
Construct a plan for application of the two nursing theories in a health care organization

Compare and Contrast paper:

I choose Dorothy Orem’s theory of goal attainment and  Jean Watson’s theory of human caring.

Choose two theories relevant to your practice. Do not use the one chosen for the first paper.

Search the literature for refereed journal articles that discuss the use of the theory in practice.

Critically review the theory, using the theory analysis process described in your Smith and Parker (2015) textbook, and develop a plan for how you would utilize these theories in your practice incorporating holistic spiritual nursing.

In your 6-8 page, 6th edition APA paper (title page and references are in addition):

Introduction – Overview, purpose, and plan for paper

Create an overview of two chosen nursing theories, giving key points and factors of each

Compare the similarities of the two nursing theories

Contrast the dissimilarities of the two nursing theories

Propose a plan for how each of these two nursing theories would be applied in individual practice, incorporating holistic spiritual nursing.

Construct a plan for application of the two nursing theories in a health care organization (hospital, clinic, public health dept., etc.) and critique the differences you might see when using each of these theories in a health care organization.

Summary (explain how you have met the purpose of this paper)



Introduction – Overview, purpose, plan for paper

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Create an overview of two chosen nursing theories

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Compare the similarities of the two nursing theories

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Contrast the dissimilarities of the two nursing theories

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Propose a plan for how these two nursing theories would be applied in individual practice, incorporating holistic spiritual nursing

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Construct a plan for application of the two nursing theories in a healthcare organization (hospital, clinic, public health dept., etc.) and critique the differences you might see when using each of these theories in a health care organization

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary (explain how you have met the purpose of this paper)

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Spelling & Grammar

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome References (Relevant, sufficient, and current – at least 5-10 scholarly sources are expected)

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Follows APA (6th ed.) format

Determine the critical or defining attributes of the concept by identifying what each instance or use of the term has in common with the other uses

I need a professional paper, I want you to exactly follow the instruction and address all asking questions:

A concept is the glue that ties conceptual frameworks, models, and theories together. The concepts in a framework or theory relate to each other in some way. This is what gives them meaning. A concept analysis is an exploration of how a concept ties a framework together.

Instructions:This is an individual writing assignment. Select one of the following four concepts for your paper: trust, hope, suffering, uncertainty. Once you’ve chosen your concept, complete the following:Determine the aim or purpose of your analysis; what do you want to accomplish by conducting this concept analysis? Answer the questions “Why am I doing this?” and “Why is this relevant to nursing knowledge and nursing science?” Conduct your literature review by identifying all uses of the term that you can discover. Answer “what are the known conceptualizations?     Locate and use a minimum of: 3 dictionary definitions; 1 thesaurus entry; and 5 scholarly references from the nursing literature (you may use non-nursing literature, if necessary). Combined, these references will be the basis for identifying and defining attributes of your selected concept.Determine the critical or defining attributes of the concept by identifying what each instance or use of the term has in common with the other uses. The more scholarly references you locate and use, the easier it is to determine critical attributes of a concept.Define the 4 cases using the critical attributes:     Construct a model case, or a real-life scenario that uses the concept and includes all critical attributes of the concept. Explain how you use each critical attribute. This case should be an accurate representation or model of your concept.Construct a contrary case, or one that is opposite of the concept. Support the claims you make by explaining how and why the contrary case does not contain any of the critical attributes of your concept.Construct a borderline case, or one that is related to the concept but is not actually an example of the concept. Support the claims you make by explaining how and why the borderline case differs from the model and contrary cases (i.e., does not contain all of the critical attributes of your concept, etc.)Construct an invented case, or fictitious scenario that uses the concept and includes all of the critical attributes. Explain how you use each of the critical attributes.Identify related concepts; provide a list of terms that are related to or similar to the concept.Identify an inaccurate use of the concept. Provide an example of how the concept is used in a way that is improper or incorrect.Identify concept antecedents and consequences. This should include a description of 1) concepts or traits that precede (antecedent) the existence of the concept and 2) concepts or traits that follow (consequence) the existence of the concept. An antecedent cannot be one of the attributes, but a consequence may be.The paper should be written in a professional, scholarly manner (i.e., no errors in APA formatting, spelling, or grammar). The body of the paper (excluding title page and reference list) should be about 6 pages in length.
FYI: i am member of ANA( American Nursing Association)

describe where and how Excel should produce the statistics.

  • Click the data analysis command button to instruct Excel that you intend to calculate descriptive statistics.
  • In the data analysis dialog box, highlight the ‘Descriptive Statics’ entry in the analysis and click the OK button.
  • In the input section of the dialog box (descriptive statistics), identify the data to be described.
  • In the out section of the dialog box (descriptive statistics), describe where and how Excel should produce the statistics.
  • Throughout the analysis, it is clear that Excel is a powerful tool that still remains largely under used. Accurate application of Excel leads to quality analysis (Remenyi, 2010). However, it is important to have good knowledge of the commands in varied windows. Discussion Question Part 2 The data analysis conducted clearly shows the power of Excel. Therefore, I should consider learning more about the program. My intention is to apply Excel in future in other uses besides statistical analysis. It will be beneficial to me if I can apply the knowledge learned from statistical analysis. Understanding the descriptive statistics knowledge picked from this study will advance my knowledge on conducting studies, analyzing data, and presenting the results.]]>

    What challenges are faced by internationally trained nurses when they practice in other countries?

    Impact of Licensure Issues on Doctors and Nurses Objective: Discuss licensure issues in internationally trained and traveling healthcare professionals and alternative medicine providers. Introduction: Globalization has had a major impact on all aspects of our lives, including healthcare. As people travel more, healthcare workers must sometimes conduct their practices outside of their countries of origin. In this essay, you will examine the issues related to international care and licensure for doctors and nurses so that they are able to practice their professions in other countries. Deliverables: The essay for this lesson is required to be  a minimum of 750 words that clearly demonstrate your understanding of the activity. Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format ( A minimum of three sources must be cited in-text and in the Reference list. Activity Details: Step 1: Review and research.Review the lesson readings and do further research as needed in the Cline Library or on the Internet. Consider the following questions: -What are the requirements for out-of-country doctors to be able to practice their professions in another country? Provide specific examples. -What challenges are faced by internationally trained nurses when they practice in other countries? Select a specific country to explore and discuss. -What are the impacts of cultural differences on international licensure and practice? -What recommendations would you make to U.S. regulatory agencies about allowing or preparing foreign-trained doctors and nurses to practice in U.S. states? -Would you consider different requirements for these individuals if they were temporarily responding to a national pandemic?