
How is Compelemntary alternative medicine (CAM) used in your facility?

Answer to the following topics in a Word document of one or two pages top. Use APA format.


Topic 1

As a nurse it is important to be aware of your own spiritual beliefs and practices. List 3 spiritual practices that you do to improve your own health. Discuss how these practices improve your health. Cite at least 2 sources using APA format to support your answers.


Topic 2

How is Compelemntary alternative medicine (CAM) used in your facility? What are the outcomes of unsing CAM according to at least 2 authors? What are the outcomes you have seen in your facility? What improvements can you make? Cite sources using APA format to support your answer.

Does federal government play any role in the policy development process and its relationship in terms of funding?

Healthcare Programs

Research a local health policy issue that is a hot topic in your state. You can also contact a local county commissioner or state Congressional member in your state to gain insight on the issue or (you may also research local or state government websites or refer to the local news media).

On the basis of your research, answer the following:

· Discuss the implications of the selected issue on the community as a whole.

· Who all are affected by the policy?

· Who are the key stakeholders in the development of the policy? Discuss their individual roles in policy development?

· Explain the roles of those responsible for implementing the policy.

· Does federal government play any role in the policy development process and its relationship in terms of funding? If yes, explain.

· If the federal government is not involved in the policy development process and its relationship in terms of funding, should it be involved? Why or why not?

Research the policy demographics of CHIP in your state. Also examine the adequacy of the CHIP program in your state.

· In your opinion, if Medicaid was meant to cover families living below the poverty line, then what is the purpose of CHIP?

· Illustrate the differences and similarities between the two programs?

· Every state has its own variation of CHIP. What does your state call the program?

· Who all are covered in CHIP and what are the eligibility requirements?

· In your state, if CHIP is meant to cover uninsured children, why are there so many uninsured families with children?

In many national healthcare systems, the providers of care are either subsidized or work directly for government-owned facilities. In the United States, the government-operated programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, contract with providers. The VA, on the other hand operates its own system of hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. Medicare and Medicaid set the rules regarding which services are offered and the amount to be paid for those services.

· Compare and contrast the VA Health System with Medicare and Medicaid. Describe in detail the similarities and differences.

· What lessons can the programs learn from each other when looking at administration of services and programs offered by recipients? Discuss the implications in terms of access to care, controlling costs, and ensuring quality care.

How, in the American system of politics, can health care get more objective support on behalf of consumers?

  1. The insurance industry plays a major role in the American health care system and absorbs a significant portion of the health care dollar. A single payer system, whether it is a private company or the US government, would eliminate the complex insurance paperwork burden and free substantial funds that could be diverted to support care for the under-served.  In ACA debates, a “public option” was defeated by lobbyists. Identify some reasons why resistance to a single-payer concept, used in every other developed country, has continued in the U.S.
  2. Almost every medical or technological advance seems to be accompanied by new and vexing ethical dilemmas. Yet, the United States has no structure in place to resolve such issues. Should the federal or state governments take responsibility for ethical decision-making and for protecting the public?  If neither, what might be other options for providing ethical guidelines and oversight?
  3. As strongly evidenced by the ACA and prior legislative attempts to address the problems of the health care system, these attempts are always met by shifting alliances among well financed and, often, self-serving lobbying groups. How, in the American system of politics, can health care get more objective support on behalf of consumers?
  4. Every 10 years, the public health sector creates an elaborate set of targets for health status improvements in the United States.  Healthy People 2010 failed to meet 85 percent of Healthy People 2000’s goals. Is there merit for establishing several hundred more objectives for Healthy People 2020, or are these simply academic exercises? What are your opinions about how to energize the “Healthy People” goals among providers and the American public?

 Discuss the feasibility of providing a solution to the problem or issue in the practice setting.

This issue will be the focus of the ongoing assignments.



Patient-centered Care and Education

  1. Risks across the life-span
  2. Discharge planning including home environment needs

Write a 950-word reflection to identify your selected issue or problem and provide rationale as to why this is an issue or a problem. The rationale must be supported by valid research findings.


* Description of selected topic in the practice setting

Discuss the significance of the problem to patient-care or clinical practice issue

* Discuss the feasibility of providing a solution to the problem or issue in the practice setting.


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include a minimum of 4 scholarly references.  Research study articles are recommended.