
statistical Analyses in Nursing

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statistical Analyses in Nursing
Researchers must make informed choices about the type of statistical analysis that best addresses the research question. For the past several weeks, you have been considering how and when a particular statistic should be employed. This week, you have focused on the use of nonparametric tests.
Nonparametric methods are useful to researchers in performing statistical analyses of quantitative data sets that do not follow normal distributions and that have inconsistent variation. Nonparametric methods are often applied when ordinal-level data are collected and, as such, rely on fewer assumptions than their parametric counterparts.
In this Discussion, you examine the two articles in this week’s Learning Resources, both of which employ nonparametric methods of statistical analysis. In addition, as the final week of exploring quantitative statistics, you consider which statistical method is most frequently used in your area of nursing practice.
To prepare:
Review the articles presented in this week’s Learning Resources and analyze each study’s use of nonparametric tests.
Critically analyze each article, considering the following questions in your analysis:
What are the goals and purpose of the research study each article describes?
How are nonparametric tests used in each study? What are the results of their use?
Why are parametric methods (t tests and ANOVA) inappropriate for the statistical analysis of each study’s data?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of each study (e.g., study design, sampling, and measurement)?
How could the findings and recommendations of each study contribute to evidence-based practice in the health care field?
Reflect on the quantitative statistical analyses presented throughout this course in the research literature, the Learning Resources, media presentations, and those articles you reviewed for your abbreviated research proposal.
Ask yourself: Which method is most commonly used in research studies that pertain to my area of nursing practice, and why this might be so?
By tomorrow Thursday 10/19/17 by 5pm, write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with at least 3 references from the list of Required Readings below. Include the level one headings as numbered (1, 2 &3) below.
Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:
1) Critically analyze each article, including the items noted above. (See attached file for 1 article & follow this link for the 2nd article:
2) Identify one statistical analysis method that you found recurring in many of the articles you used in your literature review for your research proposal. This method does not necessarily have to be nonparametric.
3) Based on your area of nursing practice (Critical Care), which method of statistical analysis is most frequently used in the research literature? Why do you think other forms of statistical analysis are less frequently used? Provide a rationale for your response.
Required Readings
Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Chapter 25, “Using Statistics to Determine Differences”
Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research
Chapter 8, “Chi-Square and Nonparametric Tests”
This chapter defines nonparametric tests and chi-square tests of independence. Nonparametric tests measure nominal or ordinal variables, whereas chi-square tests are used to draw conclusions about population differences.
Fisher, K., Orkin, F., & Frazer, C. (2010). Utilizing conjoint analysis to explicate health care decision making by emergency department nurses: A feasibility study. Applied Nursing Research, 23(1), 30–35. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2008.03.004 (SEE ATTACHED FILE)
This article describes a study that employed conjoint analysis, a measurement technique incorporating simulation into experimental design to generate a mathematical model of individual decision making. The study focused on nurses’ decisions related to the care of patients with intellectual disability and used contingency tables and nonparametric tests to analyze the data.
Tjia, J., Field, T., Garber, L., Donovan, J., Kanaan, A., Raebel, M., … Gurwitz, J. (2010). Development and pilot testing of guidelines to monitor high-risk medications in the ambulatory setting. American Journal of Managed Care, 16(7), 489–496. (Follow this link:
Development and pilot testing of guidelines to monitor high-risk medications in the ambulatory setting. American Journal of Managed Care, 16(7) by Tjia, J., Field, T., Garber, L., Donovan, J., Kanaan, A., Raebel, M., & Gurwitz, J. Copyright 2010 by INTELLISPHERE, LLC. Reprinted by permission of INTELLISPHERE, LLC via the Copyright Clearance Center.
This article discusses a pilot test that aimed to catalog safety intervention trials by monitoring high-risk medications for efficacy, safety, and drug interactions. The statistical analysis of the study’s data included the use of nonparametric tests to examine trends across ordered groups of drugs.
Optional Resources
Walden University. (n.d.). Nonparametrics. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from

. Explain the changes the Affordable Care Act will make to HIPAA, Medicare, and Medicaid reimbursement requirements.

