
What are the ethical, financial, and legal implications for communication within a health care organization?

Option A: Compared to a non-healthcare organization, a manager must have a special skill set for communicating with health professionals and non professionals within a health care organization. What do you believe are those particular skill sets? Option A: Compared to a non-healthcare organization, a manager must have a special skill set for communicating with health professionals and non professionals within a health care organization. What do you believe are those particular skill sets? What are the ethical, financial, and legal implications for communication within a health care organization? What are the some of the primary barriers to communication between a manager and his/her staff?

create a Two-Part PowerPoint to explain2 goals from the Healthy People website that you feel affect your community and how to you discover what the patient’s learning style is?


Please create a Two-Part PowerPoint to answer the following…

Part 1. Go to the Healthy People 2020 website:

  • Pick 2 goals from the Healthy People website that you feel affect your community and why? Find local or state data to show where your community is currently at with these goals. As a nurse, what can you do to help the community move towards this goal? (6-8 slides)

Part 2. Patient teaching is one of the most important jobs the nurse has. How do you discover what the patient’s learning style is?

Discuss the different learning styles of your patients in relation to the following questions:

  • What tools or resources do you utilize when teaching patients?
  • How do you evaluate if your teaching was effective?
  • Do you teach or use different resources for different generations?
  • How do you include family members in your teaching that have different learning styles?
  • What additional resources could you incorporate into your teaching

This is one Power Point with two parts and should include at least 4 outside references and the textbook. It should include title and reference slides and be a total of 14-20 slides.

.Discuss your State Board of Nursing nurse practitioner documentation guidelines and how this can impact your level of reimbursement in the clinical setting.

Topic: Medical record documentation is required to record pertinent facts, findings, and observations about an individual’s health history, including past and present illnesses, tests, treatments, and outcomes. The medical record chronologically documents the care of the patient and is an important element contributing to high-quality safe care.Discuss your State Board of Nursing nurse practitioner documentation guidelines and how this can impact your level of reimbursement in the clinical setting.

write an 8-10 page feature story about the steps you should take when fraud and abuse cases are reported to a facility

You are a corporate compliance officer for a hospital.  You are also a feature writer for The Medical Reporter, an online health magazine.  The editor asks you to write an 8-10 page feature story about the steps you should take when fraud and abuse cases are reported to a facility. This is very timely as you recently received a call on your “hotline” regarding a potential fraud and abuse issue.  The caller indicated that Dr. Greedy was billing for services that had not been provided.  You are in danger of losing reimbursement for Medicare and Medicaid programs if this behavior is not stopped.   Your feature should address the ethical and moral components that healthcare providers and healthcare facilities face with fraud and abuse issues.  Your research should include the following aspects:

  1. How to conduct an investigation.  It should include the following elements:
    1. Reviewing the initial complaint: What are the items you should look for in a compliant to determine validity?
    2. Notifying the appropriate upper management of the complaint unless they are implicated in the complaint: What are the steps to take to determine who is involved?
    3. Obtaining additional information as necessary and developing a plan for the investigation:  What other items are important to the investigation?
    4. Conducting interviews with staff, residents and/or management: Delineate the types of questions to ask in the interview.
    5. Determining if the allegations are substantiated or unsubstantiated: Identify criteria to determine if substantiated or unsubstantiated.
  2. How to develop a correction action plan. The plan may suggest:
    1. A recommendation for a subsequent audit or follow-up to the complaint and determination of when this is necessary.
    2. A recommendation to refund any overpayments to federal government, insurance company or individual payer and when that may be the best course of action.

By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area.

Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc.

Assignment 1 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsDiscussed the process for reviewing the initial healthcare fraud and abuse complaint and the items to look for to determine validity.

-Explained the steps to take to determine who is involved in the complaint.32Discussed how to obtain additional information to develop a plan for the investigation and the items, which would be important to the investigation.-

-Explained how to conduct interviews with staff, residents and/or management and the types of questions to ask in the interview.-

-32Identified the criteria to determine if the allegations are substantiated or unsubstantiated.32Explained how to determine when a recommendation for a subsequent audit or follow-up to the complaint is necessary.

-Discussed the best course of action when a recommendation to refund any overpayments to federal government, insurance company or individual payer is warranted.

-Written Components: Style (8 points): Tone, audience, and word choice Organization(16 points): Introduction, transitions, and conclusion Usage and Mechanics (16 points): Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure APA Elements (24 points): In text citations and references, paraphrasing, and appropriate use of quotations and other elements of style