice

· CAM therapies and practices

· The benefits of acupuncture

· Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

· Aromatherapy

· Naturopathy

· Chiropractic

· Massage therapy

· Yoga

· Meditation

Write your answer in the form of a research paper in a Microsoft Word document. The paper should adhere to the following guidelines:

· It should have 7- to 8-pages not including cover page, abstract, and reference list.

· There should be a title or cover page.

· The title or cover page must be followed by an abstract of 100–200 words.

· The paper must use the APA style for citing sources and references.

· The paper must have a minimum of ten current references. Note that primary, peer-reviewed references are preferred.

· On a separate page, cite any sources you used in the APA format. Click here to learn how to cite sources using APA guidelines.

Note: Peer-reviewed refers to the articles reviewed and approved by author’s professional peers who are experts on that topic.

Support your responses with reasoning and examples.

How important are external relationships with other agencies to having an efficient evacuation plan?

Importance of Training in Patient Evacuation

In an emergency evacuation of patients, training plays an important role. Here is an incidence of emergency evacuation of Phillips County Regional Medical Center discussed by Vogt and Sorenson (1999):

· Shortly after 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, 1997, clouds of foul-smelling smoke began pouring from an herbicide and pesticide packaging plant in West Helena, Arkansas. An alert was sounded, employees evacuated, and the West Helena fire department was called. As three firefighters prepared to enter the plant, the chemical compounds exploded, collapsing a solid concrete block wall, and killing all three firefighters. As the odorous smoky cloud drifted away from the plant, authorities ordered residents in a 2-mile area downwind of the plant to evacuate and those in the 2- to 3-mile zone to shelter in . . . The findings indicate that 90% of those that were told to evacuate did so but only 27% of those told to shelter-in-place did so, with 68% opting to evacuate instead. The implications of these findings for emergency managers is that people will likely choose to evacuate when both warnings to evacuate and warnings to shelter are issued to residents in close proximity to each other (Abstract section, para. 1).

· The evacuation of the medical center was facilitated by efforts taken 6 months earlier to update the hospital’s evacuation plan and reconfirm support agreements for relocation sites and supplies. At that time of updating the plan, the entire staff had also participated in a mock drill. When the safety officer observed the buildings across the highway being evacuated and started questioning officials on the possibility of also being evacuated, evacuation plans familiar to staff were in place and had been practiced. When the Director of Nursing gave the “Code White” alert (the signal that an evacuation to an off-site facility would follow) staff was amply prepared to move patients (p. 11).

· Interviews with staff indicated that all patients that could be discharged were sent home with a physician’s nurse. Another four or five patients (the most seriously ill) were transferred to a hospital about a half hour away. The majority of the patients 11 (approximately 17) in the rehabilitation unit were transferred to a vacant wing of the Crestpark Nursing home accompanied by hospital support staff. Only one maternity patient evacuated to the Phillips College—Community College where the hospital staff had evacuated and opened emergency room services. The evacuation of patients began at 1:40 p.m. and all patients (except for two on ventilators and one being stabilized in the emergency room) were out 55 minutes later. The remaining three patients were evacuated 15 minutes later. A variety of vehicles transported patients—vans, school buses, ambulances, private cars, and mortuary services. As a precaution, National Guard personnel provided security at the evacuated hospital (pp. 11–12).

On the basis of your understanding on the topic, answer the following questions regarding the incidence of emergency evacuation mentioned above:

· What does this study tell you about the lack of training for the community?

· Why is communication and education of the community important in saving lives?

· Was the community clear on what the procedures were? How?

· Why was the evacuation of the hospital so successful?

· How important are external relationships with other agencies to having an efficient evacuation plan?

Your review should be at least 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document, not counting the cover page or the reference page.

Support your responses with reasoning and examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

How can personal health record systems and electronic health systems contribute to advancing the role of Consumer Health Informatics ?

Consumer Health Informatics

Consumer Health Informatics (CHI) is the field that helps to connect the gap between patients and health resources. Its focus is to provide patients with the most complete health information possible.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on CHI. Based on your readings and understanding, create a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word report that provides the answers to the following questions:

· What role will medical informatics professionals play in CHI? What are some of the barriers to the growing role of CHI?

· What do you believe is the most important thing that needs to happen next in order for CHI to continue evolving? How can it best be addressed?

· What are the key factors in training users of health information systems technologies?

· How can personal health record systems and electronic health systems contribute to advancing the role of CHI?

· What are the three options for CHI that could improve healthcare quality and lower costs in the future?

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

explore the research surrounding botanical healing which includes a variety of herbal medicines, dietary supplements, aromatherapy, and homeopathic medicines





Required Texts

American Psychological Association (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).  Washington, DC: Author. (ISBN 1-4338-0561-8)

Fontaine, K. L. (2015). Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Nursing Practice (4rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (ISBN 0-13-334650-3)

Forum # 3 Assignment Instructions

For this assignment you will explore the research surrounding botanical healing which includes a variety of herbal medicines, dietary supplements, aromatherapy, and homeopathic medicines. Select a specific botanical healing therapy that interests you such as the herbal medicine St. John’s Wort, lavender aromatherapy, or a homeopathic regiment. Then find a current (no older than 5 years) original research article. This must be from a peer reviewed journal. Please make this a human study not an animal or in vitro study. Write a critique of the article that follows the format used in your text book. See pg 141-142 in your text for an example. NO QUOTES THIS WEEK PLEASE!

  1. Being with posting the complete APA article reference. You will not have to do in text citations this week
  2. What is this Study About? This address the purpose of the study
  3. How was this Study done? This is what they actually did. Include framework if any, study design, sample, data collection any instruments.
  4. What were the Results of the Study?

  5. What additional Questions Might I have?

  6. How can I use this study? These are your nursing implications specific to the therapy and findings from this, not general implications for  any CAM  therapy
  7. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Often students restate the abstract, be sure you have put things in your own words.
  8. You do not have to have title page. Critiques will no more than 2 pages
  9. Post your critique in as an attachment of the forum # 3 by Midnight Wednesday. Post a substantial response to another by Midnight Saturday. (Eastern time)



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