
What is the future of healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Critical Thinking assignment 14 – 550

Review the Vision 2030 website and create a presentation that summarizes the vision, governance, themes, programs, and how these changes will support the improved healthcare of Saudi Arabian citizens.

Then answer these questions in the concluding slides of the presentation:

· What is the future of healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

· What are the non-pharmaceutical methods that the Ministry of Health could use to prevent the spread of disease?

· What steps has the Ministry of Health taken to prepare for pandemic events?

· How is information accessed and exchanged regarding disease outbreaks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

· How does the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia suffer from non-communicable diseases that is the highest cause of mortality?

· What is the risk of a re-emergence of infectious disease outbreaks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

, research a minimum of six articles that help support your statements in the presentation. Please use the following headings:

· Introduction

· Vision 2030

. Governance

· Themes

. Programs

· The Future of Healthcare in KSA

. Disease Prevention

· Pandemic Preparation

. Disease Outbreaks

· Non-Communicable Diseases

. Re-emergence of Infectious Disease

· Conclusions

· References

Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

· Be 7 slides in length, not including the cover or reference pages.

Each slide must provide detailed speakers notes, with a minimum of 100 words per slide. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials.

· Be formatted according to and APA writing guidelines.

· Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external.

· Remember to utilize headings to organize the content in your work.

Reflect on how to approach relocating licensure from one state to another

To prepare: 2 pages: Certification Plan




Begin to develop a plan to pass the Certification Exam. Compare your home state’s laws (Georgia) in regards to Advanced Practice Nursing Practice to an alternate state with a less or more restrictive practice environment.


For this Assignment, you will create a professional cover letter, resume, and portfolio that you can use as you pursue your next professional role.


To prepare:


Consider the differences in certification exams options for your specialty (ANCC -vs-AANP)


Reflect on how to approach relocating licensure from one state to another


Write a 2-3 page paper which summarizes the following:


Identify the certification exam you selected and explain why (My Choice is AANP EXAM)


Outline your plan for passing the appropriate National Certification Exam


Describe the NP Practice environment for your home state ( Georgia)  highlighting restrictions or limitations for practice










Certification Sites


The purpose of the credentialing body is to provide a valid and reliable program for entry-level nurse practitioners to recognize and validate their education, knowledge, and professional expertise as a nurse practitioner. Both credentialing bodies will be reviewed including application process.


American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (n.d.). American Academy of Nurse Practitioners National Certification Program. Retrieved from


American Nurses Association (n.d.). American Nurses Credentialing Center. Retrieved from


National Council of State Boards of Nursing (n.d.). Boards and Regulations. Retrieved from


National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (2011). Statement on Acute Care and Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Practice. Retrieved from




Required Media


The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2011, April 19). A Brief History of the AANP [Video file]. Retrieved from



What meaningful use objective or objectives are related to the identified gap?

Peer Review of Workflow Models


In the Week 4 Discussion, you explored the benefits of gaining an outsider’s perspective on a workflow issue or gap you are investigating. It can be equally beneficial to request feedback from others on the accuracy and clarity of a workflow model.


In this Discussion, you and your colleagues critique one another’s Visio drafts of your workflow models that you created for Part 1 of the Course Project and provide feedback on how to make the workflow model more complete. You also receive feedback on your own workflow model and consider additional information that you may need to collect as you conduct your gap analysis.


To prepare


  • By Day 1 of this week, your Instructor will have assigned you to review two colleague’s Visio drafts. Locate these drafts in Doc Sharing. (Please see the attached files for assigned colleague Visio drafts)
  • Examine each workflow model using the basic requirements outlined in the Course Project. Consider the following:
    • Does each draft use standard Visio workflow shapes for start and end points, basic steps, and decision points?
    • Are all points connected with arrows flowing in the correct direction?
    • Are swimlanes present to identify who completes each task?
  • Carefully read through each workflow model.
    • Does it make sense?
    • What areas are unclear or confusing?
    • Are all decision points adequately explained?
    • What parts need additional detail?
  • Identify at least one additional gap in each workflow. For example, this may be a redundant task, an unnecessary task, an ineffective system or process, or an area where staff need support. What meaningful use objective or objectives are related to the identified gap?

