
Explain the changes in the role of seniors over the years.

  • Select at least two of the minorities listed above and describe how  being a member of that minority group might affect aging. Be sure to  include the role of family and social support.
  • Highlight some health and chronic conditions that are prevalent in the chosen minority groups.
  • Describe the role of seniors in the chosen minority groups. Explain the changes in the role of seniors over the years.
  • Explain any future challenges for the selected minority groups in the years ahead.
  • Aging In Other Times At Other Places The proportion of older people in developed as well as developing  nations of the world has been increasing. An aging population creates  new economic and social challenges for nations. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research  about the economic or social challenges of nations with an aging  population. Based on your research and understanding, compare and  contrast seniors in the U.S. with seniors in another country of your  choice. Your comparison should include, but should not be limited to,  the following:
    • Changes in demographics
    • Family roles and social supports
    • Advances in technology
    • Living arrangement
    • Retirement
    • Health issues

    What amendments are required to the Act as more baby boomers age?

    Discrimination in Employment Act

    Age Discrimination in Employment Act

    This assignment will help you understand the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits employment  discrimination on the basis of age for anyone over the age of 40. This  kind of legislation, like other types of anti-discriminatory  legislation, will not end all discrimination. However, such laws clearly  state society’s values. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research  about the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Based on your research,  create a 4- to 5-page paper in a Microsoft Word document that includes  answers to the following questions:
    • Which demographic groups are protected by this Act?
    • Which types of discrimination are prohibited under the Act?
    • Is the Act still relevant for seniors today? If yes, how? If not, why not? Provide examples.
    • What amendments are required to the Act as more baby boomers age?
    • Has this Act affected any of the minority groups in US? If no, why not? If yes, how?

    Submission Details

    • Support your responses with examples.
    • Cite any sources in APA format

    How do Social Workers ease the suffering of family members dealing with loved ones under palliative care?

    I need a literature review outline, literature review, and final cumulative paper. My topic is Palliative Care and End of Life with the focus being on the following research questions: 1). How do Social Workers ease the suffering of family members dealing with loved ones under palliative care? 2). What is the best way for social workers to manage psychological disorders for those dealing with end of life care? I have included attachments for the literature review outline, literature review, and cumulative paper that details what is required. I have also included a template for which all three assignments must be done on. The final project needs to be a minimum of 16 pages. I can attach a grading rubric once I can locate it, but I need to get this done in the next 48 hours.
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