
What is the value of liberal arts in Nursing Education?

Need 1 page with APA reference by Monday, May 21st 8am pacific time Prompt: Is there evidence for caring in nursing practice? After reading Ch. 7 in Smith Turkel and Wolf, what piece of evidence do you find significant/intriguing for your nursing practice? What is the value of liberal arts in Nursing Education? Who are the contributors to nursing science? Are any of these contributors familiar to you? Book link for this course: Smith, M. C. & Turkel, M. C. (2012). Caring in nursing classics: An essential resource. New York, NY: Springer Publishing. ISBN: 978-0826171115 Book link from google: Watson, J. (2008).The philosophy and science of caring, revised edition. Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado. Book link from google:]]>

What are some positive and negative outcomes of your recommended alternative solution?

This assignment will explore the impact of history on problems and solutions in healthcare. Exploring the past will help stimulate a deeper understanding of the causes and effects of healthcare problems and alternative solutions. In Week 1, you selected and reviewed a public health problem and a policy that addresses this problem. This week, you will further analyze the policy you selected in Week 1. Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, write a 5-7 page paper. Cover the following in your paper this week using the health policy you selected in Week 1:

  • Examine the history, the cause (key factors), literature on the scope of the problem, and existing data.
  • Recommend alternative solutions to addressing the health problem in question.
  • What are some positive and negative outcomes of your recommended alternative solution?



How does current policy affect the health care field?

Researchers Presentation Outline Prepare a 15 minute presentation that visualizes your research paper. Introduction First slide Visuals · Name of presenter · Specific department of employment · Emblem of department Discuss: · Introduce yourself as an employee at your department · Describe what your department’s purpose in enough detail that your audience can understand why it is logical you were there based on your scenario · Include your portion of the narrative Lit review 3-4 slides that details the background of your topic using both bulleted words AND visuals. Do not copy paste your paper. Materials and Methods 1 Slide · Introduces the experiment and describes the purpose 1 Slide · Includes all materials used in the experiment · Details the inclusion criteria for subjects 1 Slide · Overview of the techniques used in the experiment Results 1 Slide · Visual 1 · Has a title · Includes units of measurement · Clearly labeling X and Y axis · Discuss: each data point as it is illustrated on the chart in detail 1 Slide · Visual 2 · Has a title · Includes units of measurement · Clearly labeling X and Y axis · Discuss: each data point as it is illustrated on the chart in detail Conclusion 1-3 Slides · Assign meaning to the data as it related to · The lab/ field study · Did your research support your hypothesis? · Scientific community · The general public 1-2 slides (1 slide for each) · Discuss current events and how they are related to your data 1 slide · Give ample history of related legislation · Introduce your recommended policy change. Copy paste the wording from your bill 1 slide · Justify your policy change by including additional benefits or compare to other places with similar policy · Make it clear why including this information strengthens your argument. 1 slide · Conclude with a compelling statement that stresses the importance of action by the congress because of your obligation to the profession (Nightingale Pledge) Be prepared to answer the following questions · Do you believe nurses have an obligation to protect the environment or be advocates for social justice? Why? · What would be some advantages of a more professionally diverse congress? Why? · Do you believe health care professionals should take a more active role in policy? Why? · How does current policy affect the health care field? Give one example. · What role does education play in behavior change? · Why is multidisciplinary collaboration amongst experts essential for the advancement of science and legislative reform? · Do you believe nurses and other health care professionals are qualified to hold public offi]]>

How would you construct your interview?

SCENARIO You are admitting a 27-year-old woman to your unit for work-up of weight loss. While conducting an admission interview, you learn that she has recently lost her job and has a strong family history of depression and suicide. How would you construct your interview? What measures would you take with the information you have gathered? Why? RESPOND I would begin with introduction and clarification of the information received. I would ensure that the environment is professional, relaxed and nonjudgmental,  so that the patient will feel comfortable divulging her health information. A nutritional assessment will be necessary to see how and or why the weight loss took place.   I would inquire about her job and the events which led to her separation, as well as assess her mental state regarding her job loss.  Given her family history of  depression and suicide, an assessment of her emotional well being is necessary to include if she thought of a plan to end her life. Active listening will be key to this assessment. Assessment data collection includes labs, i.e. PreAlbumin, and 24 hour food intake recall to assess nutritional. BMI will be assessed. Psych eval would be necessary just for further evaluation and counseling needs.]]>