
What role should the individual staff member have to motivate himself or herself instead of relying on a manager?

Leadership Styles

There are many articles and books written about the differences between managers and leaders. Leaders are visionary, influential in positive ways, value their teams, support their growth, and empower their staff. Leaders who are positive in their actions coach, delegate, and share recognition. Read the following scenarios and answer the questions given in each scenario.

Scenario A

Consider a time when you had the experience of being led by someone who was able to get you to achieve more than you thought you could. Based on what you learned about leadership styles, describe events examining how your selected leader worked by certain principles. In addition, report details of an event demonstrating how you were led to perform.

On the basis of the above scenario, answer the following questions:

· What style did the leader exhibit? Describe events pointing out how your selected leader worked by certain principles.

· Report details of the scenario demonstrating how you were led to perform.

· How did you improve your overall attitude and motivation based on a supportive leader in the workplace?

· Positive influence can help team members develop their skills and knowledge. Do you agree to this statement? Why and how?

· How does working in a positive organization with supportive leadership encourage staff performance at work each day?

· What leadership skills will you take from your positive experience and use when you are in a leadership position?

Scenario B

Now, recall a time when you were led by someone who could not motivate you. Describe events pointing out how your selected leader’s working style made subordinates feel uncomfortable.

On the basis of the above scenario, answer the following questions:

· What style did the leader exhibit? Describe events pointing out your selected leader’s leadership style.

· Report details of the scenario demonstrating how you were led in his or her team.

· How did the manager’s action make you feel? Explain.

· Which leadership behaviors do you think your selected leader lacked? Do you think the leader had ever had a chance to learn about leadership styles?

· How important is it for a leader to be trained to guide and motivate the staff members to enhance team unity, enthusiasm, and positive attitudes?

· What role should the individual staff member have to motivate himself or herself instead of relying on a manager?

How does Qi Gong combine the social aspect of well-being in producing a greater patient immunity response?

Qi Gong and Cure of Chronic Illness

One of the CAM therapies suggested to patients dealing with chronic illness is Qi Gong, a Chinese martial art devoted to slow, purposeful movement, and breathing.

On the basis of your understanding of the above statement, address the following questions:

· From a physical standpoint, why do you think patients might improve after practicing the art of Qi Gong?

· From a psychological standpoint, what factors may play a role in improving a patient’s healing using this ancient martial art practice?

· Do you feel that the social aspect of Qi Gong (often done in groups) has any bearing on patient wellness?

· How does Qi Gong combine the social aspect of well-being in producing a greater patient immunity response?

In addition to the above questions and keeping in mind the fact that CAM involves key components, which often differ from those of contemporary Western medical practices, answer the questions listed below:

· How is Qi Gong incorporated into a TCM practice?

· Compare and contrast between TCM and the following practices:

· Acupuncture

· Ayurveda

· Native American healing

· Analyze the similarities and differences between Qi Gong and Tai Chi?

What considerations should be taken into consideration when developing the program, such as the physical and social environment?

Health Care and Its Related Issues

There are several ways to measure the health status of a community or an entire population. In order to understand the implications of legal and regulatory policies in health care promotion and wellness, it is mandatory to analyze the impact of the social needs of local populations on their health care issues.

Based on your understanding of the topic, create a report in a Microsoft Word document answering the following questions:

· What are the benefits measuring the health status of individuals aged fifteen to sixty four years in a particular community or an entire population? What effect do these benefits have on the health status of the community or the entire population?

· Which one health statistic has had the most significant impact on the health care profession in the entire US or your community in the last year? Discuss.

· Identify one major local social issue currently being addressed by the local elected officials (major, governor, or town council).

· What ramifications does this issue have on the local population?

· Does this issue have any legal impact on the community? Why or why not?

For a successful health status of a community, school health is critical to our future. How can we incorporate a program within the school focusing on the safety and well-being of students along with the social needs and health care issues?

· If you are asked to develop a school health policy for an elementary school, who would be the stakeholders in this process?

· What types of resources will you need to develop a program?

· How will the focus of the program target health promotion or wellness?

· What considerations should be taken into consideration when developing the program, such as the physical and social environment?

· What factors are taken into consideration when developing a program targeting elementary school age children versus adult?

· What anticipated or perceived objections would you expect?

· As we continue to move in the twenty first century, what elementary school health or safety issues are emerging?

Develop statements to describe the culture and work of the organization that fit the philosophy you have developed.

Each student must submit a Final Project for this course. This Final Project will count for 50% of your grade in this course.

Leadership Theory Based Philosophy for An Agent of Change in Health Policy

Design a customized plan to effect a change as described below:

Develop a nursing philosophy that is based on a nursing theory you select.

Relate the theory selection to the mission of the organization.

Develop statements to describe the culture and work of the organization that fit the philosophy you have developed.

Integrate your customized plan to effect a change in one healthcare policy.

Paper requirements

Cover sheet (does not count for paper size), 7-10 typed pages conforming to the latest edition of the APA Publication Manual

Minimum 5 references from peer-reviewed publications within the past seven years unless it is seminal works on the topic or from the author (does not count for paper size).


see attached links for information regarding the topic of paper

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