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Assignment 2: Avoiding Legal Issues
Legal issues in health care include violation of patient privacy laws and regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA); issues related to Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement requirements; negligence or malpractice issues; and violation of the employment law for medical staff, independent contractors, and others.
Review the following:
The health care law and you. (n.d.). HealthCare. Retrieved from
Review the legal guidelines and principles for your state. Explain the changes the Affordable Care Act will make to HIPAA, Medicare, and Medicaid reimbursement requirements. By conducting adequate research, describe the overall impact the law will have on your state.
Compile your responses in a 6-to-10-page Word document.

Discuss the cultural beliefs related to delivery of health care from the Haitian and Iranian population.

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1. Discuss the cultural beliefs related to delivery of health care from the Haitian and Iranian population.
2. Discuss any differences and/or similarities in the delivery of health care in both culture.
3. How religious beliefs influence the delivery of health care in both. Give at least one example.
As stated in the syllabus and instructed here, please present the assignment in a word document Arial 12 font attached to the threat in the discussion tab of the blackboard under week 8. A minimum of 2 evidence based references and 2 replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references are required. Please follow the example of the APA page that was sent via email and posted in the announcement tab of the blackboard at the beginning of the course. A minimum of 500 words excluding the first and references page are required. If you are unable to present the assignment in the due date please let me know at least 2 days before the due date. Time after the due date have passed will not be granted.
If you have any questions and/or concern please contact me via email.

Listening to the patient’s heart with stethoscope reveals a high pitched, blowing systolic murmur heard directly under the left nipple. The patient has no prior history of heart murmur. Explain what is causing this new murmur.

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1. Listening to the patient’s heart with stethoscope reveals a high pitched, blowing systolic murmur heard directly under the left nipple. The patient has no prior history of heart murmur. Explain what is causing this new murmur.
high-pitched, blowing heart murmur suggests that the patient has regurgitant heart valve – i.e. blood flows backward through the valve due to inadequate closure of valve; the fact that it’s under the left nipple suggests its the bicuspid valve is not closing appropriately
From this location, Roger’s systolic murmur is most likely from the mitral valve. During systole, the mitral valve should be closed, therefore if we are hearing a murmur, the valve must be insufficient, or not closing properly. If we were viewing this valve via Doppler echo, we would see a large blue plume of color moving from the left ventricle into the left atrium.
2. Is the cause of murmur in any way related to the patient’s heart attack?
the anterior intraventricular artery is also blocked; this causes ischemia and ultimately infarction of the the left ventricular wall
From this location, Roger’s systolic murmur is most likely from the mitral valve. During systole, the mitral valve should be closed, therefore if we are hearing a murmur, the valve must be insufficient, or not closing properly. If we were viewing this valve via Doppler echo, we would see a large blue plume of color moving from the left ventricle into the left atrium.
3. While listening to the patient’s breathing with a stethoscope, you hear some wheezing and inspiratory rales (crackling noises). Explain these findings.
the patient has a 40-pack-year smoking history that puts him at increased risk of developing chronic bronchitis and emphysema; both which alters the breath sounds heard w/ stethoscope; left ventricular heart failure slows rate of venous return of blood from pulmonary vein to left atrium
4. A chest X-ray taken two weeks after his collapse showed markedly enlarged cardiac silhouette and generalized haziness at the bases of the lungs. Explain why the heart is enlarged and lungs “hazy” on the chest X-ray.
A. in order to stabilize cardiac output, left ventricle must fill with more blood during ventricular diastole to make up for all the blood that is being pumped backwards into the left atrium B. hazy appearance is due to the fluid/pulmonary edema in the lungs; fluid appears lighter on Xray
5. The patient is stabilized and ultimately discharged from the hospital. Three months after the heart attack, he comes back to his physician for a checkup. He complains of dyspnea (shortness of breath) at rest and difficulty breathing while lying down (orthopnea). He says he can only sleep when he is propped up by two large pillows. Explain why is the patient having these symptoms.
The heart is still performing at sub optimal level; when lying down blood rushes to lungs and makes his heart failure worse; patient is also experiencing poroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea which involves shortness of breath when laying down asleep; elevating the head with pillows helps the patient sleep
· When Roger lays down at night, he eliminates the effect of gravity.
· rate of venous blood flow returning to right atrium increases.
· rate of venous blood flow returning to the left atrium is also increased.
· increases the pre-load placed upon left ventricle.
· Fluid begins to collect in lungs – difficulty breathing
· Raises heart above the majority of his systemic circulation
· Lowers rate of venous return
· Relieves shortness of breath
6. Discuss what other organs were affected by Roger’s illness, and how these organs are interconnected with each other.