
How are health services paid for, roles for the government in financing care?

Introduction 3 Population and Health Status………………………………………………………………………………………….. Demographic characteristics of population Mortality, Infant mortality data, causes of death Other data of health status Related information (such as on quality if life); analysis Availability of Health Services Basic organization/general description of services institutions, providers of care Issues related to access Utilization of services (data, if available) Other related information/analysis Expenditures How are health services paid for; any roles for the government here Data on total expenditures Other related information/analysis Macroenvironmental influences on the health care system Political Socioeconomic Cultural Technological/Other relevant influences Summary comments Problems Opportunities Other related comments regarding this country’s health care services Comparison to the United States: what works better, what is not working as well…………………………………. Concluding comments: Lessons learned for the U. S., other countries……………………………………………… References (required)………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Introduction (Final Paper may read “Executive Summary”)

Initial Introduction: What you wish to show in your research and with your topic. Final Instruction: summary of key points of your paper. Include the name of the country reviewed, highlights regarding population and health status, services available, expenditures and financing, external influences, and concluding comments/lessons learned.

Population and Health Status

Provide data/discuss: Demographic characteristics of population Mortality, infant mortality data Causes of death Other relevant data Related information, such as on quality of life Analysis of trends

Availability of Services

Discuss, provide data regarding: Basic organization/general description of services institutions, providers of care Issues related to access Utilization of services (data, if available) Other related information/analysis


Discuss/provide date on who pays for care/how much it costs: How are health services paid for, roles for the government in financing care? Data on total expenditures Other related information/analysis

Macroenvironmental Influences

Discuss external influences the need for, availability of, cost of and use of health care services: Political Socioeconomic Cultural Technological/Other relevant influences Analysis

Summary Comments

Summarize and comment on the Problems, Opportunities, other issues you identified regarding this country’s health care services system Compare to the United States: what works better, what is not working as well Offer concluding comments: Lessons learned for the U. S., other countries ****** Attach References (One letter grade deduction if no adequate references are included; lack of any credit for references risks an academic integrity violation) ]]>

Who are considered the mid-level providers?

Module 3: Homework 1 (6 questions, worth 5 points each) 1. Milestones, Titles 18, 19, and 21 Discuss the origins of government involvement in health care delivery in the United States. What were some of the key milestones and their impacts? What are Titles 18, 19, and 21 and describe their relationships to the milestones? 2. Managed Care Managed care is a very broad term and means different things in different markets; explain why. Describe your own local market in terms of managed care intensity. 3. Industry Standards What is a benchmark? How are they used in health care? How may they help us improve the quality of care, access, and allocate funding? Give an example of a: · Clinical benchmark · Financial benchmark · Operational benchmark 4. Providers of Health Care Who are the providers of health services? Who are considered the mid-level providers? Where do allied health providers fit in the realm of patient care? Provide at least two examples of each level and type of health provider, i.e., physicians, mid-level, and allied health. Describe their roles, credentials, training, authority, and limitations in regard to patient care. HINT: The MD and DO are in the driver’s seat. 5. Ambulatory Care What trends are we seeing in the most common forms of physician medical practices (clinics) and other ambulatory care at this time? Describe the changing forms of physician practice and ambulatory care in the U.S. as a result of managed care. Support your answer. 6. Hospital Organization Cite and briefly describe the roles of the three primary sources of power in modern U.S. hospitals. Which do you feel has the greatest amount of power? Support your decision with examples and primary sources. ]]>

What do you think are the Skills & Personality Traits to be a  Successful Nurse Practitioner?

  • Please introduce yourself and tell me why you decided to pursue and Advanced Practice major?
  • What is the role of the advanced practice nurse?
  • What is the evidence suggesting regarding the role of FNPs in primary care?
  • What do you think Family Nurse Practitioners could do differently to improve patient outcomes? Is EBP the answer? Give specific examples.
  • What do you think are the Skills & Personality Traits to be a  Successful Nurse Practitioner?
  • Please respond to at least one peer!
  • Create an original posting with a minimum of 300 words and a meaningful response to one of your classmates with a minimum of 100 words when indicate. Back up your arguments with reliable evidence]]>

    what is the role of a Professional and Political Organization in defining the role?

    Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) are graduate-educated, nationally-certified and state licensed advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) who care for medically stable patients across the lifespan, from infants to geriatric patients. Share your thoughts
    1. What are the educational requirements to practice as a FNP?
    2. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), what is the recommended terminal degree to prepare nurse practitioners.
    3. Who determines the scope of practice for FNPs?
    4. Who defines it? Who Credentials and what is the role of a Professional and Political Organization in defining the role?
    5. See rubric
    Create an original posting with a minimum of 300 words and a meaningful response to one of your classmates with a minimum of 100 words when indicate. Back up your arguments with reliable evidence