
   Analyze the components of the nursing management process within a clinical context.

Module II concentrates on the following course outcomes—

1.    Analyze the components of the nursing management process within a clinical context.

The management process of planning, organizing, directing, controlling, and staffing is introduced. The process is used by leaders and managers in the performance of positions. The process is also used as the guiding framework for this course.

2.    Critique the professional nurse’s leadership role in guiding a diverse care team.

The nurse’s leadership role is described and explored. The emphasis is on the leadership role of the professional staff nurse as well as other levels of nursing leadership in an organization.

3.    Integrate management concepts into the competent provision of client care.

The nurse’s management role is also described in the module. The differentiation between leadership and management tasks and behaviors is explored. The emphasis is on the leadership and management role of the professional staff nurse as well as other levels of nursing management in an organization.

Reading Assignment

Sullivan: Chapters 4, 7, 17


Leading, managing and following are integral parts of professional practice. Constructive behaviors associated with these concepts will influence patient care and organizational outcomes, regardless of titles. Leadership and management behaviors can be learned. It is important to recognize that leadership and management are two different concepts. One can be a manager and not be a leader, and vice versa. Leadership behaviors used by managers greatly affect followers and may be positive or negative. Both leaders and managers use power and influence to accomplish organizational goals. Dynamic leaders are those who mentor, coach, respect and positively contribute to the development of others. Think about people that you have known who are positive leaders, what characteristics and behaviors do they exhibit to influence others. What types of communication styles do leaders typically use?

There are a number of theories of leadership, managementand motivation that may be applied within an organization. Some of the common leadership theories include: Transformational Theory, Situational Contingency Theory, and motivation theories such as Herzberg’s, Maslow’s and Expectancy and Goal Setting Theory. In organizational behavior, there has been much research over the years in relation to what motivates people with the conclusion that there are two broad categories of motivation: 1) content and 2) process. Content theories are referred to as “needs theories” as they explain the specific factors that motivate people. These theories give insight into the question of “what drives people.” Process theories are also called cognitive theories and focus on what cognitive thinking motivates or drives the individual to initiate, redirect or halt behavior (Borkowski, 2005). Motivation is about providing an organization and culture that satisfies both of the employees intrinsic and extrinsic needs.

There are a number of concepts available related to leadership, management and organizational behavior. Power, one such concept, is used in the organization to influence the behavior of others. Yoder-Wise describe five behaviors that nurses use in relation to power related to political and professional practice. These include: 1) apathy, buy-in, self-interest, political sophistication and leading the way. These power related behaviors can positively or negatively influence organizational behavior. Empowerment has received much recognition in the healthcare community in the past two decades. It relates to personal and professional power or control for practice. It is seen in conjunction with autonomy, shared leadership, decentralized organizations and those with Magnet status.

Clinical leadership offers many challenges; one is to recognize the effect of personal and professional needs that motivate staff to perform job duties and reach desired outcomes. Finding out what motivates staff fosters empowerment through approval, satisfaction, accomplishment, and self-esteem, which fuel individual motivation. Individuals bring to the workplace different needs and goals, the type and intensity of motivators vary among employees. Motivated employees are more likely to be productive than are non-motivated workers. This is one reason that motivation is an important aspect of enhancing employee performance. It is imperative with the constant change within the health care settings with cost containment, cutbacks and reimbursement. As a leader much of the success in directing or delegating to staff less qualified than will depend on people-management skills—your ability to motivate those around you. The most successful motivators often become the most successful leaders. They are the leaders who cause things to happen with their ability to influence others. Methods used to motivate others are to establish credibility. Follow up on problems and when you keep all promises your credibility becomes firmly established. Be a role model by setting the tone and pace for your team. You set the standard for ethical behavior and support the view of what is important. Take an interest in others, as one of the greatest motivators is caring. Make sure it is genuine interest. Overzealous or insincere praise is as meaningless as no praise at all. Reward positive behaviors, which only reinforce the behavior and set the example for others. Share decision making with the staff. Staffs perform better when they feel they are contributing to a team effort, making a difference and work better when they are included. Offer constructive criticism. Sometimes it is necessary to offer constructive criticism to improve performance. Criticism should be directed toward the observed behavior and not toward the individual and should be in private.

