
Locate a recent edition of the Federal Register that pertains to the Department of Health and Human Service

  • Instructions
    Using the Federal Register
    Locate a recent edition of the Federal Register that pertains to the Department of Health and Human Services. New editions are released daily.
  • Go to the following website:
  • Click the link on the right that says “Federal Register.”
  • Click on the most recent year. Click on a month, and then click on a day.
  • Once you select an issue by the day it was released, scroll to the link titled “Health and Human Services Department.”
  • You will see a list of notices.
  • Click on the link to the PDF to the right of the notice to view it.
  • Locate the following information in the issue, and record your findings:
  1. issuing office,
  2. subject,
  3. agency,
  4. action,
  5. summary,
  6. dates,
  7. further information,
  8. supplementary information, and
  9. final rule.
  10. In addition to providing the aforementioned information, include a summary explaining your findings.
    For more information on the Federal Register, refer to page 11 in the textbook. You may use the example on page 13 as a guide.
    Your assignment should be a minimum of one page in length.

Provide a brief description of the theorist’s framework and the benefits of utilizing this specific nursing theory when examining patient care or patient issues

NURN 3103 Theorist Paper Instructions and Grading Rubric

Choose a nursing theorist/theory relevant to your nursing practice. Do not use non-nursing theorists (such as Maslow, Erikson, Piaget, Bloom, etc). Click on the “LINK”, and go to the website. Choose your theorist/theory: Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

You may NOT choose Florence Nightingale.

Guidelines for your paper:

Introduction: Provide a brief description of the theorist’s framework. You may use your textbook and other sources for this section. The description should be as much as possible, in your own words. Be careful not to plagiarize your information. Remember all direct quotes are to be cited, with author, date, and page number. Description should include all major aspects of the theory, not just one part or concept. You may use bullet points if there are several aspects of your theory to describe Limit the number of quotes in your paper. A paper of quotes is not a paper authored by you. Do NOT include a biography of the theorist. This paper is about the theory itself, not the theorist. (8 points)
Application of theory to Clinical Scenario: (8 points total for this section)
Describe a specific clinical scenario (interaction with patient and/or family) that you have experienced in your practice.
Clearly correlate the identified nursing theory to the clinical situation, describing how the theory and its specific concepts apply specifically to the situation. Make sure to include basic concepts related to the theory as well as a clear depiction of the implications for nursing practice.
All important concepts must be clearly applied to the situation.
Evidence of understanding theory in guiding care throughout the nursing process, not just one segment of the process.
Conclusion: Define the benefits of utilizing this specific nursing theory when examining patient care or patient issues. (4 points)
APA, References, & Paper Requirements:(5 points total for this section)
Follow APA style for formatting. APA includes, but is not limited to the title page, headings, running heads, subheadings, in text referencing, and reference page. The paper will be evaluated on grammar, spelling, and professional writing. All formal papers should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. No abstract required.
The paper should be NO LESS than 3 pages and NO MORE than 5 pages double-spaced. Page counts do not include the title page and the reference page.
Include a minimum of 3 professional nursing old.journal references less than 10 years old. You may also use your textbook. No websites should be used unless pre-approved by the instructor.
Submit the paper to the assignment drop box by the due date. The paper must submitted electronically through Canvas.
Total points for paper = 25 points


High Quality
Satisfactory Quality
Low Quality

-Theory presented is accurate, current and all major components described clearly and completely.
-theory presented is limited in depth but is accurate, current and relevant with the major components included.
Theory description is unclear. Limited depth noted. .
-No integration of sources noted.
Not addressed

Application of theory
-clearly describes a clinical example
– Clearly correlates the specific theory chosen to this scenario.
-identifies elements and concepts of the theory that applies
-evidence of theory understanding

– briefly describes a clinical example with limited detail
– attempts to apply the specific theory chosen to this scenario however relationship to situation unclear
-identifies concepts of the theory that applies however not integrated.
– unclear if understanding evident. -Paper more about listing of theory components

