
What types of techniques and activities should be included in a community health assessment?

Write a 2–4-page report on the concepts, processes, and tools needed to conduct a community health assessment, how to find the data, and how to validate the data. Explain the factors that can affect the health of a community, along with how to obtain that information.

Understanding community and state health care issues and concerns, the local resources available, and accessibility of those resources can inform health care practices and improve quality patient outcomes.

Questions to Consider


To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.

  • What types of techniques and activities should be included in a community health assessment?
  • How can these techniques and activities help determine both assets and gaps in health care services in a community?

Assessment Instructions :


Imagine you work for an organization that has decided to open a satellite facility in an underserved community. Your organization asks you to move to the new location and assist with some of the preliminary work. Part of this work is to determine the health care needs of the community. How will you do this? What information will you need to know? Where will you find the information?


Search the Capella library or the Internet for peer-reviewed journal articles on how to conduct a community health assessment. You will need at least 3 resources to use in this assessment.


Develop a plan for a community health assessment in which you complete the following:

  • Describe the type of data needed to make an informed community health assessment.
  • Explain how the data will help determine the health care needs of the community.
  • Describe your strategy for obtaining the necessary data.
  • Explain the factors that impact the health and wellness of a community. (Hint: This is a very broad list. Think outside the box on this one!)
  • Explain how you will obtain information on these factors for your specific community.
  • Explain how you will determine if the data and information you obtain is valid and reliable.
  • Format this assessment as a report that you would submit to a director or other organizational leader. You are still required to follow APA guidelines for in-text citations and references.

Additional Requirements

  • Include a title page and reference page.
  • Ensure your assessment is 2–4 pages in length.
  • Use double-spaced, 12-pt., Times New Roman font. (Recommended)

explains the laws, policies, and choices surrounding end-of-life health care decisions.

Write an article for a community newsletter for a local retirement village that explains the laws, policies, and choices surrounding end-of-life health care decisions.

Nurses are at the bedside during the dying process; they spend entire shifts with patients and families; they develop trusting relationships; and they are competent to assess patient and family needs. Nurses gain a unique perspective that allows them to become aware when a patient is not responding to treatment. This perspective places nurses in a position to facilitate end-of-life decision making. (Adams, Bailey. Anderson, & Docherty, 2011, para. 4)

Assessment Instructions


Your manager asked you to prepare an article for a community newsletter for a local retirement village. The editor wants you to talk about the laws, policies, and choices surrounding end-of-life health care decisions


Search the Capella library or the Internet for scholarly and professional peer-reviewed articles on end-of-life care. You will need at least three articles to use as support for your work on this assessment.


Write an article of 750–1,000 words (3–4 pages) that discusses the laws, policies, and choices surrounding end-of-life health care decisions. Address the following in your article:

  • Describe the role of the nurse in end-of-life decision making with patients and their families.
  • Explain the legislation that generated end-of-life health care policies. Was the legislation an outcome of a specific medical case?
  • Identify the primary policies regarding current health care practices related to end-of-life health care decisions. How to these policies affect treatment decisions?
  • Explain the effect of end-of-life regulations and controls on patient outcomes. What effect does this have on the nurse-patient relationship?
  • Describe the ethical considerations that have influenced policy decisions in regard to end-of-life decisions.

Additional Requirements

Your article should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • References: Cite a minimum of three resources; a majority of these should be peer-reviewed sources. Your reference list should be appropriate to the body of literature available on this topic that has been published in the past 5 years.
  • APA format: Resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Length: 750–1,000 words or 3–4 typed, double-spaced pages, excluding title page and reference page. Use Microsoft Word to complete the assessment.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Injury Prevention Program Paper.

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can help me to finish this assignment with good quality and be on time please?


The example is attached, please just follow the instruction.


Assignment – Final Paper 

Injury Prevention Program Paper. Your paper must include the following and discussion of required sections to receive full points. Follow APA style writing. Minimum of 3 pages and maximum of 5 pages excluding Title Page. Your paper will be submitted to SafeAssign for plagiarism check. Please follow the prompt questions to help you write your paper. Total maximum points (70 points)

Sample Paper: 

Final Paper Sample.pdf Click for more options

1.  Title Page with:

· APA style

· Title of the Topic

· Student name, course, University Name

· Instructor information, date of submission

2. Introduction  

· Type of Injury

· Background

· Reason/rationale why topic is choosen

· What is the goal of your paper

3. Burden of the Problem

· Cost associated

· Statistics and data

4. Stakeholders

· Identify different stakeholders and role in the topic of choice

· Population affected?

· Government Agencies involved?

· Private and non-profit agencies?

5. Interventions or Programs

· What programs are available to collect data?

· What programs are implemented for education and awareness?

· What programs are implemented to solve the issue/problem?

· Goals of the program and success stories of the program?

· What are the barriers from the success of the programs?

· What are done or could be done to provide a more successful intervention?

6. Summary

· Evaluate your topic and the interventions aimed to address your topic

· Summarize the information in the perspective of a public health professional

7. References

· Use the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style or the similar Harvard Citation Style, but citation style and reference format should be consistent from beginning to end. References should be within the last 10 years. The purpose is to use recent understanding about your topic, not outdated viewpoints based on older models and techniques.

· You’ll need at a minimum between 5-7 citations from scientific or technical reports, scientific journals, and reputable websites in the field of your research topic

· References should be properly cited in the main text and must be properly described to receive full points for the references and the journal article

8. Quality of Work

· Should be college level technical/scientific writing and contain the required minimum number of references. Good technical English, minimum typos and punctuation marks problems. Your thought-process from section to section should be well integrated and the writing should flow smoothly from beginning to end. The best way to guarantee good flow is to go over the finished product several times before submission.



· PubMed

· Web of Science


· Inter-library loan



  • attachment


Create a mission or vision statement for your organization.

Imagine you are considering the possibility of operating a small business or practice related to health care, either as a provider of some sort of care or as a service intended to support various provider organizations in their care-delivery activities.

  1. Describe the kind of entity you plan to establish by stating the service or services you propose to deliver and the kinds of clients or customers you would be serving.
  2. Write a few sentences offering compelling reasons for your proposed venture, explaining why you believe it is needed and by whom it is needed.  Also discuss any competition you foresee.
  3. Develop an estimate of how much money you will require to become established in business, and state how you would finance your venture. Also discuss your plans for maintaining your budget.
  4. Create a mission or vision statement for your organization.