
How does health information technology affect patient outcomes in the perinatal setting?

  • How does health information technology affect patient outcomes in the perinatal setting?


  • Identify two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of health information technology as they apply to the perinatal setting. Explain your answer.


  • Discuss strategies the Registered Nurse can employ to reverse the two identified health information technology disadvantages.


  • Provide a rationale for each strategy indicating how it results in the provision of safe, quality care in the perinatal setting. Include a reference from the literature to support the information provided.

   Describe how the registered nurse would promote physiologic birth.  

Physiologic birth includes spontaneous vaginal birth at term with minimal technologic and pharmacologic interventions. Many perinatal interventions currently used decreases physiologic birth.

Using information from evidence based findings found in current professional resources; respond to the following.

·         Describe two (2) potential health benefits for the maternal/fetal dyad resulting from physiologic birth care practices.


·       Describe how the registered nurse would promote physiologic birth.



·         Describe why multidisciplinary collaboration is important when promoting/supporting physiologic birth.



350 words, reference, repeat of questions and citation in text not count. Make sure it’s in APA

How have social psychology theories been used in your clinical practice area?

Use of Psychosocial Theories in Nursing
In an interdisciplinary field such as nursing, differing perspectives often contribute to greater understanding and fulfillment of a patient’s needs. Take a minute to think about how this relates to the theoretical foundations of nursing. How do theories from various fields inform nursing practice?

For this Discussion, you will explore how social and behavioral theories apply in a clinical setting by analyzing a case study.

Case Study

Consider the following case: A 65-years-old woman is being admitted for a mastectomy due to cancer. She expresses fear and depression during the nursing assessment. What concepts from the various theories could be used in planning her care? How might her care be changed if the woman were 25 years old or 45 years old? How have the social psychology theories been used in promoting breast cancer awareness?

To prepare:        

  • With information from this week’s Learning Resources in mind, reflect on the influence of sociological and behavioral factors on health.
  • Read the case study of the woman admitted for a mastectomy presented on page 328, #3 of the course text Theoretical Basis for Nursing (see case study above). Consider which concepts from sociological and/or behavioral theories could be used in nursing practice for addressing the patient’s health care needs. Conduct additional research as necessary using credible websites and the Walden library. Also consider how these theories are used in your own clinical practice.

By tomorrow 7/18/17, post 550 words essay in APA format with a minimum of 3 references from the list below, that include the level one heading as numbered below:

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

1)       What concepts from the various theories could be used in planning the 65-year-old woman’s care?

2)       How might her care be changed if the woman were 25 years old or 45 years old?

3)       How have social psychology theories been used in promoting breast cancer awareness? Provide at least one example to support your response.

4)       How have social psychology theories been used in your clinical practice area? Provide at least one example to support your response.



Required Readings


McEwin, M., & Wills, E.M. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing. (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Chapter 13, “Theories from the Sociologic Sciences”

Chapter 14, “Theories from the Behavioral Sciences”

Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 discuss those theories from the social and behavioral sciences that are applicable to nursing and health care.


Carnegie, E., & Kiger, A. (2009). Being and doing politics: An outdated model or 21st century reality? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(9), 1976–1984. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05084.x

This article uses critical social theory to analyze the political role of nurses. The article argues that nurses must be prepared for political participation in national and local contexts in order to encourage policy analysis and community engagement within nursing practice.


Conrad, P., & Barker, K. (2010). The social construction of illness: Key Insights and policy implications. Journal of Health and Social Behavior: Special Issue, 51, S67–S79. doi: 10.1177/0022146510383495

This article examines the history of the social construction of illness and discusses different methods in which the concept of illness is developed in different cultures.


Ford, C. L., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2010). Critical race theory, race equity, and public health: Toward antiracism praxis. American Journal of Public Health, 100(S1), S30–S35. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.171058

This article applies a theory from legal studies to racial inequality issues in health care in order to improve social consciousness and quality of care.


Kelly, C. (2008). Commitment to health theory. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice, 22(2), 148–160.

This article reviews the Commitment to Health (CTH) theory, the theory’s assumptions, and application to nursing and health care.


Ryan, P. (2009). Integrated theory of health behavior change: Background and intervention development. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 23(3), 161–170.

This article examines the application of health behavior theory to clinical practice.


Optional Resources

Byrd, M. (2006). Social exchange as a framework for client-nurse interaction during public health nursing maternal-child home visits. Public Health Nursing, 23(3), 271–276. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1446.2006.230310.x


Mohammed, S. (2006). Scientific inquiry. (Re)examining health disparities: critical social theory in pediatric nursing. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 11(1), 68–71. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6155.2006.00045.x


Define and explain the significance of qualitative research methodology.

150 words 1 nursing journal reference within 5 years. DO NOT USE I OR ME in the response as per professor.


Define and explain the significance of qualitative research methodology.

Qualitative research is defined as an interpretive naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of or interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them. The goal when applying qualitative research methods, the emphasis is put on the natural setting and the points of views of the research participants.


 Discuss the different types of qualitative research design.

The qualitative research design is a formal, objective, systematic process for obtaining information about the world. A method used to describe, test relationships, and examine cause and effect relationships. To gain insight; explore the depth, richness, and complexity inherent in the phenomenon (Hansen, Draborg & Kristensen, 2011). There five different types of qualitative research design methods: ethnography, narrative, phenomenological, grounded theory, and case study. In ethnography, the researcher immerses themselves in the target participants and the environment to understand the goals, cultures, challenges, motivations, and themes. The narrative approach weaves together a sequence of events, usually from just one or two individuals to form a cohesive story. The researcher will conduct in-depth interviews, read documents, and look for themes. In a phenomenological study, you use a combination of methods, such as conducting interviews, reading documents, watching videos, or visiting places and events, to understand the meaning participants place on whatever’s being examined. The grounded theory looks to provide an explanation or theory behind the events. Finally, a case study involves a deep understanding through multiple types of data sources. Case studies can be explanatory, exploratory, or describing an event.

Identify and describe a minimum of two types of sampling techniques used in qualitative research.

Two different types of sampling techniques in qualitative research are Purposeful Sampling and Quota Sampling. The most common sampling strategy is Purposeful sampling. In this type of sampling, participants are selected or sought after based on pre-selected criteria based on the research question.  For example, the study may be attempting to collect data from lymphoma patients in a city or county. The sample size may be predetermined or based on theoretical saturation, which is the point at which the newly collected no longer provides additional insights. Quota Sampling is a sampling technique whereby participant quotas are prior to sampling. Typically, the researcher is attempting to gather data from a certain number of participants that meet certain characteristics that may include things such as age, sex, class, marital status, HIV status.

Describe methods for collecting data for qualitative research.

There many different methods for data collection in qualitative research. Data collection approaches for qualitative research usually involves direct interaction with individuals on a one to one basis or direct interaction with individuals in a group setting. Qualitative research data collection methods are very time consuming and makes the research more expensive (Mccusker & Gunaydin, 2014). The benefit for using qualitative research approach is that the information is more in depth and has deeper insight into the phenomenon of study. The four-main data collective methods are individual interviews, focus groups, observations and action research.