Classic management functions include: planning, organizing, directing, controlling and staffing. Within these four broad categories are more specific management and organizational concepts as are pointed out in the Module I Power Point presentation. It is important to know the four broad categories of management. Contemporary management is outcome oriented and supports the missions and values of an organization. Key management functions to be familiar with include recognition, delegation, decision making, reporting, budgeting, problem solving and critical thinking. Each of these activities will be addressed in this course.

Assignment questions: Post answers in Forums Module II. See calendar for due date.

1. Select one of the leadership, management or motivational theories from the readings and discuss how you think it applies within the organization.

2. Describe your own leadership behaviors. Discuss leadership behaviors that you most admire.

3. Discuss leadership traits that you would like to acquire.

4. What are differences in management roles and leadership roles differ?

5. Discuss various types of power seen in an organization and which are advantageous and which are detrimental.


Explain the patient’s history including drug treatments and behavioral factors.





In clinical settings, advanced practice nurses frequently use various strategies to treat and manage patients with hypertension and other cardiovascular disorders. These strategies often include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic therapies, natural remedies, and/or changes in patient behavior. For hypertension patients, behavioral changes including increased exercise, healthier diet, and smoking cessation have proven to be particularly beneficial. However, it is important to recognize that treatment and management plans centered around changes in behavior often require greater patient commitment. This creates the need for patient-provider collaboration, as well as appropriate patient education. When patients are actively involved in their own care and better understand implications of their disorders, they are more likely to adhere to treatment plans.




To prepare:


•Review Part 11 of the Buttaro et al. text and the National Heart Lung Blood Institute article in this week’s Learning Resources.


•Reflect on your Practicum Experiences and observations. Select a case from these experiences that involves a patient who presented with a hypertension problem. When referring to your patient, make sure to use a pseudonym or other false form of identification. This is to ensure the privacy and protection of the patient.


•Think about the patient’s history including drug treatments and behavioral factors such as diet, exercise, smoking, etc.


•Review the National Heart Lung Blood Institute article in the Learning Resources. Reflect on health promotion strategies for the patient. Consider ways to reinforce hypertension management.




Post  1 to 2 pages on : Choose your own patient and a description of a patient who presented with a hypertension problem during your Practice as a nurse practitioner  Experience. Explain the patient’s history including drug treatments and behavioral factors. Then, suggest two health promotion strategies for the patient. Include suggestions for reinforcing hypertension management.

Discuss the value of statistical significance vs. pragmatic usefulness.

Details: 1) Write a paper of 1,000-1,250 words regarding the statistical significance of outcomes as presented in Messina’s, et al. article “The Relationship between Patient Satisfaction and Inpatient Admissions Across Teaching and Nonteaching Hospitals.” 2) Assess the appropriateness of the statistics used by referring to the chart presented in the Module 4 lecture and the resource “Statistical Assessment.” 3) Discuss the value of statistical significance vs. pragmatic usefulness. 4) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. 5) This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.]]>

explain how the theory or model that you selected was used in the research study.

Theory, Research, and Evidence-Based Practice

As they explore the world around them, young children often want to know the “why” and “how” of the things they observe. This is similar to what researchers do when they approach a new problem. Researchers develop new theories or build on old ones to explain the “why” of the world around them. They use models and conceptual frameworks to help explain “how” the processes and events they observe occur. Together, theories and models provide an understanding of the world and allow researchers to explore it in meaningful ways.

Virtually all research questions can benefit from the use of an existing theory or model. Researchers should consider their research questions and select the most suitable theory or model, which then serves as a foundation for the research design. The selection of a theory or model is an important part of the research process.

In this Discussion, you focus on the role of theory and models in research and evidence-based practice.

To prepare:

  • Review the information in Chapter 6 of the course text. Focus on the various conceptual theories and models that are currently used in nursing research.
  • Select one of the theories or models described that is of interest to you.
  • Using the Walden Library, search for and identify a research article that uses the theory or model you selected.
  • Reflect on how the theory or model provides structure to the research study described in the article.
  • Now, think about an issue in your practice area that you would be interested in exploring through research.
  • Review this week’s media presentation and consider strategies for locating and identifying a relevant theory or model for a research study.

Post on or before Day 3 a (1) summary of the article that you located and (2) explain how the theory or model that you selected was used in the research study. (3) Assess the value of basing research on an established theory or model.