
Discuss 3 realistic leadership strategies that a beginning registered nurse could use to resolve the identified conflict and enable team cohesion

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Managing Conflict

NSB305. Leading and Learning: Building Professional Capacity.
NSB305 – Assessment Task 1. Page 2 of 6
Assessment Task 1.
Assessment name: Managing conflict resolution.
Task description: Your task is to analyse the dynamics of a real-world scenario and identify and discuss key strategies that a beginning registered nurse leader could use to promote team cohesion and conflict resolution.
What you need to do to prepare:
Read the TASK instructions carefully being sure that you understand all of the key words and directive terms.
Watch the prescribed video (availability TBA) making notes of the issues (skill mix, scope of practice, delegation) that each speaker is raising as beginning registered nurses.
Engage with your groups online discussion on your allocated WIKI site. (This is for all students enrolled in NSB305).
TASK STEPS. How to write your paper.
1. Choose one of the issues raised by the graduate nurses described in the video. (Your choice is either scope of practice, skill mix or delegation). Justify your choice, by referring to your groups online discussions and selected literature. (Include a screen shot of the relevant discussions to reinforce your choice in an appendix).
2. Explain how, if the issue is left unresolved, it could cause conflict in the
workplace and impact on positive nursing teamwork.
3. Discuss 3 realistic leadership strategies that a beginning registered nurse could use to resolve the identified conflict and enable team cohesion
Length: 1000 words +/-10%. Word length excludes in-text referencing, your reference list, direct quotes and appendices. Please note markers will not mark beyond the work limit.
Suggested (not mandatory) word count structure. Introduction (100 words) Choice of issue and justification (200 words) Explanation of impact if issue is left unresolved (300 words) Discussion of 3 realistic strategies (300 words) Conclusion (100 words)
Literature and writing standard requirements:
This paper needs to be:
Written as an academic paper in 3rd person, with an introduction, body and conclusion.
This is a contemporary paper, and unless you are referring to a historical event, literature and resources need to be within 7 years of age
Literature must be of highest possible quality, with peer reviewed research based material as the preference.
Textbooks may be used but to a maximum of 20% of your total reference list. Legitimate websites such as the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia may be
used. Careful use of well-developed paragraphs that logically and clearly address the
task steps and marking criteria (CRA) is essential There is an expectation of no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Correct use of the QUT APA referencing style is required.
NSB305. Leading and Learning: Building Professional Capacity.
NSB305 – Assessment Task 1. Page 3 of 6
Format of assignment Your assignment should be formatted and presented as follows: Use the provided Coversheet template with the assessment title, your name, student
number, tutor name and word count, as a single document that includes your paper. Include a ‘footer’ on each page with your name, student number, unit code and page
number. 3 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced text Times new roman/arial, font size 12 QUT APA style referencing (see Headings and sub-headings may be used to structure your assignment if you prefer To be submitted in electronic format via Turnitin.
What you need to submit:
One word document that contains the following items: Assignment Cover Sheet & your work in the provided template

Identification of a Practice Issue for the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Project

Nursing homework help
Application 1: Identification of a Practice Issue for the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Project
In many of the courses in the DNP program, you have been asked to analyze research literature when exploring issues in health care. Reflect now on an issue in your practice area that has different outcomes from what is supported by the literature. For example, the literature evidence notes that nosocomial infections are reduced when procedures such as hand washing, glove use, and isolation strategies are implemented. In your clinical area, you have implemented these strategies and you are not seeing a reduction in nosocomial infections.
For Application 1, you select an issue that will serve as the launching point for your Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Project.
Before you proceed with this assignment, you may wish to review the overview of the full EBP Project assignment. (see attached file)
To prepare for Application 1:

  • Consider      the specifics of your practicum setting, as well as practice-related      challenges in your specialty area that interest you. Brainstorm practice      issues in which an outcome is different from what would be expected      according to the research literature (based      on the PIICOT Question previously formulated).
  • Select      one issue to focus on for this assignment (based on the PIICOT Question previously formulated).
  • .      This will be your issue for the entire EBP Project, so be sure it is one      that will enable you to fulfill the project requirements (e.g., you can      develop new approaches to practice). You may wish to speak with your      Practicum Mentor about your selection.
  • Explore      the research literature on this issue.

To complete: In a 2-page paper, in APA format and at least 3 references, address the following as numbered below:
1) Introduction ending with a purpose statement (e.g. the purpose of this paper is…)
2) Provide a summary of the selected practice issue in which the outcome is different from what would be expected according to the research literature. (Note: The issue you select must be suitable for completing the entire EBP Project.)
3) Conclusion
PIICOT Statement
In patients in extended intensive care within an urban acute care facility in Eastern United States, how does early mobilization as recommended by National Institute of Health and Care Excellence clinical guidelines on rehabilitation of patients after critical illness impact early transfers from intensive care as measured 6 months post-implementation when compared to the current standard of care including minimal mobilization of patients?
P: Adult patients
I: in extended intensive care within an urban acute care facility
I: increased mobilization of the patients
C: minimal mobilization of the patients
To students: In addition to the Learning Resources and facilitated discussions provided each week, you are expected to integrate articles from peer-reviewed journals to inform and support your positions and conclusions in the Application Assignments. Graduate-level scholarship provides the foundation for your work and requires a higher level of evidence than lay references, such as the dictionary, Wikipedia, general Internet sites, nursing newspapers, expert opinion, and the like. 
Must include at least 1 reference from the list of provided Required Readings and at least 2 references from scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journals

What are the best practices of creating an informed consent?

