
Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.

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Health Statistics and Populations
Professional Competency addressed in this Assignment:
PC-4.3: Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.
Select a health topic of interest such as breastfeeding, coronary heart disease, or juvenile diabetes that affects a specific population such as older adults or women of reproductive age or race. Locate health statistics for your selections. You must include national and state data. Your work may also include local county or city data if available.
Additionally, research content regarding concepts of multiculturalism and diversity, and include interventions that address health disparities.
Input your responses using a table similar to the one below. You may recreate the table in Word©. Excel© files are not accepted. Include a title page and reference page. Length of Assignment should be 2- 3 pages. Content section will expand as you describe your findings in a comprehensive manner.
Data Search Directions
Summarize Your Findings
Identify the population of interest and health condition/event to your practice. Specify how you define the population (e.g. age, gender, health status, etc.).
Summarize your search process. Specify what sources, organizations and agencies for health statistics were searched to find relevant health statistics. Be specific and thorough in your search.
Provide the health information obtained in the search. Include any significant statistics and information on risk factors and trends in epidemiology data on your topic.
Interpret your findings and determine if there is any evidence of health disparities based on the population examined. Be sure you understand what health disparities are and address if your topic is or is not impacted. Provide several examples and include interventions that would improve this disparity.
DUE: to Dropbox on end of Day 7 of Unit 6.
To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.
How to Submit:
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, select the unit Dropbox and then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit.

Using the PICOT variables that you determined for your question, develop a list of at least 10 keywords that could be used when conducting a literature search to investigate current research pertaining to the question.

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Evidence-based practice involves a great deal more than simply reading nursing periodicals on a regular basis. Nurses can take a more proactive approach to evidence-based practice by identifying authentic problems and concerns, and then using that to guide their inquiries into current research. In this way, nurses can connect the results of relevant research studies to their nursing practice.
For the Course Project, you identify and apply relevant research to a specific nursing topic or problem. You begin by formulating an answerable question that is relevant to nursing and evidence-based practice. In later weeks of this course, you continue the Course Project by conducting a literature review and then determining how the evidence from the literature can be applied to nursing practice.
Course Project: Part 1:Identifying a Researchable Problem
One of the most challenging aspects of EBP is to actually identify the answerable question.
Karen Sue Davies
Formulating a question that targets the goal of your research is a challenging but essential task. The question plays a crucial role in all other aspects of the research, including the determination of the research design and theoretical perspective to be applied, which data will be collected, and which tools will be used for analysis. It is therefore essential to take the time to ensure that the research question addresses what you actually want to study. Doing so will increase your likelihood of obtaining meaningful results.
In this first component of the Course Project, you formulate questions to address a particular nursing issue or problem. You use the PICOT model patient/population, intervention/issue, comparison, and outcome outlined in the Learning Resources to design your questions.
To prepare:
· Review the article, Formulating the Evidence Based Practice Question: A Review of the Frameworks. Focus on the PICOT model for guiding the development of research questions.
· Review the section beginning on page 71 of the course text, titled, Developing and Refining Research Problems in the course text, which focuses on analyzing the feasibility of a research problem.
· Reflect on an issue or problem that you have noticed in your nursing practice. Consider the significance of this issue or problem.
· Generate at least five questions that relate to the issue which you have identified. Use the criteria in your course text to select one question that would be most appropriate in terms of significance, feasibility, and interest. Be prepared to explain your rationale.
· Formulate a preliminary PICOT question”one that is answerable”based on your analysis. What are the PICOT variables (patient/population, intervention/issue, comparison, and outcome) for this question?
Note: Not all of these variables may be appropriate to every question. Be sure to analyze which are and are not relevant to your specific question.
· Using the PICOT variables that you determined for your question, develop a list of at least 10 keywords that could be used when conducting a literature search to investigate current research pertaining to the question.
To complete:
Write a 3- to 4-page paper that includes the following:
· A summary of your area of interest, an identification of the problem that you have selected, and an explanation of the significance of this problem for nursing practice
· The 5 questions you have generated and a description of how you analyzed them for feasibility
· Your preliminary PICOT question and a description of each PICOT variable relevant to your question
· At least 10 possible keywords that could be used when conducting a literature search for your PICOT question and a rationale for your selections.

Should criminal charges be considered in this case, if accurately reported?

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Write a 1- 2 page essay addressing the discussion questions posed for the one you selected. Be sure to clearly identify the news clipping you selected.
Adhere to APA formatting and cite all sources. Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.
Find Out More: You may use these and other outside sources to frame your discussion.
The Pain of Wrong Site Surgery
Judgment Upheld in Arkansas Brain Surgery Lawsuit
National Quality Forum
Assignment Discussion Questions
1. Discuss the issues of integrity in this case.
2. Should criminal charges be considered in this case, if accurately reported? Discuss your answer.
3. Why did you choose to respond to this story?
4. How is integrity displayed in your clinical setting?
Video transcript
#1 Wrong Operation Doctor (ethics and integrity) Hospitals find it hard to protect patients from wrong-site surgery. Last year a jury returned a $20 million negligence verdict against Arkansas Children’s Hospital for surgery performed on the wrong side of the brain of a 15-year-old boy who was left psychotic and severely brain damaged. Testimony showed that the error was not disclosed to his parents for more than a year. The hospital issued a statement saying it deeply regretted the error and had “redoubled our efforts to prevent” a recurrence. So, what happened? “Health care has far too little accountability for results … . All the pressures are on the side of production; that’s how you get paid,” said Peter Pronovost, a prominent safety expert and medical director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Innovation in Quality Patient Care. He added that increased pressure to quickly turn over operating rooms has trumped patient safety, increasing the chance of error. Kenneth W. Kizer, who coined the term “never event” nearly a decade ago when he headed the National Quality Forum, a leading patient safety organization, said he believes reducing the number of errors will require tougher reporting rules and increased transparency.

