
Describe the theoretical model or framework used in the article.

5.1  Discussion:

Select a contingency model of leadership and explain how the model is manifested in your organization? Provide examples and appropriate research sources to support your position. 500 words max. APA citations and references from at least 2 scholarly sources required. Respond to at least 2 other posts.


5.2  Article Summary:

Read and summarize this article:

Sauer, S. J. (2011). Taking the reins: The effects of new leader status and leadership style on team performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(3), 574-587.

The article should be summarized (in your own words) in 2-3 paragraphs, focusing on the author’s main points. What was the purpose of the study? Describe the theoretical model or framework used in the article. Define terms and concepts. Describe the methodology. Was the study conducted using qualitative or qualitative methods? Who participated in the study? Were there any significant findings?

(I work at a hospital)

3- statistics on morbidity and mortality incidence rate, which group of the society this disease impacts the most and why?

Arthitirs paper, 5 pages, APA format or MLA format, 4 to 5 cridible sources cited on the last page.


1- name of the disease which is arthiritis.

2- Description of symptoms of arthiritis

3- statistics on morbidity and mortality incidence rate, which group of the society this disease impacts the most and why?

4- the historical perspective.

5- Risk factors associated with arthiritis ( Genetics and lifestyle).

6- Current methods of prevention and treatment.


Describe how these can be applied to nursing research and practice.

Assignment 3—Literature Review, Part 1: Introduction and Selection Criteria (will be graded upon submission of part 2)

Your literature review will be submitted in two parts. The purpose of a literature review is to present relevant literature findings from nursing and related fields, show awareness of what is known about this scientific area and apply the findings to nursing practice.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide a basis for the remaining class project that build on this literature review. Only quantitative research studies should be used.

Using the skills you developed in critiquing a research article, perform a literature review in a clinical area of interest. In your classroom, you will find a list of suggested topics, but that list is by no means comprehensive—choose something of particular professional interest to you. Consult your instructor if you have any questions or need help deciding on an appropriate topic.

In your final paper, you should

  • provide a clear rationale for an important scientific investigation related to nursing science
  • include at least four relevant peer-reviewed journal articles published within the past five years

Your final paper should be 10 to 15 pages, including the cover page and references.

The following article offers helpful guidelines for constructing a critique of a nursing research article:

Cronin, P., Ryan, F., & Coughlan, M. (2008). Undertaking a literature review: a step-by-step approachBritish Journal of Nursing, 17(1): 38-43.

Note that you will be submitting this assignment in two parts. You will not receive a separate grade for part 1. You will receive your final grade for this assignment when you submit part 2.

Part 1 should be 3 to 5 pages and follow this outline:


  • State the topic you selected and why.
  • List a minimum of four keywords that you used for your search and the databases you used to perform your search.


  • List the articles you selected, briefly describing each article and why you chose those articles—for example, relevance to the research topic, methodology used, peer-reviewed content.
  • Summarize the major findings and recommendations of each article.

Part 2 should be 7 to 10 pages and follow this outline:


  • Summarize the overall findings of the articles.

Conclusion and Application

  • Describe how these can be applied to nursing research and practice.

Be sure to incorporate your instructor’s feedback from part 1, and add the new part 2 content to submit one complete literature review paper of 10 to 15 total pages.

Your final literature review will be graded on the following criteria.


  • Criteria Level 3

    61- 100 points

    Level 2
    25 – 60 points
    Level 1
    0– 24 points
    Relevant Research Articles

    (10 points)

    Includes four or more relevant articles Includes three relevant articles Includes two or fewer relevant articles

    (20 points)

    Clearly states rationale for topic chosen; includes keywords and databases searched Discusses rationale for chosen topic; does not include keywords or databases Has little or no information regarding rationale for choice of topic; is missing keywords or databases searched

    (20 points)

    Discusses rationale for articles chosen, methodology, major findings, recommendations Lacks some information on rationale, methodology, findings, or recommendations Offers little or no information on rationale, methodology, findings, or recommendations

    (20 points)

    Appropriately summarizes the findings of the articles


    Somewhat appropriately summarizes the findings of the articles Does not appropriately summarize the findings of the articles
    Conclusions and Application

    (20 points)

    Discusses meaningful applications to future nursing research and/or a clinical area Discusses somewhat meaningful applications to future nursing research and/or a clinical area Does not discuss meaningful applications to future nursing research and/or a clinical area
    APA, Spelling, Grammar, and Organization

    (10 points)

    Expertly applies APA guidelines in formatting and referencing; exhibits excellent spelling and grammar throughout the paper; is well organized and easy to read Applies APA, but exhibits some formatting or referencing mistakes; has some spelling and grammar errors; is generally well written and easy to read, with minimal organization problems Has many APA, spelling, and/or grammar mistakes throughout the paper; is difficult to read; may be ineffectively organized

What is the first hospital doing that is yielding a high level of quality? What could the second hospital do to increase their level of quality?

APA Format

Using the Medicare Hospital Compare website; research two hospitals. One hospital should display a high level of quality and the other hospital should display a low level of quality.

After thoroughly researching your hospitals on the Medicare Hospital Compare website, discuss how their quality performance differs. What is the first hospital doing that is yielding a high level of quality? What could the second hospital do to increase their level of quality? Finally, how would you increase value to the services provided by both hospitals?

This is an opportunity for you to explore the practical application of quality research in healthcare. I encourage you to respond in first person, share personal experiences, and ask questions to further develop your understanding of quality performance and value in healthcare.
