
The courts will decide the legality of her action, but what of the morality? Did the columnist behave ethically?

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Collaborate with your team, using Cisco Spark, email, phone meetings, or any collaboration tool you find useful or prefer. In your collaboration, consider the ethical dilemmas below and select 1 in which to conduct a deep drill.
Ethical Dilemma 1: A newspaper columnist signs a contract with a newspaper chain. Several months later, she is offered a position with another newspaper chain, offering a higher salary. Because she would prefer making more money, she notifies the first chain that she is breaking her contract. The courts will decide the legality of her action, but what of the morality? Did the columnist behave ethically?
Ethical Dilemma 2: An airline pilot receives his regular medical checkup. The doctor discovers that he has developed a heart murmur. The pilot only has a month to go before he is eligible for retirement. The doctor knows this and wonders whether, under these unusual circumstances, she is justified in withholding information from the company regarding the pilot’s condition.
Ethical Dilemma 3: An office worker has had a record of frequent absence. He has used all his vacation and sick-leave days, and has frequently requested additional leave without pay. His supervisor and co-workers have expressed great frustration because his absenteeism has caused bottlenecks in paperwork, created low morale in the office, and required others to do his work in addition to their own. However, the individual believes he is entitled to take his earned time and additional time off without pay. Is he right?
Ethical Dilemma 4: Rhonda enjoys socializing with fellow employees at work, but their discussions usually consist of gossiping about other people, including several of her friends. At first, Rhonda feels uncomfortable talking in this way about people she is close to; but then she decides it does no real harm, and she feels no remorse for joining in.
In conjunction with the readings, and within your teams, decide which ethical dilemma you believe is most problematic and why. In your teams, discuss the ideas of “good vs. evil,” “wrong vs. right,” and “ought/should be vs. what is.” Form the readings, discuss the ways in which Augustine and Aquinas would have solved the problem based on lecture and course reading material. In what ways do Augustine and Aquinas differ and why?
You may wish to meet throughout the week to share ideas. Create a report of your findings as individuals and as a team. The report should be approximately 2 pages accompanied by a 2-minute oral presentation, using VoiceThread or a PowerPoint narrated slide show.
Ethical Dilemma AnalysisEthical Dilemma AnalysisCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurposeview longer descriptionFull Marks20.0 ptsNo Marks0.0 pts20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport/Developmentview longer descriptionFull Marks30.0 ptsNo Marks0.0 pts30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Mechanics, Styleview longer descriptionFull Marks25.0 ptsNo Marks0.0 pts25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSlidesFull Marks15.0 ptsNo Marks0.0 pts15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOral Narrationview longer descriptionFull Marks10.0 ptsNo Marks0.0 pts10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

how to sort data and apply simple mathematic operations using Excel and a real database maintained by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