Determine a nursing practice problem that is of interest to you and that is appropriate for a quantitative research study.

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Starting the Research Process
Formulating a specific, applicable research problem statement is an important step in beginning a research process. The problem statement defines the focus of the research study, dictates what methods and tools will be used, and sets the stage for all subsequent elements of the research process. Because of this, it is necessary to put a great deal of thought into the problem statement to ensure that the rest of the research process will be well planned and appropriate to the problem at hand.
This week’s Discussion asks you to identify evidence-based practice problems that can be addressed using quantitative research methods. Based on the practice problem you select, formulate a quantitative research problem statement. In this Discussion, you are also given the opportunity to evaluate your colleagues’ problem statements. Please refer to this week’s Learning Resources for appropriate and scholarly examples of research problem statements and how they inform the rest of the research process.
To prepare:
Determine a nursing practice problem that is of interest to you and that is appropriate for a quantitative research study. Note: You will continue to use this problem in the Discussions over the next several weeks.
Using the Walden Library and other credible sources, locate and read two or three articles that address your practice problem. (you must cite the articles read in this assignment)
With your practice problem in mind, review the Learning Resources and media presentations focusing on the strategies presented for generating a research problem statement.
Ask yourself: What is the importance of my practice problem to nursing, research, and theory? How might addressing this problem bring about positive social change? How will investigating this problem support evidence-based practice?
By Tomorrow 09/06/17, write a minimum of 550 words in APA format with a minimum of 3 references from the list below which include the level one headings as numbered below:
1) A proposed research problem statement (it has to be related to nursing for example: could be on diabetes, heart failure or more …)
2) Including sufficient information to make your focus clear and explaining how addressing this problem may bring about positive social change.
Required Media
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Research methods for evidence-based practice: Selecting a research topic and developing a hypothesis. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 13 minutes.
In this week’s video, Dr. Leiyu Shi discusses the characteristics of a good research hypothesis and details the steps in developing a hypothesis that can be tested through research.
Laureate Education. (2011). Important events in clinical research history. Retrieved from
This timeline identifies and describes key historical events related to the development of clinical research throughout the ages.
Required Readings
Gray, J.R., Grove, S.K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
•Chapter 5, “Research Problem and Purpose”
Chapter 5 outlines how to identify and develop a research problem statement, purpose, and research questions. The chapter also provides examples of both quantitative and qualitative research topics, problems, and purpose.
•Chapter 6, “Objectives, Questions, Variables, and Hypothesis”
This chapter explains the different types of hypotheses and assesses how research variables can be used to formulate research objectives in both quantitative and qualitative studies.
•Chapter 10, “Quantitative Methodology: Noninterventional Designs and Methods”
Chapter 10 describes the principles of research design and those foundational concepts that influence the selection of an appropriate quantitative design: causality, bias, manipulation, control, and validity.
•Chapter 11, “Quantitative Methodology: Interventional Designs and Methods”
This chapter builds on the material presented in Chapter 10 and discusses how to select the most appropriate quantitative research design for addressing a particular research problem.
Select one of the following articles to use for this week’s Assignment:
Fouquier, K.F. (2011). The concept of motherhood among three generations of African American women. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(2), 145–153. (See attached files)
Grey, M., Whittemore, R., Jaser, S., Ambrosino, J., Lindemann, E., Liberti, L., Northrup, V., & Dziura, J. (2009). Effects of coping skills training in school-age children with Type 1 diabetes. Research in Nursing & Health, 32, 405–418. (See attached files)
Methey, N.A., Davis-Jackson, J., & Stewart, B.J. (2010). Effectiveness of an aspiration risk-reduction protocol. Nursing Research, 59, 18–25. (See attached files)
Newhouse, R.P., Morlock. L., Pronovost, P., & Breckenridge-Sproat, S. (2011). Rural hospital nursing: Results of a national survey of nurse executives. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(3), 129–137. (See attached files)
Laureate Education. (2011). Litmus test for a doctoral-level research problem. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Optional Resources
Caress, A., Luker, K., & Chalmers, K. (2010). Promoting the health of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Patients’ and carers’ views. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(3–4), 564–573.
Mbeba, M. M., N., Jere, D. L., Kachingwe, S. I., Crittenden, K. S., McCreary, L. L., … Norr, K. F. (2011). Peer group intervention reduces personal HIV risk for Malawian health workers. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43(1), 72–81.
Miller, J., Gaboda, D., Nugent, C., Simpson, T., & Cantor, J. (2011). Parental eligibility and enrollment in state children’s health insurance program: The roles of parental health, employment, and family structure. American Journal of Public Health, 101(2), 274–277.
Su, C., Lu, X., Chen, W., & Wang, T. (2009). Promoting self-management improves the health status of patients having peritoneal dialysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(7), 1381–1389.