
Identify a current state or national healthcare or nursing issues that effects nurses or healthcare

1. EBP Research

Locate two research articles on the topic of your choice, but each article needs to use a different research method (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods). First, summarize both articles. Then answer the following questions…

  • Which type of research article did you find easier to understand? Explain
  • If you had to complete a research project which style would you choose and why?

This section should include 2 outside references and your book. This section should be at least 1000 words. APA format is expected – title page, running head, page numbers, introduction and conclusion.

2. Political Letter – In a different submitted file

Identify a current state or national healthcare or nursing issues that effects nurses or healthcare.  Possible websites to locate an issue would be…

State Nursing Association

American Nursing Association

Specialized Professional Organizations

Once you have found your issue, write a letter to your governor, senator, or congress person. Your letter should be a minimum of 500 words, single spaced, in a block format and addresses should be included. Your first paragraph should state the issue. The second paragraph should state how the issue affects you personally as a nurse (avoid medical jargon). The third paragraph should state how the issue affects the community. Your fourth and final paragraph should restate the importance of the issue and thank the individual for their time and attention to the issue.

Your references for the letter should not be cited in your letter, but should be included on a separate reference page. You should do citations in the letter just don’t put the full reference in the Letter, keep that on a second page.

describe a nursing informatics best practices policy for effective and safe data use in a nursing practice setting or organization.

Please Check the Competencies:



Write 3–5 pages in which you describe a nursing informatics best practices policy for effective and safe data use in a nursing practice setting or organization.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 2: Identify strategies and best practices for using informatics in nursing and health care.
    • Describe the best practices needed to promote and support data security.
    • Describe the ethical standards needed to promote patient confidentiality.
    • Describe regulatory requirements that promote and support positive patient outcomes related to a specific population.
    • Describe the types of behaviors and skills nurse leaders need to guide the use of information technology and research for improved patient-care outcomes.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with expectations of a nursing professional.
    • Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

  • How do nurses develop best practice?
  • How does research support best practice?
  • What are best practices in your organization that you think are exemplars for improving patient care?
  • What nursing roles should be in place to support the use of evidenced-based practice?
  • How would you describe the concept of meaningful use and technology adoption stages: electronic health records (EHR) incentive programs, and how does this fit within the context of best practice?
  • What are the main points to consider as you review The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and why is this best practice?
  • How does the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (PSQIA) support patient safety and improved patient outcomes?

Assessment Instructions


Imagine an organization asks you to contribute to the development of an information system best-practices policy to help maintain patient safety and patient confidentiality in their practice setting. The organization wants you to create a document to help the group better understand why an informatics policy is needed and the practices that should be included in the policy.

A nursing informatics best-practices document can serve multiple purposes, such as a handout for new-hire orientation or as a background report given to a committee tasked with creating or updating a nursing informatics best-practices policy.


To expand your understanding of nursing informatics best practices within the industry, research the most current information about the topics of nursing best-practices documents and nursing informatics best practices.

Using different methods (Web search, for example), locate 4–6 scholarly articles related to best practices designed to support positive patient outcomes related to the following areas:

  • The meaning of secure data practices.
  • Ethical standards needed to promote and support data security.
  • Patient confidentiality.
  • Regulatory requirements.
  • Behaviors and skills nurse leaders need to guide the use of information technology and research for improved patient-care outcomes.


Create a description of a nursing informatics best-practices policy document designed to define and encourage effective and safe data use in a practice setting or organization.

  • Purpose Statement: Statement of why an organization would create the policy. Include any reasons and intent that supports the creation of an informatics best-practices policy.
  • Best Practices Definitions and Descriptions:
    • Definitions of secure practices, data security, and patient confidentiality.
    • Ethical standards.
    • Regulatory requirements.
  • Implementation:
    • Behaviors – describe the behaviors nurse leaders will need to demonstrate that will guide implementation of the policy.
    • Skills required – describe the skills needed to ensure policy adherence.

Format your document using the professional format and style (corporate identity) used in your organization or practice setting. Note: If you are not currently working in an organizational setting, follow the formatting instructions below.

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
  • Number of resources: Cite a minimum of four peer-reviewed resources.
  • Length: Submit 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.

Summarize a teaching plan for the importance of hand washing to prevent the spread of infections.

Summarize a teaching plan for an elementary school I taught at. The teaching was the importance of hand washing to prevent the spread of infections. Please find scholarly articles to reference the benefits. Respond to each of the requirements and include references used.

Requirements: 1,500-2,000 words, min 2 scholarly sources (no older than 5 years), APA format.


Describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include:

  1. Summary      of teaching plan
  2. Epidemiological      rationale for topic
  3. Evaluation      of teaching experience
  4. Community      response to teaching
  5. Areas      of strengths and areas of improvement

Using statistical data, discuss the probability of other nurses seeing this as an issue in their practice


In this assignment, you will be expected to utilize a data set to analyze and interpret information. Select a data set that you find interesting


Part one – visit and select one of the data sets that you find interesting. In one paragraph, describe the dataset. The dataset you choose must contain at least 3 columns of quantitative data with at least 30 data values in each column. If it doesn’t, you won’t be able to complete some parts of this assignment.

Part two – in a Word document, using current APA formatting, complete the following:

1. Identify the variable names and whether they are the dependent or independent variables.

2. Create a histogram for two of the variables. Comment on interesting patterns you see. Is the data normally distributed? Why or why not?

3. Create a scatter diagram for any two of the independent variables and the dependent variable. You should have two scatterplots. Is there a strong relationship between the independent and dependent variables? Explain your answer. What can you hypothesize based on the relationship you see in the graphs?

4. Using statistical data, discuss the probability of other nurses seeing this as an issue in their practice. Discuss how sample size may affect these numbers.

5. Compute the mean, standard deviation and the estimated standard of the mean of one of the variables. Include the Stat Crunch output table in your document.

6. Using data in number 5, above, compute a 95% confidence interval (showing all the work) and describe the central limit theorem.

Part three – in 2-3-paragraphs please provide a written proposal to senior management, using the information in part one. Select three analyses to describe the data.

Your paper should be double spaced, 12-point font, and all references and citations should follow APA format.

Part four Create the histogram in the statistical software of your choosing and while verbally explaining the process and interesting patterns you see. Verbally explain whether your data is normally distributed. This process should be recorded while inputting, computing and discussing.

Create a scatter diagram in the statistical software of your choosing for one of your independent variables. Verbally explain whether there is a strong relationship. This process should be recorded while inputting, computing and discussing.