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Assignment Overview
In this Case Assignment, you will learn how to sort data and apply simple mathematic operations using Excel and a real database maintained by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Case Assignment
The Centers for Disease Control contains many interactive datasets for public use. For this Case Assignment, you will apply basic Excel functions to a spreadsheet generated by the CDC on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity. Use the Excel Tutorial to learn the steps required for each part of the Case Assignment. Use the optional readings in your Background page to locate additional Excel help and tutorials.
Your assignment consists of three parts:
Part I
Sort the data on the spreadsheet to answer the following questions:
1. Which state had the highest percent of low-income children aged 2 to less than 5 years who are obese (MBI for age and sex > 95th percentile on CED growth chart)? What is the percent value?
2. Which state had the highest sample size?
3. What percent of the total sample size was represented by tribes in the United States?
Save each sort and submit it as a worksheet in your Excel workbook. Label each worksheet.
Part II
Use the linked map generated by this data set to answer the following questions:
1. What regional trends in this data are illustrated on this map?
2. Which states showed the highest obesity rates? Which showed the lowest?
Part III
1. Use the CDC site, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity: Data, Trends and Maps at to generate your own table and map by selecting your own criteria. You will need to select a location, an Indicator Category, and then an Indicator from the drop-down menus provided. Once your map and table is generated, scroll to the bottom of the page to locate the citation information you will need for your references section.
2. Copy and paste the data table you generated into an Excel spreadsheet. Manipulate the columns and cells to display the data accurately, and then report the regions with the highest and lowest trends by sorting the data.
3. Insert your sorted spreadsheet as a Table and your map as an image on PowerPoint slides. Include a Title slide and a reference slide. Describe the trends for each table and image in the Notes section of the respective slide.
Assignment Expectations
Answer the questions for Parts I and II on a Word document. Use complete sentences. Create a workbook to show your sorting results for Part I as individual worksheets. For example, Worksheet 1 should be titled “Percent Sort;” Worksheet 2 should be title “Sample Size Sort;” and Worksheet 3, “Calculations.” Part III should be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation containing at least 4 slides including the Title slide, Table slide, Map slide, and References slide.
In summary, upload the following into the Case 3 dropbox by the module due date:
1 Word Document
1 Excel workbook with 3 worksheets
1 PowerPoint presentation with 4 slides

Complete the evaluation at the end, select "Print Certificate" and submit it to meet the requirements for Part I of your SLP assignment.

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This SLP consists of two parts:
Part I: Return to the Health Literacy Education site at
and complete the training for “Creating Easier to Understand Lists, Charts, and Graphs” course. Once you are at this site, select the course from the list of available courses in the left-hand column.
Complete the evaluation at the end, select “Print Certificate” and submit it to meet the requirements for Part I of your SLP assignment.
Part II: You will apply the concepts you learned from the online CDC course by making a chart or table.
To meet the requirement for Part II, create a simple illustration of the data you worked with in your Case 3 assignment. Options include a pie chart, table, or bar chart illustrating the data you worked with in your Case 3 assignment, and the display should be chosen based on what you learned about creating lists, charts, and graphs for public health communication. You may choose to use the Obesity data or the custom data you generated in Case 3 to make the visual illustration.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Create your chart, table, or graph in Excel, and then copy and paste it into a PowerPoint slide. Use the PowerPoint formatting and text tools to include a title and any other important information on your slide. Submit both the certification of completion of the CDC course, and your PowerPoint slide

Developing three alternative solutions that address the problem definition and criteria that you identified.

Nursing homework helpReport Issue
Assignment Overview
In this Module 4 Case Assignment you will build upon the Problem Scoping analysis you prepared in your Module 3 SLP assignment by:
Developing three alternative solutions that address the problem definition and criteria that you identified.
Comparing the pros and cons of those three alternatives.
Selecting the best alternative.
Developing a logical argument to support your choice.
You will apply these same analytic skills throughout your health sciences program, and they will serve you very well in your professional life.
Case Assignment
Use the Evaluate Alternative Solutions Template to complete your Case Assignment.
Note: Developing alternative solutions is essentially a brainstorming process. What can you do to solve the problem? That is an alternative. Proposed alternatives should be consistent with the problem(s) that you identified in your Module 3 SLP assignment.
Developing a list of good alternatives involves creativity and avoiding preconceived attitudes (knee-jerk solutions) and assumptions. Guidelines for alternative development include:
Good designers try to generate as many possible solutions as they can before choosing one that they feel is the best. This creative process of developing ideas is called ideation.
Methods of ideation include:
Examine existing solutions
Conduct brainstorming sessions. Remember the first rule of brainstorming – every idea is a viable one.
Develop as many alternatives as possible. When you are done, try to categorize your alternatives. Then develop three alternatives.
Sketching and doodling to create pictures of possible solutions.
Assignment Expectations
This assignment needs to be completed in paragraph format using full sentences. Insert the decision table you made into your Word document. Use this Insert Table file demonstrating techniques to Insert Tables into Word Documents.
Submit to your Case drop box by the module due date.