
Discuss on client education related to hyperlipidemia treatment and life-style behaviors. 

Post a discussion related to your research on client education related to hyperlipidemia treatment and life-style behaviors.  Provide references in APA format and include in-text citations for quoted or paraphrased content in you post.  Points to consider are the methodology used for teaching the client, how to assess a client’s readiness to learn and the subjects needed to be taught and why.

Your post should be 300 words or more .

Please use citations from attachment provide please focus on client teaching and education on treating, preventing and promoting health base on the topic of Hyperlipidemia from a nursing point of view.

  • attachment


Identify two wellness problems based on a family assessment

Select a family to complete a family health assessment. (The family cannot be your own.)

Before interviewing the family, develop three open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the following health patterns:

  1. Values, Health Perception
  2. Nutrition
  3. Sleep/Rest
  4. Elimination
  5. Activity/Exercise
  6. Cognitive
  7. Sensory-Perception
  8. Self-Perception
  9. Role Relationship
  10. Sexuality
  11. Coping

NOTE: Your list of questions must be submitted with your assignment as an attachment.

After interviewing the family, compile the data and analyze the responses.

In 1,000-1,250 words, summarize the findings for each functional health pattern for the family you have selected.

Identify two wellness problems based on your family assessment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

How likely is the supplement to improve a person’s health?

According to the CDC, more than half of all Americans consumed a supplement in 2012.  Supplements are common in our culture, and many people think they need to consume a supplement to be healthy.

According to the CDC, more than half of all Americans consumed a supplement in 2012.  Supplements are common in our culture, and many people think they need to consume a supplement to be healthy.  Are supplements safe?  In this forum, we will investigate vitamin and mineral supplements.

Initial Post:

Using your favorite search engine, find a vitamin and mineral supplement and evaluate it. In your initial forum post, discuss the following:

  • What is the cost of these supplements?
  • How do the amounts of vitamins and minerals in the product compare with the DRIs, AI, and UL?
  • Are the levels of nutrients safe?
  • What compounds are included that are not essential nutrients?
  • What disclaimers or warnings are made about the product? Does the manufacturer provide scientific evidence to back up their claim?
  • How likely is the supplement to improve a person’s health?

In this forum, we will investigate vitamin and mineral supplements.

Initial Post:

Using your favorite search engine, find a vitamin and mineral supplement and evaluate it. In your initial forum post, discuss the following:

  • What is the cost of these supplements?
  • How do the amounts of vitamins and minerals in the product compare with the DRIs, AI, and UL?
  • Are the levels of nutrients safe?
  • What compounds are included that are not essential nutrients?
  • What disclaimers or warnings are made about the product? Does the manufacturer provide scientific evidence to back up their claim?
  • How likely is the supplement to improve a person’s health?

Examine how participative leadership functions in today’s modern health care organization and compare it to other types of leadership styles.

Complete a two to three page (excluding title and reference pages) report on the progress you have made to date on your Senior Project.  You must use a minimum of three scholarly sources. Your report, and any citations used, must be in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your progress report should cover the following:

TOPIC-Examine how participative leadership functions in today’s modern health care organization and compare it to other types of leadership styles. Evaluate how each type of leadership style may impact organizational culture, employee performance, and how it may help or hinder the legitimacy of authority.

  1. Topic: Identify the topic that you have selected for your Senior Project and provide a brief explanation for why you have chosen to address this topic *This may be copied from the Week Two assignment if evaluated as Distinguished Performance. Otherwise, make adjustments per Week Two feedback.
  2. Organization Specific Rationale: Provide a brief overview of the health care organization that you have selected for your Senior Project including a summary of the challenges and/or opportunities impacting the balance between health care costs, quality, and access to services that the organization is currently facing. The challenges and/or opportunities should directly relate to your rationale for why you have chosen your topic (i.e., training program) to help the organizational leaders manage this challenge/opportunity. Challenges and/or opportunities should be grounded in the research (e.g., web-based resources, electronic articles, or personal interviews). The more informed you are, the better prepared you will be to complete your Senior Project.
  3. Training: Identify the audience for your training program and provide a brief outline of the topics it will address. Include a minimum of three to five learning outcomes that are targeted for your identified audience. Specifically, what do you want your audience to know and/or be able to do after they have completed training? How does this training program align with the overall challenges and/or opportunities that the organization is facing? Overall, how will the training program benefit the organization?