
Discuss the process of digestion

QUESTION 1 Matching

Body mass index (BMI)














a.A term generally used for fats and oils.

b.Comes from breaking down carbohydrates and is used to produce energy.

c.A complication that may be caused by obesity.

d.Daily intake is vital for bodily function.

e.Tool used to identify excess adipose tissue.

f.Organic compounds required in small amounts for normal body functions; such as vitamins and minerals.

g.Excessive accumulation of fact cells for an individual’s height and weight.

h.Tool that measures skinfold thickness.

i.Malnutrition universal screening tool used to determine the nutritional status of a patient.

j.Organic compounds required in large amounts for normal body functions; such as carbohydrates and proteins



1. Discuss the process of digestion by explaining the following:

• Where does it begin?

• What are the roles and functions of saliva, the stomach, and the accessory organs?

Your response should be at least 500 words in length.

What can be done to improve your community’s walkability score?

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Walkability Checklist Essay 

Sample Paper: 

IP Walkability Sample Assignment.pdf Click for more options

1. Choose 1 of the checklist:

· Click for more options

· Click for more options

2. Follow the instruction on the checklist you chose.

3. Write a 1-2 pages (excluding title page) paper identifying the following information:

· Must include a title page

· Which checklist did you use?

· What location or address did you use the checklist?

· Based on your checklist, how walkable is your community?

· What can be done to improve your community’s walkability score?

· What agency can you reach out to to propose these recommendations?

· Include a picture of your street or the area of concern that requires improvement.

· References

· APA Guidelines


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Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information on difficult healthcare decisions

Module 2 – SLP


As a healthcare professional, you will be tasked with making critical decisions that will test your ethical understanding and abilities.

For your Module 2 SLP, you are to take a short quiz that will provide you with actual cases:

Open Learn. (2017). Difficult healthcare decisions: What will you choose? Retrieved from

For each question you can select one of two responses. Once you submit your answer to the question you will be provided with a brief summary and a percentage of individuals who agreed with your response. You are to take notes for each question as you go along in the quiz, as you only are able to take the quiz once. In a 2-page paper, complete the following:

  1. For each question provide a brief description of the case, your response, and the percentage of individuals who agreed with you.
  2. Explain the rationale for your response and identify the ethical principle, theories, and/or issues the case presented. Support your rationale with scholarly reference(s).

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 2 pages.
  3. Support your proposal with peer-reviewed articles, and use at least 3 references. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see
  4. You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment:

Review on the effectiveness or ineffectivenes of Conscience and Religious Freedom to the population that a healthcare professional serve.

Module 1 – SLP


As a healthcare professional, you are among a group of frontline workers. Frontline workers are the backbone of effective health systems. In fact, according to Frontline Health Workers Coalition (2018), “frontline workers play a critical role in providing local context for proven health solutions, and they connect with families and communities to the health system.” Successful policy advocacy and creation is often encouraged by frontline healthcare workers since they are the individuals who interact with the consumers (patients) the most. Your knowledge and perspective are vital to policy and lawmakers as a voice for healthcare consumers and for providing validation/opposition to laws and policy.

Recently the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services announced the “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division” of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). The office’s stated goal is to “protect institutions and people who refuse to provide medical assistance based on religious objections.” As noted by HHS (2018), the office is intended to protect religious beliefs. As with most policies, there are opponents and proponents. In general, supporters advocate that the office will protect against religious discrimination while opponents believe the bill will allow for open discrimination against women and LGBTQ individuals.

Information about the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division can be found at the following source:

Conduct additional research on Conscience and Religious Freedom. For your Module 1 SLP assignment, you are to use reasoning (from a healthcare professional perspective) and ethical principles (i.e., Religious Ethics, Normative Ethics, Descriptive Ethics, Applied Ethics, etc.) to compose a 2-page letter to your local Congressman/Congresswoman either in support of or opposition to Conscience and Religious Freedom. This should not be opinion (e.g., avoid “I think” in your paper), but a supported analysis. Your letter should address the following:

  1. Effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Conscience and Religious Freedom to the population that you as a healthcare professional serve.
  2. Rationale for your support/opposition.
  3. Ethical principles that support your position and supporting rationale (why).
  4. Suggestions or recommendations.

Note: You are not graded on your support or opposition, but rather your critical thinking skills in supporting your position, and application of ethical principles. You may also think about referencing pivotal Supreme Court decisions as well (review background cases and supporting information in the Module 1 Background).

Frontline Health Workers Coalition. (2018). Who they are. Retrieved from