
completing a research appraisal about a women’s health topic in which you may be interested.

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Assignment 3: Research Paper
For this week, you will be completing a research appraisal about a women’s health topic in which you may be interested. The purpose is to complete only a synthesis of the topic. To start, only look at studies that are specific to your women’s health topic. Your appraisal will assist in finding the most current evidence. Remember, this is only for the purpose of synthesis. Simplicity is key to a successful evaluation. Below is a way to assist you in compiling your significant articles. Your table should only contain 5 articles. Finalize your findings in 1–2 pages and submit with your evaluation table.
In the headings for the columns, include the following:
Citation: Author, year, title (Less than 5 years)
Conceptual Framework: Theoretical basis for study
Design/Method: Indicate design and describe what was done in the study
Sample/setting: Number, characteristics, attrition rate, and why
Major variables studied and their definitions: Independent/dependent variable
Measurement: What scales were used to measure the outcome variables (e.g., name of scale, author, reliability info)
Data analysis: What stats were used to answer the clinical question
Findings: Statistical findings or qualitative findings (one for every statistical test mentioned in data anlysis)
Appraisal/Worth to Practice: Strengths and limitations of the study, risk or harm if study intervention or findings implemented, and feasibility

The Legal Implications of Acceptance or Refusal of an Assignment

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** There are 2 discussion board topics, topic 1 & 2 will require 3 references
Topic 1: The Legal Implications of Acceptance or Refusal of an Assignment
After reviewing the ANA position statement on “Rights of Registered Nurses when Considering a Patient Assignment,” discuss the legal and ethical implications of accepting assignments. When delegating assignments to unlicensed personnel, what considerations need to be considered? What insurance issues come into play? Analyze the legal principle of Respondeat Superior.
American Nurses Association Nursing World. (2009). Patient safety: Rights of registered nurses when considering a patient assignment.
Retrieved from -Statements-Alphabetically/Patient-Safety-Rights-of-Registered-Nurses-When-Considering-a-Patient-Assignment.html
APA Style, minimum of 200 words, times new romans, font 12, No plegearism 3 References, scholarly.
Topic 2: Defenses to Malpractice and Risk Management
Take the malpractice case assigned to your group and discuss the defenses that may be raised in that case. Discuss how the incident could have been prevented. What risk management techniques could have been used before and after the adverse patient occurrence? Respond to the other case scenario.
APA Style, minimum of 200 words, times new romans, font 12, No plegearism 3 References, scholarly.

Identify health care policies that use cost shifting

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** There are 2 Topics, they both require 3 references.
Discussion Topic 1: Cost Shifting
Identify health care policies that use cost shifting. Argue the benefits of cost shifting. How might the Affordable Care Act decrease cost shifting within hospitals?
APA Style, minimum of 200 words, times new romans, font 12, No plegearism 3 References, scholarly.
Discussion Topic 2: Managed Care
In what way does managed care actually manage cost?
Does it do so without diminishing the quality of care? If so, how does it accomplish this?
APA Style, minimum of 200 words, times new romans, font 12, No plegearism
3 References, scholarly.

Risk Management and Natural Disasters

Nursing homework help
Assignment Instructions and Details:
The instructor will assign one discussion question per week. By Week 1, Day 3, respond to the assigned discussion question and submit your responses in the Discussion Area.
Respond to the assigned questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading. Support your answers with examples and research. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original, and free from plagiarism. Follow the APA format for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.
Discussion Question 1: Risk Management and Natural Disasters
1.What type of disaster is your local hospital likely to face?
2.Has this occurred in the past?
3. Was the hospital prepared to respond appropriately?
4. As a risk manager, what questions might you have about the hospital’s response plan?