
completing a research appraisal about a women’s health topic in which you may be interested

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Reserved for Expert_researcher
you will be completing a research appraisal about a women’s health topic in which you may be interested. The purpose is to complete only a synthesis of the topic. To start, only look at studies that are specific to your women’s health topic. Your appraisal will assist in finding the most current evidence. Remember, this is only for the purpose of synthesis. Simplicity is key to a successful evaluation. Below is a way to assist you in compiling your significant articles. Your table should only contain 5 articles. Finalize your findings in 1–2 pages and submit with your evaluation table.
Submission Details:
In the headings for the columns, include the following:
Citation: Author, year, title
Conceptual Framework: Theoretical basis for study
Design/Method: Indicate design and describe what was done in the study
Sample/setting: Number, characteristics, attrition rate, and why
Major variables studied and their definitions: Independent/dependent variable
Measurement: What scales were used to measure the outcome variables (e.g., name of scale, author, reliability info)
Data analysis: What stats were used to answer the clinical question
Findings: Statistical findings or qualitative findings (one for every statistical test mentioned in data anlysis)
Appraisal/Worth to Practice: Strengths and limitations of the study, risk or harm if study intervention or findings implemented, and feasibility

Define that stress can affect any social class and it currently is a major problem with many healthcare cost implications

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1. What problem will you be addressing in your integrated review?
Stress has a significant toll on the body, mind, and social well-being, which can lead to medical conditions that become costly to treat and manage.
2. What is the scope and significance of the problem?
Define that stress can affect any social class and it currently is a major problem with many healthcare cost implications, find scholarly articles on this topic as the references
3. Identify the guiding research question. What is the most effective way to treat stress?
4. What are the variables being studied, and how are you defining them?
Independent variable- treatments (which treatments have been demonstrated to be more effective)
Dependent variable- mental and physical effects of stress (outline major symtoms of stress)
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as:
1. a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins,
2. and at least three sources cited in APA format.

As with all disorders, it is essential to determine the root cause of endocrine disorders. What are primary, secondary, and tertiary disorders?

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Select two of the following discussion questions for your discussion response. Indicate which questions you have chosen using the format displayed in the “Discussion Forum Sample.”
As with all disorders, it is essential to determine the root cause of endocrine disorders. What are primary, secondary, and tertiary disorders? Compare the differences among primary, secondary, and tertiary forms of hyposecretion and hypersecretion.
The hypothalamic-pituitary system is the main controlling factor for normal endocrine function. What are some of the common ways for this finely balanced system to become unstable?
Explain how the circadian rhythm is related to cortisol secretion from the adrenal cortex. What factors cause disturbances in this system?
at least 250 words. with reference no older than 5 years and intext citation

Identify and describe at least 10 factors that could inhibit implementation of a quality assurance (QA) program at the hospital.

Nursing homework help
Assignment 2: Quality Assurance Implementation Concerns
Your management staff needs a better understanding of factors that would inhibit implementation of a Quality Assurance program at their hospital.
Identify and describe at least 10 factors that could inhibit implementation of a quality assurance (QA) program at the hospital.
Identify the characteristics, defense mechanisms, and behaviors that the hospital may observe when implementing a new QA process.
Provide at least three suggestions of how the hospital can minimize the resistance to change in their organization.
Write a two- to three-page executive summary of your findings to the management staff using APA formatting styles. Submit the summary to the