-clinical scenario not clearly described.
-theory named but concepts not discussed.
-limited to no application of the concepts to this situation.
Not addressed

Clearly Defines the benefits of utilizing this specific nursing theory when examining patient care or patient issues
Attempts to define the benefits of utilizing this specific nursing theory when examining patient care or patient issues, however, unclear
Minimally addresses the benefits of using this theory. Speaks only to theory globally.
Not addressed


Specific criteria
Consistent correct use of the rules of grammar usage, punctuation, and spelling
-correct APA
-3 -5 pages
-3 professional journal references
Consistent correct use of the rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, with a few minor errors.
-APA errors noted
-references not all from professional journals

Several grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors
-many apa errors.
-did not follow page limits
-did not meet reference requirements
Not addressed

Develop a plan to increase the organization’s workforce diversity from its current 10 percent level to 30 percent over the next five years. 



Read the following scenario and write a complete 4-7 pages paper on the instruction given below:


In Chapter 2, we explored topics of diversity and the challenges of diversity in the healthcare sector. In this case, you have been asked to join the hospital’s task force for developing a plan to increase the organization’s workforce diversity from its current 10 percent level to 30 percent over the next five years. What recommendations would you make as a member of the task force?

Possible Deliverables:

1. Summarize the existing landscape as it relates to diversity in healthcare and in the US in general

2. Explore why healthcare organizations may not be as diverse as they should be

3. What is diversity today (i.e. sex, gender, race, ethnicity, education, culture)

4. Find some theories to substantiate your work on improving diversity

5. Explore some of the challenges and opportunities as it relates to diversity

6. Develop a plan to increase the organization’s workforce diversity from its current 10 percent level to 30 percent over the next five years.

7. What recommendations would you make as a member of the task force?

The Submission Requirement 

The length of paper must be full 4-7 pages.

Include minimum 8- 10 scholarly references cited in APA.

It is recommended that you include the following sections in your paper:

  1. Introduction (one-two paragraphs) 
  2. Case Inquiries Addressed Introduction (body of paper; use sub-sections as you deem necessary) 
  3. Review and Application of Theory (body of paper; use sub-sections as you deem necessary) 
  4. You need to demonstrate a significant degree of knowledge regarding the theory you choose. Support with theories that are appropriate for each case. Recommend you review the existing literature to further explore that theory and how it has been applied
  5. Discussion (Tie the theory back to the case problem) 
  6. Conclusion (one – three paragraphs) 
  7. References (APA style) 

Review the various options in the Ethical Resource Allocation

Ethical Resource Allocation

Work through the simulation titled Resource Allocation from the end of Chapter 8 of your course text.  Review the various options in the simulation, then select “Your Own Option” to type out your own solution to the scenario.  You will need to copy and paste your response from “Your Own Option” into the discussion board forum.  Here is a brief synopsis of the simulation regarding the hospital’s budget and dilemma:

Hospital costs in millions for one year:

  • One 35-year-old cancer patient who needs significant time with the doctor, medical supplies, tests, and around the clock care: Cost: 100
  • Emergency Room operations for daily care and treatment of about 100 people (~365,000/year) Cost: 100
  • 2 Senior Patients who need hip replacement surgery. Cost: 50
  • 10 patients (ranging in age from 18 to 45) receiving assistance in your inpatient drug/alcohol rehab unit: 100
  • An MRI unit that is on the fritz and could die any day. Replacement Cost: 170
  • One of your two X-ray machines is inoperable and must be replaced: Cost 100
  • Ambulance drive-in area was damaged and needs to be repaired: Cost: 25
  • Training needs for nursing staff for certification requirements: Cost: 55
  • TOTAL: $700 million

For this discussion, address the following:

  • You have $700 million in expenses and only $500 million to work with. How do allocate your resources?
  • Who gets treated and who has to wait?
  • What about your facilities?
  • Determine what you plan to do and explain your reasoning as well as the ethical considerations behind your decision.

Your initial response must be at least 250 words and must use at least two scholarly sources.