
What are the challenges involved in workflow modeling?

Discussion: Workflow Modeling


Workflow modeling is widely used throughout many different types of businesses, including health care organizations, to visually summarize the steps of complex processes and systems. When constructing a workflow model, it is important to ensure that the model accurately reflects the actual steps in a process.


In this Discussion, you consider a case study of a health care clinic and its process for ordering medical supplies. You then examine a workflow model that is meant to reflect that process and analyze the model’s accuracy based on the information in the case study. You also analyze the importance of accurate workflow modeling and consider strategies for creating accurate workflow models for health care processes.


Case Study:


Deerborne Dialysis is a local dialysis clinic that is part of a larger health care network, Buckeye Health. Buckeye Health executives have recently been examining the processes by which organizations within the network manage their supplies. Deerborne Dialysis was identified as an exemplary model of efficient supply management, and Buckeye Health executives have requested a workflow model of how Deerborne Dialysis handles their supply management process.




Sharon is the nurse who oversees the process of ordering and stocking supplies for Deerborne Dialysis. She knows the process well and developed a description of the steps in the supply management process. First, Sharon conducts a daily check of the supplies in the storage room. If there is a supply that is running low, Sharon submits an order to the medical supplier. When the clinic receives the shipment, Sharon unpacks the shipment and cross-checks the supplies that were shipped with the supplies that were ordered. If there is a discrepancy, the entire shipment must be returned to the medical supplier, who then rushes a new shipment to the clinic to be received the next day. If there is no discrepancy, or once the new shipment is received, unpacked, and cross-checked, Sharon stocks the shelves in the storage room and gives the supply bill to the clinic’s accountant, who ensures that the medical supplier receives payment.




Sharon has created the following workflow model to reflect the steps she goes through to manage the clinic’s inventory of supplies:




Workflow Model: Deerborne Dialysis Supply Management


To prepare:


  • Review the case study above and examine the workflow model that is meant to reflect the process described in the case study.
  • Identify problems with the workflow model. How could the model be revised to be more accurate, clear, and effective?
  • Reflect on the importance of creating an accurate workflow model of health care processes. What are the challenges involved in workflow modeling? What are the consequences of inaccurate workflow models?
  • Consider strategies that you can use to ensure that workflow models are effective and accurate.


With these thoughts in mind:


 a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format with 3 references (References must come from the list provided in the instruction area), addressing the level one headings as numbered below:




1) A summary of at least three specific problems you identified in the workflow model.


2) Describe how the model could be revised to address those problems.


3) Analyze the importance of accuracy and clarity in workflow modeling, and describe at least one strategy you plan to use to ensure that the workflow models you create are accurate and clear.








Required Readings




Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2015). Systems analysis and design (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.


  • Chapter 5, “Process Modeling” (pp. 153–186)


This chapter introduces the most common process-modeling techniques. In particular, there is emphasis on the data flow diagram and how it is developed and used.




Helmers, S. (2011). Microsoft Visio 2010 step by step. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.


  • Chapter 3, “Adding Sophistication to your Drawing” (pp. 69–110)


This chapter focuses on creating a diagram that is both professional and accurate. Topics covered include adding and using text boxes, inserting fields, and grouping shapes.




  • Chapter 4, “Drawing the Real World: Flowcharts and Organization Charts” (pp. 111–142)


The focus of this chapter is creating accurate flowcharts and organization charts. It explains how to create and use swimlanes. It also covers the development of organization charts and how they can be stylized.




  • Chapter 5, “Adding Style, Color, and Themes” (pp. 143–170)


This chapter demonstrates how to change the color, types of lines, and over all format of a drawing. It also covers the use of Visio themes.




Benyoucef, M., Kuziemsky, C., Rad, A. A., & Elsabbahi, A. (2011). Modeling healthcare processes as service orchestrations and choreographies. Business Process Management Journal, 17(4), 568–597.


Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


Remodeling health IT systems for optimal health care delivery requires an assessment of both the health care organization and the usability of the available technology. This article evaluates ways of combining web-service-based health care processes to best suit the needs of service-specific health care organizations.




Unertl, K. M., Weigner, M. B., Johnson, K.B., & Lorenzi, N. M. (2009). Describing and modeling workflow and information flow in chronic disease care. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, 16(6), 826–836.


Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


This article evaluates how workflow and work practices in chronic disease care can be improved through the use of informatics tools. It also focuses on studies that discern potential real-world benefits of health information technology (HIT).