    With these thoughts in mind:

    minimum of 550 words in APA with 2 references, addressing the level one headings below:

    1) Your reviews of your colleagues’ Visio drafts. Identify any basic requirements (standard workflow shapes, arrow directions, decision points, swimlanes, etc.) that are unmet or need revision. Also identify areas that lack information and what additional detail is necessary to clarify those areas. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED FILES FOR THE VISIO DRAFT TO REVIEW

    2) Describe the gap you identified in the workflow and explain how it is related to at least one meaningful use objective.



    Required Readings


    Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2015). Systems analysis and design (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.


  • Review Chapter 5, “Process Modeling” (pp. 153–186)


    Helmers, S. (2011). Microsoft Visio 2010 step by step. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.


  • Chapter 7, “Adding and Using Hyperlinks” (pp. 215–238)

    This chapter includes instructions for adding hyperlinks to a Visio drawing. These can be links to a website, another document, or another Visio page.


  • Chapter 8, “Sharing and Publishing Diagrams: Part 1” (pp. 239–270)

    This chapter introduces how to preview and print a Visio diagram, how to create Visio templates, and how to post a diagram to the Web.


  • Chapter 10, “Visualizing Your Data” (pp. 299–320)

    This chapter describes how a variety of graphics may be used when creating a Visio diagram. It demonstrates how to use existing graphics or how to create customized graphics for a specialized project.


    Fickenscher, K., & Bakerman, M. (2011). Process redesign is key to successful IT deployment. Physician Executive, 37(3), 76–79.

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


    The authors of this article evaluate how engaging health IT in patient care is a multidisciplinary, multileveled endeavor. Given the collaborative nature of health care organizations, redesigning health delivery processes requires the cooperation of a variety of health care personnel if it is to be successful.

    McAlearney, A. S., Song, P. H., Robbins, J., Hirsch, A., Jorina, M., Kowalczyk, N., & Chisolm, D. (2010). Moving from good to great in ambulatory electronic health record implementation. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 32(5), 41–50.

    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


    In this article, the authors describe research into the implementation of EHR systems for use in ambulatory care. They concluded that the difference between good systems and great systems is that great systems have a built-in process that allows for continual optimization over time.



    Smaltz, D. H., Callander, R., Turner, M., Kennamer, G., Wurtz, H., Bowen, A., & Waldrum, M. R. (2005). Making sausage—Effective management of enterprise-wide clinical IT projects. Journal of Healthcare Information Management, 19(2), 48–55. Retrieved from


    Incentives for adopting health IT alterations differ between employees and independent entrepreneurs. The authors propose an influence-based methodology for creating the appropriate health care environment for clinical IT use.



    Optional Resources


    There are a wide variety of online tutorials available to assist you with using Visio. Below are two you might consider, as needed:


    Microsoft. (2011). The Visio 2010 MVP sessions. Retrieved from


    This free resource, developed by Microsoft, provides video tutorials in the use of all aspects of Visio 2010.



    Edson, D. (2011). Visio 2010 essential training. Retrieved from


    This series of videos provides detailed instruction on all aspects of Visio use. This resource requires a paid subscription.





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Does GDP measure the well-being of society?

Prepare a 4-6 page analysis by answering the questions below. Be sure to cite your references using APA format.


For this assignment, you should use the information in the textbook and the information found on the official government website:


Based on the information contained in the textbook and on the Web site above, answer the following questions:


  1. What does gross domestic product (GDP) tell us? How did GDP change from 2008? What caused these changes? What is real GDP? What was real GDP in 2008 and has it changed since 2008?


  1. What was national income (NI) for 2008? What does national income tell us? What is the difference between GDP and NI? How has NI changed since 2008? What caused these changes?


  1. What was disposable income (DI) for 2009? What does disposable income consist of? How did DI change from 2008? What caused these changes?


  1. Does GDP measure the well-being of society? Why or why not?


  1. What was GDP in 2008 (sometimes called GSP) for your state? How does your state rate when compared to other states?

All submissions must be original and all resources must be acknowledged.
Name your document SU_ECO2072_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.