
What ethical issues have arisen or might arise from use of technology and informatics in professional nursing?

Here are the discussion questions. answer each questions and make references to where u got ur ans from….aka  APA style and also use the links below

1.   Integration of Evidence-Based Practice Into Professional Nursing practice.

As the professional nurse, you realize that your nursing care area often sees patients with the same particularly challenging nursing care issue (NOT medical care issue). Include allof the following in your answer to this discussion:

  • Identify the nursing care issue or problem and justify why it is a nursing care issue in need of implementation of evidence. Remember, this should not be a medical issue.
  • Explain how you would search the nursing literature for evidence on this topic (including search terms you would use) and how you would critically appraise the evidence found in your search. NOTE: You do not need to perform the search and provide an article for this discussion, but you may do so if you like.

2.   Nursing Roles in Quality Improvement.

How do nurses promote patient safety and improve quality at your workplace? How do you report errors and near misses? What changes would you suggest be made on your unit or facility to improve a non-punitive culture of safety?



3.   Leadership in Diverse Situations

Nurses demonstrate leadership in many situations. For this discussion, select one of the following situations that you have not previously experienced and tell us how the nurse would demonstrate leadership in that situation:

  • Communicating with legislators to influence health policy1
  • Clinical leadership at the bedside
  • Nursing management of units or facilities
  • Impact of systems-based practice on leadership

4.   Use of Informatics in Professional Nursing.

How do you use informatics and technology in your nursing practice? How do you see that use changing in the future? What ethical issues have arisen or might arise from use of technology and informatics in professional nursing?


5.AACN BSN Essentials and Your Future Practice.

Question: Select one of the AACN BSN Essentials and elaborate on its meaning and importance in your own future professional nursing practice. In your post intended to clearly and thoroughly address the topic of this TD, be sure to:

  • Identify the AACN BSN Essential that you have selected by name and number.
  • Clearly and thoroughly explain why you selected this Essential.
  • Clearly and thoroughly explain how this Essential will be used in your future professional nursing career.

Pls chose any topic  from the link I attached in AACN below for question 5. Thanks The links to answer the  topic questions. > [8/15/2016]


6.Topic: Application of Nursing Theory to Practice.

You are a professional nurse caring for Mr. R, a 58-year-old patient who recently underwent surgery for colon cancer resulting in a temporary colostomy. Select one of the assigned or unassigned nursing theories from our textbook and address the following:

  • How you would provide professional nursing care for Mr. R. using the theory you have selected. Be sure to use terminology from the selected nursing theory to explain your interventions.
  • Relate application of legal and/or ethical standards to this case study. > [8/15/2016]

you may use any other references  with them pls.




Identify a health care delivery organization, note how that organization is linked to other health care organizations in the delivery system

Organizations operating in the U.S. Health Care Sector (USHCS) are a part of a larger system of services.  Identify a health care delivery organization, note how that organization is linked to other health care organizations in the delivery system.  Every organization has a source of referral and a place they release their patients.

For this assignment, you will explore linkages and alliances.   To this end, your paper should include:


  • A Title page
  • A 2-3 page (double spaced) description of the organization;
  •  graphical representation of the linkages between the organization and other organizations/stakeholders. If you do a Google image search for organizational linkages, you will see plenty of examples of how they might look. You are not required to use a specific type of graphical representation; the key is to be able to understand the relationships between organizations by looking at your linkage graphic;
  • A properly formatted reference page.

As is the case with all academic papers, a well-organized paper will have a clear introduction to the topic, a body, and a conclusion or summary paragraph. In addition, a well-written paper will have minimal grammar, spelling, or sentence structure mistakes and it will fully conform to all


) Describe a technique or tip you learned through your initial experience with Microsoft Project that might be useful to your colleagues.

Microsoft Project Proficiency


In Week 2, you began creating a project plan in Microsoft Project. By now, you should have an idea about your level of comfort in using this software. You have most likely discovered some helpful techniques and may also have an idea of areas in which you could use help. Both your newfound skills and your areas of concern are valuable insights that could assist your colleagues.


In this Discussion, you assess your first experiences using Microsoft Project and exchange tips with your colleagues.


To prepare:


  • Think about your initial comfort level in using Microsoft Project. What difficulties did you have? How were you able to move past them?
  • Consider new techniques or skills you have developed through your initial use of Microsoft Project.
  • Consider which of these skills or techniques might be useful to your colleagues.
  • Reflect on any areas of Microsoft Project in which you could use help.


 words in APA format. Cite at least 2 references and include the level 1 headings as numbered below:


1) An assessment of your level of comfort in using Microsoft Project.