Vankipuram, M., Kahol, K., Cohen, T., & Patel, V. L. (2011). Toward automated workflow analysis and visualization in clinical environments. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 44(3), 432–440.


Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


In this article, the authors offer a framework for improving workflow analysis. It combines cognitive decision making, movement, and interaction and communication. The authors used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research practices to gather the data for analysis.




Required Media


Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012d). A workflow diagram. Baltimore, MD: Author.


This multimedia piece continues to build on the scenario introduced in Week 1. In this segment, the health care facility creates a workflow diagram with assessment that maps the current workflow.




  • attachment


Explain how this article expands your knowledge of an important issue related to your field of study.

Application: Online Resources in the Health Field

Online learning and research presents many challenges, just the same as traditional learning. These challenges include finding reliable, current, and legitimate scholarly resources. You may already have favorite online resources and databases that you use or have found useful in the past. As you begin your program of study, you will identify many resources you may rely on for current peer-reviewed information.

For this Assignment, review your Learning Resources, then research and locate one peer-reviewed article in the Walden Library. These may include resources identified in this course through the Walden Library, as well as those not mentioned in this course.

The topic of your article should be an issue that is important to you and related to your health field. It should be different from the topic you chose for your initial posting to the Week 2 Discussion.

Note: In grading every required Application Assignment, your Instructor uses an Application Assignment Rubric, located in the Course Information area. Review the applicable rubric prior to completing your assignment.

The Assignment (2 pages)

  • Explain the process of finding your article and how you determined it was peer-reviewed.
  • Summarize the article and its findings.
  • Explain how this article expands your knowledge of an important issue related to your field of study.
  • Expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources.

Describe the role and functions of the individual within the context of the individual’s organizational structure and of project management.

Individual Project Part 1: Managing Projects




The Individual Project Assignments in this course are designed to provide you with a practical understanding of project management activities in a health care organization.


Part 1 of the Individual Project focuses on managing projects. You interview an individual who has managed a project for an organization. Alternatively, you may examine a minimum of three organizations that have published descriptions about a health care information technology project.


Hi, for this assignment you have the option of choosing the INTERVIEW or the SCHOLARLY PAPER. This assignment MUST include an introduction with a purpose statement (e.g. the purpose of this paper is …), and a summary. Include at least 3 references from the list I provided. Check the PDF file attached for more instructions on this project.








To prepare:




  • Review the Individual Project Overview document linked in this week’s Learning Resources for additional information on this project. Pay particular attention to the questions you might ask in your interview.
  • Locate a professional who manages or works on special projects in health care and is willing to speak about his or her experience.
  • If such a person is not readily available to you, find someone in your community who has managed a project for an organization. The organization can be a volunteer service group, a faith-based group, a business, or another that meets your needs. The goal is to find an individual who has been in charge of a project important to the organization.
  • Review the topics and questions below that should be addressed in your interview.
  • Think about other related questions you might have for your interviewee and solidify your goals for speaking to and learning from this person.


    By Day 5 of Week 5


    Write a 2- to 4-page paper in APA format with 3 references from the list provided which include the following level one headings:



  • 1) Describe the context of your interview—where and how the interview took place. why you selected this individual, and how you believe this individual meets the requirements for this Assignment.
  • 2) Describe the role and functions of the individual within the context of the individual’s organizational structure and of project management.
  • 3) Synthesize insights on how project goals (outcomes, metrics of success, expectations for improving work products) and project administration (project charters, stakeholder involvement, activities, scheduling, costs, etc.) are addressed in the interviewee’s organization.
  • 4) Compare the insights from your interview with information from project management literature about project goals (outcomes, metrics of success, expectations for improving work products) and project administration (project charters, stakeholder involvement, activities, scheduling, costs, etc.). Be sure that the comparisons you make are clear to the reader.
  • 5) Explain how your insights into these aspects of project management will impact your ability to successfully manage health care information technology projects. Include any tips the individual described for managing a successful project.




    Scholarly Paper


    To prepare:



  • Examine a minimum of three organizations that have published descriptions about a health care information technology project. Review the Individual Project Overview document for the full details of this Assignment.

    Write a 3- to 4-page paper in APA format with 3 references from the list provided which include the following level one headings:


  • 1) Briefly describe the health care organizations selected for use in this paper, including your rationale for selecting the organizations.
  • 2) Offer perspectives on the use of formal project management in health care organizations, with a focus on health care information technology projects.
  • 3) Synthesize insights on how project goals (outcomes, metrics of success, expectations for improving work products) and project administration (project charters, stakeholder involvement, activities, scheduling, costs, etc.) are addressed in the projects implemented in your selected health care organizations.
  • 4) Compare your insights from the articles with information from project management literature about project goals and project administration. Be sure that the comparisons you make are clear to the reader.
  • 5) Explain how your insights into these aspects of project management will impact your ability to successfully manage health care information technology projects.
  • Synthesize your findings from the literature in regards to present evidence, best practices, or standards.

