
Identify and described the steps of the nursing process.

Discussion board about  The Nursing Process.Provide references in APA format and include in text  citations for quoted or paraphrased content in the post.

It’s important to point out that the  nursing process is flexible and not rigid. It is a tool to use in  nursing care, but one that should allow for creativity and thinking  outside of the box.

 1-Identify and described the steps of the nursing process.

2-Discuss the importance of the nursing process as it relates to patients care.

3-Explain at least two ways in which nurses use critical thinking.

Please use attach document for in-text citation and references.

Write a paper (3 pages in length) summarizing your findings on evidence-based strategies and a workplan to address the health behavior.


By now, you have identified and done some literature search on your Module 1 Session Long Project (SLP) topic/health behavior and target population. In short, you have assessed the need for a program or intervention to address the health behavior you previously identified.

For Module 2 SLP, you will again conduct a literature search utilizing peer-reviewed journal articles, books, professional organization articles, etc., to help you identify evidence-based strategies to best address the health behavior in your target population and create a program/intervention plan.

Write a paper (3 pages in length) summarizing your findings on evidence-based strategies and a workplan to address the health behavior. A workplan sample can be found at

The following items will be assessed in particular:

  1. Using the same topic you have chosen from Module 1 SLP, develop a program goal and at least two objectives (1 learning objective and 1 behavioral objective) for your target population. Your objectives must be specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, and time-phased (SMART). Make sure that you have read the required readings on SMART objectives before developing your goal and objectives.
  2. Based on your literature search, provide a summary of evidence-based strategies that have been shown effective in promoting or reducing the behavior in your target population.
  3. Identify two evidence-based strategies that you will use to implement your program or intervention. Provide an explanation why you have chosen these strategies and defend your choices.
  4. For now, include a workplan table with your goals, objectives, and activities/strategies. NOTE: Other parts of the workplan such as the data measurement tools, timeframe, responsible person, and measures of success will be completed in the next module SLP.

Write a paper (3 pages in length) summarizing your findings on evidence-based strategies and a workplan to address the health behavior. A workplan sample can be found at

By now, you have identified and done some literature search on your Module 1 Session Long Project (SLP) topic/health behavior and target population. In short, you have assessed the need for a program or intervention to address the health behavior you previously identified.

For Module 2 SLP, you will again conduct a literature search utilizing peer-reviewed journal articles, books, professional organization articles, etc., to help you identify evidence-based strategies to best address the health behavior in your target population and create a program/intervention plan.

Write a paper (3 pages in length) summarizing your findings on evidence-based strategies and a workplan to address the health behavior. A workplan sample can be found at

The following items will be assessed in particular:

  1. Using the same topic you have chosen from Module 1 SLP, develop a program goal and at least two objectives (1 learning objective and 1 behavioral objective) for your target population. Your objectives must be specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, and time-phased (SMART). Make sure that you have read the required readings on SMART objectives before developing your goal and objectives.
  2. Based on your literature search, provide a summary of evidence-based strategies that have been shown effective in promoting or reducing the behavior in your target population.
  3. Identify two evidence-based strategies that you will use to implement your program or intervention. Provide an explanation why you have chosen these strategies and defend your choices.
  4. For now, include a workplan table with your goals, objectives, and activities/strategies. NOTE: Other parts of the workplan such as the data measurement tools, timeframe, responsible person, and measures of success will be completed in the next module SLP.

Discuss the role of the Community Health Nurse in each stage of disaster. You should include a few slides on each stage of disaster: preparedness, response, recovery with specific activities and resources that the public health nurse would use in each stage.  

  • Create a power point with the intended audience to be a community health department.
  • Focus on a real or fictional disaster that has or could affect your area. Your area is CALIFORNIA- FIRE
  • Discuss the role of the Community Health Nurse in each stage of disaster. You should include a few slides on each stage of disaster: preparedness, response, recovery with specific activities and resources that the public health nurse would use in each stage.
  • Identify other agencies that might be involved.

The assignment should be submitted in Power Point format, with at least 10 content slides (in addition to a title slide and reference slide) and include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials.


  • Do not write a paper in the PPT clean, organized and easy to read bullets/graphs/diagrams should be used to get the message across- NO full sentences or paragraphs are to be used in a power point.
  • Titles on each slide are to be in all capital letters, remaining information such as text info and references are NEVER in all capital letters in a power point.
  • Citations FOR NON QUOTES are on EACH slide posted in the lower right corner as (author, year).  If you use a QUOTE– then use the citation within the sentence/message and don’t forget the author/year/ p. or para. Has to be cited – but using quotes and full sentences is completely avoided if at all possible for class PPTs.   Citations are to be in parentheses.   I do NOT want you to complete “speaker notes” in your power points! 
  • Enticing background color is welcomed as well as minimal transitions and pictures to add to the message.  Usually 3-4 pictures or diagrams are used in a power point.  (You do not need to cite sources of pictures or graphics in your power point unless they are copyrighted).
  • Title slide with title, your name, the date, and school listed
  • Objectives slide follows the title slide and tells the reader what you will cover. (Just like the introductory paragraph in a paper).
  • Every slide has a heading in ALL CAPITAL letters- of no more than 3-4 words- no acronyms (such as RN, MD, ICU, etc.) are permitted in headings, all numbers and acronyms have to be spelled out in headings or titles or as the first word of any sentence.
  • No more than 7-8 bullets or points on a slide
  • Reference slide compiling ALL references as the last slide in APA format; bulleted or “hanging”
  • Be sure that the font is large enough to read or you may need to make it larger- sometimes 15-20 are good for references.
  • There should be several pictures, graphs, or diagrams in each power point. If they are copyrighted material, they must be cited and referenced.
  • NEVER use all capital letters in text of slides, references, or citations in a power point. Only all capitals are used in titles of slides.