2) Describe a technique or tip you learned through your initial experience with Microsoft Project that might be useful to your colleagues.


3) Specify an area in which you could use help




Required Readings




Biafore, B. (2010). Microsoft Project 2010: The missing manual. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.


  • Chapter 2, “Planning a Project” (pp. 39–57)


This chapter supplies a brief introduction on project planning. The chapter describes the contents of a project plan along with the process of creating relevant documents.




Coplan, S., & Masuda, D. (2011). Project management for healthcare information technology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


  • Chapter 5, “Change Management” (pp. 193–237)


In this chapter, the authors review change management knowledge areas. The authors describe a variety of analysis methods applicable to change management processes and outputs.


Project Management Institute. (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide) (5th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Author.


  • Chapter 3, “Project Management Processes” (pp. 47–61)


This chapter supplies information on managing a project that uses networked processes. The chapter describes project management processes related to each phase of a project.




Campbell, R. J. (2008). Change management in health care. The Health Care Manager27(1), 23–39. 


Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


In this article, the author highlights the work of two leaders in the field of change management. The author demonstrates how the work of these leaders can be applied to health care organizations.




Merrell, P. (2012). Effective change management: The simple truth. Management Services56(2), 20–23. 


Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


In this article, the author provides six steps for effective change management. The author also supplies supplementary information on the importance of learning activities, measuring success, and managing change management strategies.




Required Media


Laureate Education (Producer). (2013a). Establishing a team [Video file]. Retrieved from




Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 8 minutes.


In this video, Dr. Mimi Hassett discusses important considerations when assembling a project team, such as who to include and whom to consult. She talks about how project size, goals, and timelines can impact those decisions, and she also offers examples of how to keep enthusiasm for a project moving forward as the challenges toward completion arise.






Schifalacqua, M., Costello, C., & Denman, W. (2009). Roadmap for planned change, part 1: Change leadership and project management. Nurse Leader7(2), 26–29. 


Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


In this article, the authors explore the essential elements of change theory and project management. The article details many tools and concepts that assist in managing and planning change at various scales.






Microsoft Corporation. (2012). Getting started: Introduction to project management. Retrieved from


Review this web page, which provides an overview of basic project management concepts. It also provides links to other pages which demonstrate how to apply the aforementioned concepts in Microsoft Project 2010.


ow do policymakers evaluate which health care services should be financed through government programs?

Discussion: Financing of Health Care

With coinciding concerns about health care costs and the imperative to improve quality of care, health care providers and others face difficult decisions in the effort to achieve an appropriate balance. Such decisions often are addressed in the policy arena. How do policymakers evaluate which health care services should be financed through government programs? How do ethics-related questions and other considerations play into this evaluation process? Is it possible to contain costs and provide accessible, high-quality care to all, or is the tension between cost and care inherent in the U.S. health care delivery system? These questions are central to health care financing decisions in the United States.

For this Discussion, you will focus on the policy decision-making process that determines what types of care are covered by public and private insurers and the ethical aspects of such financial decisions.

To prepare:

  • Read the following case study, “Hard Economic and Finance Choices in US Healthcare” (Milstead):
    • Case Study 1: Hard Economic and Finance Choices in US Healthcare

      Applied economics is all about managing scarce resources. Economics is an amoral field of study: it is neither moral nor immoral. Morality and values are determined by individuals at the personal level and by group consensus or majority opinion at the national level. State and federal governments determine the ‘will of the people’ about how to use scarce resources for the good of a nation.

      The U.S. health care system is an exemplar of scarcity: primary care physicians, substance abuse treatment centers, trauma centers, registered nurses, and the money to pay for goods and services. Finance is all about how to pay for goods and services. The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) is appointed by the Executive branch of the federal government to make decisions about what the Medicare program will and will not pay for. In this role, MedPAC makes decisions about medications, procedures and treatments. Examples of MedPAC decisions include coverage for left ventricular assistive devices as a destination therapy, coverage for bariatric surgery, and in 2010, coverage of the drug Provenge™. By law, MedPAC is not allowed to use price or cost of any treatment in its decision-making processes.

  • Review the information in the Washington Post article “Review of Prostate Cancer Drugs Provenge Renews Medical Cost-Benefit Debate” in the Learning Resources.
  • Consider how policy decisions currently are made about what will and will not be paid for and what changes, if any, could improve the process.
  • Reflect on how the Washington Post example illustrates the tension between cost and care.
By Day 3

Post your analysis and assessment of the ethical and economic challenges related to policy decisions such as those presented in the Washington Post article. How does this type of situation contribute to the tension between cost and care? Substantiate your response with at least two outside resources.