    This assignment is due by Sunday 9/30/16 by 12pm



    Required Readings


    Biafore, B. (2010). Microsoft Project 2010: The missing manual. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.


    Chapter 2, “Planning a Project” (pp. 39–57)


    This chapter supplies a brief introduction on project planning. The chapter describes the contents of a project plan along with the process of creating relevant documents.

    Coplan, S., & Masuda, D. (2011). Project management for healthcare information technology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.



  • Chapter 5, “Change Management” (pp. 193–237)


    In this chapter, the authors review change management knowledge areas. The authors describe a variety of analysis methods applicable to change management processes and outputs.


    Project Management Institute. (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide) (5th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Author.



  • Chapter 3, “Project Management Processes” (pp. 47–61)


    This chapter supplies information on managing a project that uses networked processes. The chapter describes project management processes related to each phase of a project.


    Campbell, R. J. (2008). Change management in health care. The Health Care Manager27(1), 23–39. 

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


    In this article, the author highlights the work of two leaders in the field of change management. The author demonstrates how the work of these leaders can be applied to health care organizations.


    Merrell, P. (2012). Effective change management: The simple truth. Management Services56(2), 20–23.

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


    In this article, the author provides six steps for effective change management. The author also supplies supplementary information on the importance of learning activities, measuring success, and managing change management strategies.


    Schifalacqua, M., Costello, C., & Denman, W. (2009). Roadmap for planned change, part 1: Change leadership and project management. Nurse Leader7(2), 26–29. 

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


    In this article, the authors explore the essential elements of change theory and project management. The article details many tools and concepts that assist in managing and planning change at various scales.


    Microsoft Corporation. (2012). Getting started: Introduction to project management. Retrieved from


    Review this web page, which provides an overview of basic project management concepts. It also provides links to other pages which demonstrate how to apply the aforementioned concepts in Microsoft Project 2010.



    Document: Individual Project Overview (PDF) (SEE ATTACHED PDF FILE)


    This document provides an overview of the Individual Project you will work on throughout this course.


    Required Media


    Laureate Education (Producer). (2013a). Establishing a team [Video file]. Retrieved from


    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 8 minutes.


    In this video, Dr. Mimi Hassett discusses important considerations when assembling a project team, such as who to include and whom to consult. She talks about how project size, goals, and timelines can impact those decisions, and she also offers examples of how to keep enthusiasm for a project moving forward as the challenges toward completion arise.


What will you discover as you investigate changes in your community and the broader health care landscape?

Current and Future Considerations for Health Care Delivery

Imagine that you are an administrator in a health services organization, and the CEO of your organization asks you to assess and report on developments that are likely to affect the organization’s success. What will you discover as you investigate changes in your community and the broader health care landscape?

In preparation for this Assignment, review your completed Module 3 Assignment, including any feedback you received from your Instructor. Select one organization from that Assignment on which to focus for this Assignment (i.e., imagine that this organization is the one in which you work).

Use the Learning Resources provided in this module, as well as previous modules, and locate additional sources through the Walden Library and credible websites to conduct your research. Use the following questions to guide your investigation:

  • What are the prevalent health concerns in this community?
  • What are the key issues related to cost, quality, and access that affect the organization and the people this organization serves?
  • Which organizations in this area are business competitors and/or which organizations use highly effective practices or strategies that this organization may learn from or adopt?
  • How will demographics and health reform likely impact the organization, as well as the broader community, in the next 5 years?

Next, review the information on business writing included in the Learning Resources. Consider what the central point of your memo should be. For instance, is there a critical challenge the organization is likely to encounter? Does the information you have gathered suggest the need for a particular course of action or a new business direction? If so, use this memo to inform and influence the CEO. If not, share the findings of your research with the assumption that the CEO will use this information as a launching point for future discussions.

The Assignment

Write a 2- to 3-page business memo in which you address:

  • Prevalent health concerns in the community
  • Issues related to cost, quality, and access that affect the organization and the people it serves
  • Organizations in the community that are business competitors and/or from which you can learn highly effective practices or strategies
  • Ways in which changing demographics and health reform will likely affect your organization and the broader community in the next 5 years