
In what way are the data collection procedures appropriate for this study?

Use the content ofthe Applying the Background and Methodology of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care assignment, which was due in Week Two, as a guide to complete the following assignment.

Respond to the following questions in 1,050- to 1,400-word paper:


  • Results: data collection methods
    • In what way are the data collection procedures appropriate for this study?
    • In what way were appropriate steps taken to protect the rights of subjects?
    • In what way is the data collection tool used to support the reliability and validity of the study?
  • Data analysis procedures
    • In what ways are the data analysis procedures appropriate for the data collected?
    • In what ways are the data analysis procedures appropriate for answering the research question or questions, for testing the study hypothesis or hypotheses, or both?
    • What are the key distinctions between qualitative and quantitative data?
  • Conclusion
    • Summarize the findings of the study.
    • Identify the strengths of the scientific merit of this study. What are weaknesses?
    • Identify the major limitations of the scientific merit of this study? What are its weaknesses?
    • Explain if the findings support the hypotheses?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

How is the literature review used in this research?

  • How is the literature review used in this research?
  • What are ethical considerations for data collection?
  • What is the data telling us in terms of statistical analysis?
    • Are the findings statistically significant?
    • Do the conclusions match the results of the study?
    • Do the conclusions answer the research questions in the definition of the problem?
    • Are the conclusions appropriate?
    • Do you have enough information to make a decision on the effectiveness of the study? If so, is it effective?
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.]]>

    What effect has research had on consumers’ perspectives on health care?

    Select one of the articles from the readings this week on consumerism in health care and obtain faculty approval. Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, including detailed speaker notes, based on the techniques of the research process from Weeks Two and Three. Include the following elements:
    • Background: Summarize the article by explaining how the article applies to customer service or consumerism in health care. What effect has research had on consumers’ perspectives on health care?
    • Methodology: Provide an overview of the scope of the study in the chosen article by explaining data collection and where to find the data. Describe the process used to determine validity and reliability of research findings to support evidence-based practices.
    • Result: Differentiate between the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the data described in the article in terms of descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, or both. Do you have enough information to make a decision on the effectiveness of the study?
    • Conclusions: Explain some ways to integrate the future trends of health care research and consumerism.
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