
In a flow chart, illustrate how the health care policy became law.

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1) Identify a specific health care policy (e.g., Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, Affordable Health Care Act, etc.) from or similar websites.
2) In a flow chart, illustrate how the health care policy became law. The flow chart should include a historical timeline from the introduction of the law to its implementation. To create the flowchart, use the “Concept Mapping and Graphing Tool.” After completing the flowchart, save the document as an Acrobat PDF file.
3) In addition, develop a short narrative (700 words) which describes the expected effects of the health care policy on specific health outcomes.
4) While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
5) This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

What do you see going on that is a violation of the Hobbes/Locke social contract idea?

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Each week, you may use the threads to draft your current work, interact with your peers, document the progress you have made as a result of your team collaborations, and address course content using the topics below. Please refer to the threaded discussion rubric, so that you are in full compliance.
First, here is a word of caution. With this discussion comes a tasking to discuss the death penalty in two ways: first, as an expression of the social contract, where one person has killed another in a violation of that other person’s right to peace and safety, and second, as a rules-based function of the justice system being applied to a difficult situation.
What do you see going on that is a violation of the Hobbes/Locke social contract idea?
And you might also connect it with any of the Three Schools, plus Aristotle, that you have read in past weeks—and especially with the rules-based ethics model.
Here’s the situation: In Manatee County, Florida, a judge sentenced a man to death—the first time this had happened in the county for over 19 years. Sentenced to death was a 25-year-old man for the January 7, 2004, murder of both of his parents by bludgeoning them to death in their bed with a baseball bat.
Now, with your social contract ethicist hats on, tell us what you make of this quote by the judge at the sentencing, quoted from the front page of the November 17, 2007 Bradenton Herald: “You have not only forfeited your right to live among us, but under the laws of the state of Florida, you have forfeited the right to live at all.”
Have at it, good folks. But, rather than running off with reactions and opinions about the death penalty in general, please do keep it in the context of our social contract discussion for this week and also connected with ethics of justice.
2 Social Contract theorists say that morality consists of a set of rules governing how people should treat one another that rational beings will agree to accept for their mutual benefit, on the condition that others agree to follow these rules as well.
Hobbes runs the logic like this in the form of a logical syllogism:
We are all self-interested,
Each of us needs to have a peaceful and cooperative social order to pursue our interests,
We need moral rules in order to establish and maintain a cooperative social order,
Therefore, self-interest motivates us to establish moral rules.
Thomas Hobbes looked to the past to observe a primitive “State of Nature” in which there is no such thing as morality, and that this self-interested human nature was “nasty, brutish, and short” — a kind of perpetual state of warfare
John Locke disagreed, and set forth the view that the state exists to preserve the natural rights of its citizens. When governments fail in that task, citizens have the right—and sometimes the duty—to withdraw their support and even to rebel. Listen to Locke’s audio in this week’s lesson and read his lecturette to be able to answer this thread.
Locke addressed Hobbes’s claim that the state of nature was the state of war, though he attribute this claim to “some men” not to Hobbes. He refuted it by pointing to existing and real historical examples of people in a state of nature. For this purpose he regarded any people who are not subject to a common judge to resolve disputes, people who may legitimately take action to themselves punish wrong doers, as in a state of nature.
Which philosophy do you espouse?
In coming to grips with the two and considering your experience of society as it is today, think out loud about what you experiences as the State of Nature, and tell us what you would be willing to give up in exchange for civil order and personal security?
You might consider what you have already given up in exchange for security as well as what might be required in coming days.
Each week, you may use the threads to draft your current work, interact with your peers, document the progress you have made as a result of your team collaborations, and address course content using the topics below. Please refer to the threaded discussion rubric, so that you are in full compliance.

Ethical Dimensions of Meaningful Use and Chapter Work Products

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Ethical Dimensions of Meaningful Use and Chapter Work Products
Your Lesson 1 Assignment has five parts:
1. Please read the article titled Ethical Dimensions of Meaningful Use Requirements for Electronic Health Records at this link:
Summarize the important points you took away from that article in a well-written narrative (250-300 words) and submit to your instructor for evaluation.
2. Please produce and save the patient logs for the three patients you created in Chapter 3 (see pages 39-41 for detailed instructions).
3. Please produce and save work you created in Chapter 5 (see pages 65-66 for detailed instructions). Make sure you complete the Self-Assessment to make very certain your work is error-free before submitting. Your instructor will also be able to view your work online.
4. Please produce and save all three schedule prints (for your location, for Dr. Stimson, and for Dr. Carver) you created in Chapter 6. See pages 103-106 for detailed instructions.
5. Please produce and save the clinical notes for the two patients you registered in Chapter 7. See page 128 for detailed instructions.

Course Project Software Evaluation Overview

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Course Project Software Evaluation Overview
There are literally hundreds of different types of medical office management software products on the market for medical practices and other health care organizations. Throughout your career, you will be exposed to many different software systems depending on where you work.
Your Course Project will afford you an opportunity to experience other medical software other than the MedTrak system you are learning to use in this course. Gaining some knowledge about a wide array of options used in the medical industry will help you to be more comfortable as you encounter new systems no matter where you are employed in the future. Staying current with technology will make you a more confident medical employee, no matter what your area of interest.
The two links below contain hundreds of medical software options available. Many of them include a free demo that you can watch to get a sense of the system’s look and feel. The down side of the free demos is that many of the demo buttons provided will ask you to give some personal information (name, work location, phone number, etc.) to view the demos. After all, they want to sell these products.
But, if you prefer not to give out personal information, please just visit the actual home page of two of the companies listed. For example, if you what to check out MediTouch, go to their actual website: (which would show up if you typed “MediTouch” into Google search engine. There is a ton of information about the software under each tab on their home page, even without seeing a demo.
In either case, your Course Project will ask you to select two software alternatives, from the lists provided at either of these two web links and review them:
For Lesson 1:
Take some quality time to learn what you can about the software options for as many of the systems listed at the two sites above, based upon the short descriptions, to give you an idea of the two you want to select and write-up for your short evaluations.