
What determines the toxicity of a chemical?

: Undergraduate
: Essay
: English (U.S.)
: 3 pages/825 words

2 sources due in 3 hours

Environmental Health and Human Health
: Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on the following topics: Physical Agents Chemical Agents Biological Agents On the basis of your research and understanding of the topic, answer the following questions: Identify and describe five factors that affect responses to a toxic chemical. What determines the toxicity of a chemical? To what extent do you agree with the assumption that “all substances are poisons”? What is human exposure assessment? Explain some of the methods of exposure assessment. Why is epidemiology important to research studies of environmental health? Give reasoning to support your answer. What are some of the important limitations of the epidemiologic approach with respect to the study of environmental health problems?

Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using database marketing.

Database Marketing

This week you will obtain information on database marketing to support the Marketing Mix section of your Final Project. As discussed in Chapter 10 of the course text, database marketing centers on gathering customer-based information such as gender, age, occupation, and lifestyles. As an example, to better understand the wants and needs of patients and their families, the Happy Valley marketing director monitors activities on the long-term care center’s web page. Data is collected regarding specific links viewed such as activities, skilled care services offered, and physical therapy. If a certain link is viewed more than other links, this could indicate to the marketing director that potential patients and their family members prefer specific amenities or services. Those amenities or services would then be marketed as a priority for the organization. Considering the marketing plan for your chosen healthcare organization, construct a three- to four-page paper in which you:

Describe your understanding of database marketing and how it could potentially be applied to your marketing plan for the Final Project.

Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using database marketing.

State the ethical, legal, and HIPAA issues that need to be considered.

Articulate reasons why you would implement or exclude the use of database marketing in your marketing plan for the Final Project.

The paper

Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including the title page and references page) and formatted according to APA

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

Must document all sources in APA style

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style


what diseases are on the notifiable/reportable list for your state?

Check the website for your state (Virginia):

Determine whether your state has a statewide cancer or immunization registry. If so, determine the source of the data included in the registries. Then find out what diseases are on the notifiable/reportable list for your state. Present your findings in a one to three page document.

APA Format

  • attachment


What are the facts for and against the issues related the topic of Health Care as a Right or a Privilege?

Assignment  Health Care ( A Right or a Privilege ) .. ?

Using the guidelines presented on pages 194-205 of your text go to the website and using the guidelines below discuss the topic of Health Care as a Right or a Privilege.  This should be a 3-4 page paper and I will be looking for primary source citations.

Please use standard margins and set line spacing at 1.5.

Suggested Subheadings:

Background: Express your opinion/position about the issues addressed by this topic. (1-2 paragraphs)

Disclosure: Describe your knowledge about the topic and identify your attitudes, beliefs, values and any bias you may have about the issues associated with the topic. Is your understanding of the issues balanced; can you articulate both sides of the issues? (2-4 paragraphs)

Factual Findings:  What are the facts for and against the issues related to the topic? What factual information did you find to support your position?  Describe at least 2 pieces of factual information that refutes your position or bias.  If there is factual evidence for your position state it here.  If not, are there strong opinions that work in your favor?  If no factual information was presented, identify at least 2 opinions that are used to state a position. (3-4 paragraphs)

Pro-Con Summary: Were there any arguments presented for or against that were new or added to things for you to consider? After reading the Pro-Con arguments have you identified any new information?  Express what you’ve learned and describe how this new knowledge may have influenced your position (1-2 paragraphs)

Summary:  Summarize whether your position has been enhanced or weakened by the arguments presented in favor or against your original position. (2-3 paragraphs)