
how are culture and climate manifested within the organization?

Discussion: Organizational Foundations

As you strive to grow in your leadership skills and abilities, you will find that the context in which you work influences your motivation and areas of focus. In a similar vein, your commitment to developing professionally can contribute toward organizational effectiveness.
To that end, it is critical to recognize the importance of organizational culture and climate. In particular, through this week’s Learning Resources, you may consider several questions: How do an organization’s mission, vision, and values relate to its culture? What is the difference between culture and climate? Moreover, how are culture and climate manifested within the organization?
For this Discussion, you explore the culture and climate of your current organization or one with which you are familiar. You also consider decisions and day-to-day practices and the way they relate to the organization’s mission, vision, and values.
To prepare:
  • Review the information related to planning and decision making in health care organizations presented in the textbook, Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application. Consider how planning and decision making relate to an organization’s mission, vision, and values, as well as its culture and its climate.
  • Familiarize yourself with the mission, vision, and values of your organization or one with which you are familiar. Consider how the statements and actions of leaders and others within the organization support or demonstrate the organizational mission, vision, and values. In addition, note any apparent discrepancies between word and deed. Think about how this translates into expectations for direct service providers. Note any data or artifacts that seem to indicate whether behaviors within the organization are congruent with its mission, vision, and values.
  • Begin to examine and reflect on the culture and climate of the organization. How do culture and climate differ?
  • Why is it important for you, as a master’s-prepared nurse leader, to be cognizant of these matters?
By Day 3
Post a description of your selected organization’s mission, vision, and values. Describe relevant data, or artifacts, words, and actions of leaders and others in the organization that support, or perhaps appear to contradict the organization’s mission, vision, and values statement. In addition, discuss the organization’s culture and its climate, differentiating between the two. Explain why examining these matters is significant to your role as a nurse leader.
At this is where I work.  below is their mission vision, etc.
Mission, Vision & Values

We reveal and foster God’s healing love by improving the health of the people and communities we serve, especially those who are poor and vulnerable.


Inspired by our faith,
  • We will be distinguished as the premier person-centered health system and trusted partner.
  • We will engage patients in their care decisions and share accountability with clinicians and other stakeholders to coordinate care across all settings and improve access, quality, health outcomes and affordability.
  • We will grow as community-based health networks in partnership with others who share our vision and values and align with us to be an essential provider to those we serve.
Caring Spirit – We honor the sacred dignity of each person.
Excellence – We set and surpass high standards.
Good Humor – We create joyful and welcoming environments.
Integrity – We do the right thing with openness and pride.
Safety – We deliver care that seeks to eliminate all harm for patients and associates.
Stewardship – We are accountable for the resources entrusted to us.

How can an industrial hygienist determine how much risk is acceptable?

Industrial Hygiene-


Risk perception is influenced by many factors. Reflect on your personal and professional life and share with the class an example of an experience that you have had that had a profound impact on your perception of risk. For example, consider someone who was seriously injured in an automobile accident and was not wearing a seat belt. As a result of that experience, that individual may now perceive the risk of injury caused by not wearing a seat belt as significantly higher than the rick involved when wearing a seatbelt. Consequently, this individual now wears a seat belt whenever driving a car to reduce the risk of injury to an acceptable level.

1) Define exposure assessment, and describe the seven steps involved in an exposure-assessment strategy. Apply each step to a scenario where you, as an industrial hygienist, are asked to describe a worker’s exposure to cadmium during a brazing operation. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

2) What are the elements of the risk-assessment paradigm? How can these elements be applied in a workplace setting in which an emergency responder is addressing a large spill of trichloroethylene? Describe how risk assessment can be used in industrial hygiene practice. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

3) In your own words, define risk. What are the four functions of risk? How can these four functions be used to make risk decisions? List the factors that affect risk perception in the workplace. How can an industrial hygienist determine how much risk is acceptable? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

4) Define instantaneous monitoring, integrated monitoring, personal monitoring, and area monitoring, and explain the differences among each one. Provide a scenario in which in each method would be used. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

5) Discuss methods that can help prevent musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

6) Describe how noise and vibration hazards can affect the human body. What are some methods for mitigating these hazards? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Create a holistic care plan for disease prevention, health promotion, and acute care of the patient in the clinical case.

Case Study Analysis and Care Plan Creation

Click here to download and analyze the case study for this week. Create a holistic care plan for disease prevention, health promotion, and acute care of the patient in the clinical case. Your care plan should be based on current evidence and nursing standards of care.

Visit the online library and research for current scholarly evidence (no older than 5 years) to support your nursing actions. In addition, consider visiting government sites such as the CDC, WHO, AHRQ, Healthy People 2020. Provide a detailed scientific rationale justifying the inclusion of this evidence in your plan.

Next determine the ICD-10 classification (diagnoses). The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) is the official system used in the United States to classify and assign codes to health conditions and related information.

Click here to access the codes.

