
Assessing and Planning Care for an Elderly Person

Assessing and Planning Care for an Elderly Person

In order to gain an insight into the world of elder adults, it is important to understand how they view themselves and the values they hold. Additionally it is important to assess and determine his/her needs and establish appropriate interventions for this individual.
By the due date assigned, choose an older adult to interview. This cannot be a patient in your clinical setting. You can use a friend, family member, or co-worker. The older adult should be 65 years or older. Use the format provided to record the responses. A list of questions is available for you to start with. Include 2–3 questions of your own to get a complete picture of the older adult. Summarize your findings and also contrast the responses with findings in your readings and other current literature.
Download a patient questionnaire. This form should be used as an example.
After gaining permission, conduct a physical and mental functional assessment of the older adult you have chosen. Review your readings for the process of functional assessment.
Make use of the tools discussed this week to complete a comprehensive assessment of your patient. Search the Internet for resources on these tools.

  1. Tinetti Balance and Gait Evaluation
  2. Katz Index of Activities of Daily Living
  3. Assessment of Home Safety
  4. The Barthel Index

Make sure the older adult is clearly identified on the tools. Do not include their name, but do include professional or other designation, and age. Your name should also be identified on the tool. (This should be a part of your Appendix.)
Compare and contrast the age-related changes of the older person you interviewed and assessed with those identified in this week’s reading assignment. During this data analysis process provide at least 4–6 preliminary issues that you have identified. Identify three alterations in health that you would propose and describe them. Identify a minimum of three comprehensive interventions for each problem.
Make sure that you integrate personal cultural awareness and cultural competency.
Paper should be 5–6 pages, not including the questionnaire or tools used. These should be attached as an Appendix. Remember to use headings to identify the different sections in your paper.
On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

  • Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.
  • This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.
  • You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.

Discussion: Mr. Smith brings his 4-year-old to your office with chief complaints of right ear pain, sneezing, mild cough, and low-grade fever of 100 degrees for the last 72 hours

Nursing Homework Help
Question description
Discussion: Mr. Smith brings his 4-year-old to your office with chief complaints of right ear pain, sneezing, mild cough, and low-grade fever of 100 degrees for the last 72 hours. Today, the child is alert, cooperative, and well hydrated. You note a mildly erythemic throat with no exudate, both ears mild pink tympanic membrane with good movement, lungs clear. You diagnose an acute upper respiratory infection, probably viral in nature. Mr. Smith is states that the family is planning a trip out of town starting tomorrow and would like an antibiotic just in case.
Create a communication plan for Mr. Smith and/or families for both prescriptive and non-prescriptive drug therapies. Describe what you would tell Mr. Smith and the child. Provide resources that Mr. Smith could access which would provide information concerning your decision.
Assignment Requirements:
*****This Assignment may be submitted in a PowerPoint presentation with at least 10 slides or as an APA formatted paper of no more than five (5) pages excluding title page and references.
Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

  Discuss if there is any similarity in the health care beliefs and practices of the German and French Canadian heritage with the health care beliefs of your heritage.

  •  Nursing homework help
People of French Canadian Heritage.
People of German Heritage.
Read chapter 14 and 29 of the class textbook Transcultural Health Care. A Culturally Competent Approach (4th ed.)
Purnell, L.D.(and review the attached PowerPoint presentations.   Read Content chapter 29 in Davis Plus Online Website.  Once done answer the following questions;
1.  Describe the health care beliefs of the German and French Canadian heritages and mention the influence in the delivery of evidence-based health care.
2.  Discuss if there is any similarity in the health care beliefs and practices of the German and French Canadian heritage with the health care beliefs of your heritage.
3.  If you have to change your health care beliefs for any of one study this week, which one will you choose and why?
The assignment must be presented in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum on the discussion board.  A minimum of 3 evidenced-based references must be used  with the appropriate references must be posted.
References must be no older than 5 years.  A minimum of 700 words is required.

Explain how individuals can make healthier choices if they choose to eat at fast food outlets. Where are the "hidden calories" in typical fast food menus?

Fast Food Analysis

Question description
Record and analyze your favorite fast food using Iprofile® within WileyPLUS®.
Select one of the following:
Option 1
Watch the video on WileyPlus®: How to use iProfile® within Ch. 1.
Create your profile and enter your favorite fast food menu. If you do not consume fast food yourself, enter a friend’s (or relative’s) profile and his/ her favorite fast food menu.
Click the Assignment Files tab and submit a screenshot of the menu for the option you chose.
Option 2
Watch the video on WileyPlus®: How to use iProfile® within Ch. 1.
Also in WileyPlus®access Ch. 1, under iProfile®, complete the assignment iProfile® Case Study: Fast Food.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the Case Study.
After completing the option you chose, answer the following in at least 175 words:

  • Explain how individuals can make healthier choices if they choose to eat at fast food outlets. Where are the “hidden calories” in typical fast food menus? What options exist at fast food restaurants for making healthier choices? Do you think it is possible to have a well-balanced diet made up of primarily fast food and why do you feel this way or not? What tools are available for consumers today to learn about the nutrient content of fast food menu items?

The Grading Guide for Fast Food Analysis will be used for this assignment.