Nursing homework help
Clinical Trials

1. Introduction
2. Research the ethical and legal implications of clinical research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
3. Understand international principles and guidelines which have to be followed when performing clinical trials
4. What aspects of clinical research design helps to protect the human subjects?
5. Name key principles of ethical considerations during clinical research and development
6. Discuss ethical concerns for designing, conducting and reporting the results obtained through the conduct of clinical trials
7. What are the best practices of creating an informed consent?
8. Create an informed consent and include all the components that you have found are necessary to protect the patient.
9. Conclusion
Write a paper 5 pages not including the title and references. (Explain each answer for a minimum of 100 words for question)
Use bullet points to 3-5 words for headings and include your discussion (100 word for each section) explaining your findings for each slide.
Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:
· Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of seven scholarly articles.
This is good introduction but need paraphrase
The implementation of clinical research projects requires conscientious review of research projects not only in terms of their scientific quality but also in regard to their ethical adequacy and appropriateness. How can we balance the risk-benefit of our projects? Given the importance of ethics for the conduct of drug development and research, it should come as no surprise that many different professional associations, government agencies, and universities have adopted specific codes, rules, and policies relating to research ethics. Each of these aspects will be carefully considered and discussed in the context of international and national principles and guidelines. These issues need to be carefully adhered to strengthen the health of the clinical trial enterprise to the benefit of patients and the overall health of the public.
· Kwan, C., & Walsh, C. A. (2018). Ethical issues in conducting community-based participatory research: A narrative review of the literature. The Qualitative Report, 23(2), 369-386.
· Lin, K. (2016). Integrating ethical guidelines and situated ethics for researching social-media-based interactions: Lessons from a virtual ethnographic case study with Chinese youth. Journal of Information Ethics, 25(1), 114-131,150.
· Powell, M. A., Graham, A., & Truscott, J. (2016). Ethical research involving children: Facilitating reflexive engagement. Qualitative Research Journal, 16(2), 120-144.
· Bazarbashi, S., Hassan, A., Eldin, A. M., Soudy, H., & Hussain, F. (2015). Awareness and perceptions of clinical trials in cancer patients and their families in saudi arabia. Journal of Cancer Education, 30(4), 655-659. doi:10.1007/s13187-015-0797-0
· Jamjoom, A. B., Jamjoom, A. M., Samman, A. M., & Gahtani, A. Y. (2015). Fate of registered clinical trials performed in saudi arabia. Saudi Medical Journal, 36(10), 1245-1248. doi:10.15537/smj.2015.10.12506
· Almutairi, K. M., Alonazi, W. B., Alodhayani, A. A., Vinluan, J. M., Moussa, M., Al-Ajlan, A. S., . . . Alotaibi, N. E. (2017). Barriers to cancer clinical trial participation among saudi nationals: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Religion and Health, 56(2), 623-634. doi:10.1007/s10943-016-0306-8
· Al-Tannir, M. A., Katan, H. M., Al-Badr, A. H., Al-Tannir, M. M., & Abu-Shaheen, A. K. (2018). Knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions of clinicians towards conducting clinical trials in an academic tertiary care center. Saudi Medical Journal, 39(2), 191-196. doi:10.15537/smj.2018.2.21093
· Al-Tannir, M. A., El-Bakri, N., & Abu-Shaheen, A. K. (2016). Knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of saudis towards participating in clinical trials. PloS One, 11(2), e0143893. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143893

What are the different types of nonverbal communication?

Psychology homework help
Need by 03 Apr 2016 by 2300hrs
Answer the following questions in at least 300-400 words in length.
What are the different types of nonverbal communication?
What are the principles of nonverbal communication, and why are they important to understanding?
After completing the Reading, are there any nonverbal cues that you had not thought of before? How about dress, ornamentation, furniture, use of color, space, decorative style?
Are all nonverbal cues (such as emoticons, bold type, underlining, writing in all capitals) appropriate for all electronic communication? Why or why not?
Since the goal of all communication is to share meaningful messages, how can you be sure your intended messages get across in electronic settings such as your classroom?
What do nonverbal cues such as typos, grammar, errors, and poor editing “say” about the writer?
When verbal and nonverbal communication contradict each other in a message, which do you believe? Why?
You may use the following reference: Wood, Julia T. Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters, 7th Edition. Cengage Learning, 2013. VitalSource Bookshelf Online.