You are expected to develop a comprehensive care plan based on your assessment, diagnosis, and advanced nursing interventions. Reflect on what you have learned about care plans through independent research and peer discussions, and incorporate the knowledge that you have gained into your patient’s care plan.


Click here to download the care plan template to help you design a holistic patient care plan.

Your care plan should be formatted as a Microsoft Word document. Follow APA style. Your paper should be 2 to 4 pages double-spaced and in 12pt font.

Post a brief description of three emerging trends that are affecting health care today

Emerging Trends in Health Care


For health care providers, changes in governmental policies, local and national economics, and the need to integrate new technologies, tests, and procedures can all impact the financial situation of an organization. In addressing financial issues, a myriad of factors must be considered, such as the varying objectives of those providing care, resource availability, the population being served, and the implementation of government policies. As a nurse manager, you must consider the potential positive and negative impacts of new trends on your organization and all its stakeholders.


In this Discussion, you evaluate how emerging trends in the health care field impact health care decisions for patients, doctors, and nurses.


To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources for this week, focusing on the role of nurse managers in making financial decisions.

Conduct additional research in the Walden Library and other relevant sources, to identify three emerging trends that are affecting health care today.

Select one trend to discuss in detail and evaluate its implications for the delivery of care from the perspective of doctors, nurses, and patients.

Reflect on how this trend might impact quality of care.


Post a brief description of three emerging trends that are affecting health care today. Evaluate the implication of one of these trends on the delivery of health care from the perspectives of doctors, nurses, and patients. Explain how this trend might impact the quality of care.




Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days. Identify those who described a trend that is of particular interest to you and comment on why you find that trend to be interesting and how it could impact what you do on a daily basis.


(I will send the responses soon)

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional sources.


Required Readings

Baker, J., & Baker, R. W. (2014). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Chapter 2, “Four Things the Healthcare Manager Needs to Know About Financial Management Systems” (pp. 11–21)


This chapter focuses on the overall financial management system within an organization and identifies the basic system elements.


Zelman, W., McCue, M., & Glick, N. (2009). Financial management of health care organizations: An introduction to fundamental tools, concepts, and applications (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


Chapter 1, “The Context of Health Care Financial Management” (pp. 1–23)


This chapter offers differing perspectives on the causes of a “health care system in distress.” The chapter explores the factors behind rising health care costs, the efforts to control costs, and the ethical issues that affect both.


Note: This eBook is accessible through the Course Readings List located in the Course Materials section of the Syllabus.

Sanford, K. (2011). The case for nursing leadership development. Health care Financial Management, 65(3), 100–104, 106.


Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article details the costs of ineffective management and leadership to a health care organization. Management and leadership are defined as “a discipline” and “an art,” requiring commitment to the organization’s goals, to the team, and to the patient.

Waldman, D. (2014). The health of healthcare, part V: Is the very freedom of providers at risk? The Journal of Medical Practice Management: MPM, 29, (6), 366-368.

Reprinted by permission of Greenbranch Publishing via the Copyright Clearance Center.


This article discusses how U. S health providers lose their fiduciary responsibility to patients when compliant with the Affordable Health Care Act.

Studer, Q. (2010). Do your nurses speak finance? Health care Financial Management, 64(6), 80–84.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article discusses the importance of nurses understanding finance in a health care organization. The article stresses the importance of teaching clinicians the skills necessary to understand and make a difference in the current financial system of health care.

King, M. (2012). Health reform: Special report. Health reform turns two: After passage of the Affordable Care Act, the work—and the criticisms—persist. State Legislatures, 38(3), 12–17.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article discusses the Affordable Care Act and details changes that still need to be implemented. The article also examines how the legislation has altered the way state legislatures handle health care in the United States.

Harris, J. L., & Ott, K. (2008). Building the business case for the clinical nurse leader role. NurseLeader, 9(1), 28–31.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article stresses the need for nurses and physicians to “take the lead” in teaming up with business and financial leaders in their organizations to make improvements. The author describes the benefits both business and financial leaders will reap from their enhanced relationship.

White, K. (2011). Back to basics: The challenges of a nurse executive. Nurse Leader, 9(2), 27–30.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article discusses the challenges faced by nursing executives in a difficult economic climate. Between budgets, technology, and quality controls, the author discusses the need for a focus back on the basics of nursing in order to produce quality health care and successful financial budgeting.

Alliance for Health Reform. (2012). Quality of care. In Covering health issues (6th ed.). Washington DC: Author. Retrieved from


This chapter examines the flaws of the American health care system. The author describes the various consequences of mistakes and how addressing the issues will improve the quality of health care.

Alliance for Health Reform (2012). Cost drivers in health care. Retrieved from


This article describes factors that drive up costs in health care. The article categorizes the various factors and underscores the importance of their interactions.

Optional Resources

Alliance for Health Reform. (2012). What are some smarter ways to pay for health care? [Video]. Available from (Video)


In this video, Karen Davis, president of The Commonwealth Fund, discusses the future issues that health care organizations will face in trying to reduce costs while still providing quality care. She suggests that comparative effectiveness research should be undertaken to determine best financial practices.

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