
hat are your important values that this intention is affirming and cultivating for your nursing practice?

In Watson’s article, Intentionality and Caring-Healing Consciousness: A Practice of Transpersonal Nursing, she asserts that intentionality informs our choices and actions both in our daily lives and nursing practice. She invites us to create our own intentions that affirm what is important to us and reflect our value system.  On pp. 18-19, Watson gives us some examples of intentions that can guide our “intentional caring-healing practice”.

1.  In one paragraph of at least 5 sentences, create your own unique intention that you will practice daily to help you to develop your caring-healing practice.


2. In one paragragh of at least 5 sentences:  Why did you choose this intention?  What are your important values that this intention is affirming and cultivating for your nursing practice?

What are the arguments in support of and in opposition to potential resolutions?

Issue Statement
•    What problem/issue needs to be resolved?
•    If the remainder of the paper is extensive, an Executive Summary should be included

•    Why does the issue exist/how did the issue originate?
•    What is the situation that causes it to surface or be elevated now?
•    What are the impacts of the issue?
•    Who is impacted by it?
•    What is the statewide significance?
•    What are the arguments in support of and in opposition to potential resolutions?
•    What work has been undertaken around the issue and what are the results?
•    What constraints exist that limit the range of alternatives to addressing the issue?
•    What are the risks or ramifications of not resolving the issue?
•    What references exist to inform this issue (i.e. Op Notice, policy, manual, etc.)

Options and/or Recommendations (typically, choose one)
•    What are the proposed options?
o    How do the options address the issue?
o    What are the opposing arguments (whether they’ve been made or could be made)
o    Financial implications?
o    Precedent implications?
o    Political implications?
•    What is the proposed approach to developing options or recommendation?
o    Should a sub-team be developed to explore options and/or develop a recommendation for resolution?
o    Should the issue be delegated or elevated to another leadership team?
o    Other method/approach to develop options or a recommendation?
•    What is the proposed recommendation or solution?
o    How does the proposed recommendation resolve the issue?
o    What are the benefits?
o    What are the risks?
o    What are the opposing arguments (whether they’ve been made or could be made)
o    Financial implications?
o    Precedent implications?
o    Political implications?

•    How will the solution be implemented?
•    Who will implement?
•    What are the key steps or deliverables involved?
•    What are the timeframes for implementation?
•    What does “success” look like?
•    How will the recommendation be documented? (i.e. Op Notice, manual changes, policy changes, etc.)

•    Who needs to approve?
•    Who needs to know?

how you will communicate with people, how to get peoplel to collaborate, what strategies will you use. and the 3rd part is about the disadvantages and advantages. 

This paper is a proposal for change paper, meaning how and what Nurse Practitioners (a leader) can do to enact the change. attached you will see a list of change theories, you have to select a change theory and use it as a framework for the change you want to implement. Make sure in the first part of the paper you discuss the topic licensing/credentialing issues, why its a problem, and the change model you chose, the purpose statement/ thesis.
the second part would be about how to enact the change, how you will communicate with people, how to get peoplel to collaborate, what strategies will you use. and the 3rd part is about the disadvantages and advantages.
please include an intro and conclusion

How would you describe the progression between stages? Is there a stage in which you believe your group is or was “stuck”?

To prepare:   Review the information in this week’s Learning Resources regarding the stages of group formation, problematic roles individuals play in groups, and strategies for facilitating and maintaining positive group collaboration. In particular, review Learning Exercise 19.12 on page 464 of the course text.   Reflect on various groups with which you have been or are currently involved. Select one specific group to analyze for the purposes of this Discussion. Identify the purpose or task that the group is or was meant to perform.   Consider the four stages of group formation (forming, storming, norming, and performing). How would you describe the progression between stages? Is there a stage in which you believe your group is or was “stuck”?   Consider the task or group-building role you normally play in a group setting. How could you apply the information from the Learning Resources to improve your group participation and facilitation, as well as the functioning of the group as a whole?   In addition, think about which individuals within your group (including yourself) may fall into problematic roles such as the Dominator, the Aggressor, or the Blocker. How have you and your group members addressed the enactment of these roles and its impact on interactions? With information from the Learning Resources in mind, what strategies would you apply now or going forward?   Post– (1) a description of a group with which you have been or are currently involved. (2) Assess where the group is in terms of the four stages of group formation.  (3) If you are reflecting on a past experience, explain if your group moved through all four stages. (4) Describe the task or group-building role you typically play, or played, in this group. Then, (5) explain what strategies you, as a leader, can apply to better facilitate the group process and address any problematic individual roles in the group.  ]]>