
Using Polit2SetA data set, run a simple regression using Family Income (income) as the outcome variable (Y) and Number of Hours Worked per Week (workweek) as the independent variable (X)

Nursing homework help

  Linear Regression Exercises Due 10/13/17 by 10 pm
Simple Regression
Research Question: Does the number of hours worked per week (workweek) predict family income (income)?
Using Polit2SetA data set, run a simple regression using Family Income (income) as the outcome variable (Y) and Number of Hours Worked per Week (workweek) as the independent variable (X). When conducting any regression analysis, the dependent (outcome) variables is always (Y) and is placed on the y-axis, and the independent (predictor) variable is always (X) and is placed on the x-axis.
Follow these steps when using SPSS:
1. Open Polit2SetA data set.
2. Click on Analyze, then click on Regression, then Linear.
3. Move the dependent variable (income) in the box labeled “Dependent” by clicking the arrow button. The dependent variable is a continuous variable.
4. Move the independent variable (workweek) into the box labeled “Independent.”
5. Click on the Statistics button (right side of box) and click on Descriptives, Estimates, Confidence Interval (should be 95%), and Model Fit, then click on Continue.
6. Click on OK.

 Describe the development of the health care system of the German and Canadian French Heritage culture and mentioned if there is any similarity in the delivery of health care in United States.

Nursing homework help

1.  Describe the development of the health care system of the German and Canadian French Heritage culture and mentioned if there is any similarity in the delivery of health care in United States.  2.  Discuss how the health care beliefs of the German and Canadian French Heritage influence the delivery of health care.  As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document in an Arial 12 font attached to the threat in the discussion tab of the blackboard call week 7 discussion questions.  A minimum of 3 evidence based references no older than 5 years are required and 2 replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references are required.  A minimum of 500 words are required.

Describe an ethical situation, based on the chosen topic, that can get in the nurse's way of practicing ethically.

Nursing homework help
Choose a topic below.
Occupational fraud and abuse including conflict of interest and healthcare fraud. 2. Disloyalty. 3. inefficiency 4. Failing to cooperate with others 5. failing to take responsibility for injuries practices
Create a presentation of 10-15 slides or screens excluding the title and references.
Your slides/screen should include titles, main ideas, bullet points, and relevant images, charts, graphs, etc.
3. In your presentation:
Describe an ethical situation, based on the chosen topic, that can get in the nurse’s way of practicing ethically. Describe the situation clearly and concisely.
Identify how this situation relates to one provision within the Code of Ethics for Nurses.
Identify two ethical principles that may arise when facing this situation.
Discuss how a nurse might lessen the impact of the situation on the nurse’s practice.
In addition to the course texts, cite and reference a minimum of two (2) additional scholarly sources to support your work.
Close with a summary of your topic, and APA formatted reference slide(s).

From a pathophysiological perspective, describe the disease mechanism of spinal trauma

Nursing homework help

Select two of the following discussion questions for your discussion response. Indicate which questions you have chosen using the format displayed in the “Discussion Forum Sample.”
1: From a pathophysiological perspective, describe the disease mechanism of spinal trauma. Discuss complications associated with spinal trauma based upon time of injury.
2: What are some the recent discoveries surrounding the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease, and how could these discoveries lead to new treatments? Include  your resources in your response.
3: What are some of the leading theories that attempt to descrive the pathophysiology underlying fibromyalgia? Which ones are best supported? Include your resources in your response.
Atleast 250 words with references no older than 5 years and intext citation.