
What effect might misdiagnosis have on children lives?

 Psychology homework help
Diagnosing Young Children
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As you have learned this week, diagnosing psychiatric disorders in children is a tricky business. Mental health professionals must consider many factors when diagnosing, not the least of which is what might happen if a child were to be misdiagnosed.
1. What effect might misdiagnosis have on children lives?
One recent hot controversy in the field of child psychiatry/psychology is over the prevalence of Bipolar disorder in young children and teens. Trust me when I tell you that there are competent professionals on both side of the fence who feel very strongly about this issue.
Please click on the link below and carefully read the articles:
Obviously, something went wrong with the treatment of Rebecca Riley. Rather than focusing on this specific case, however, I’d like for us to discuss the larger issue related to the benefits and risks of diagnosing and treating young children with psychiatric disorders (e.g., ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Bipolar, Depression, etc…). Try to argue on both the “pro” and the “con” side.
2. Why should or should not we diagnose young children?
3. What age is “too young” to diagnose, or is there no age limit?
4. What are the cons of giving diagnoses too young to children?
5. What are the pros and cons of using psychiatric medication with young children?
Support your opinions with research, not just on “word of mouth” or personal experience.
300 Level Forum Grading Rubric
Possible points
Student points
Met initial post deadline (Wednesday)
Initial post is substantive
Initial post is at least 300 words
Initial post employs at least two citations; one can be text; other must be from an academic   source
In this lesson, we will look at how the great variations in children’s behaviors evolve. We will achieve this by looking at how morality develops, and the behavioral, cognitive and emotional aspects of morality. We will explore how prosocial and altruistic behaviors develop, and then how aggression develops in children, and how to alleviate it. Thereafter we will investigate developmental psychopathology. We will look at the three major categories of childhood disorders: undercontrolled disorders, overcontrolled disorders and pervasive developmental disorders.
Why do some children bully, lie and cheat, while others withdraw, and yet others excel and thrive? To understand why there is such a great variation in children’s behavior, we need to look at how children are socialized. Recall that the role of socialization is to impart desirable values onto children, which they internalize, so they can experience satisfaction when they abide by social rules, and discomfort when they do not. This personal standard of conduct can be referred to as morality.
Morality has three components that help us understand how aggression and altruism develop. The cognitive component of morality is the knowledge of what is good and bad, the emotional component is how individuals feel about situations and decisions they make, and the behavioral component of morality is how individuals behave.
Cognitive Aspects of Moral Development
Piaget and Kohlberg saw moral reasoning as a function of cognitive development.
Piaget (1932) proposed that children pass through three stage of moral development.
Kohlberg (1969, 1985) refined and expanded on Piaget’s theory, proposing that people go through six stages of moral development.
Check out this video on Kohlberg’s famous moral dilemma:
Now watch this video to see how different aged children reason:
Social Conventions
Social conventions include rules of etiquette such as table manners, forms of greeting and address, and dress codes. Studies have found that from a young age – around three years old – children can differentiate between morality and social conventions (Turiel, 2006). Cross-cultural studies have shown that from the age of three, children consistently see moral violations as harming others, and social convention violations as disruptive or impolite; furthermore, social conventions are seen as relative while moral rules do not change across cultures (Helwig, 2006; Turiel, 2006; Wainryb, 2006).
Interestingly, teenagers generally agree that parents may regulate their moral behavior, but not social convention issues, such as their spending habits, dress code and friends (Smetana, 1995, 2005).
Behavioral Aspects of Moral Development
A child’s moral judgement is not always consistent with their moral behavior because behavior can be irrational and impulsive. As age increases, moral judgement and moral behavior becomes more consistent. Parents and other socializing agents can enhance children’s moral behavior by using democratic reasoning and explanation as a form of discipline, as well as discussions about people’s feelings (Hoffman, 2000; Parke, 1977; Walker, Hennig, & Krettenauer, 2000).
Emotional Aspects of Morality
When people believe that they have violated a moral code, they generally feel shame, guilt and remorse. Research has shown that females feel more guilt than males, which may be attributable to gender stereotypes in which females are expected to be more dependent, submissive and prosocial (Zahn-Waxler, 2000). Children who feel more guilt and shame also experience more fear and are inhibited. Children who do not experience guilt and shame are fearless and are not deterred from violating rules.

Identify and reflect on how personal responsibility for actions affects outcomes.

 Psychology homework help

  •   Due Date                  Monday, July 23, 2018                   9:00 AM    Points Possible                150
  • Assignment 1: Principles of Success Plan: Goals
    Due Week 3 and worth 150 points.
    What are three (3) personal or career goals that you would like to accomplish in the next three to twelve months? Based on the information presented in the webtext on  setting and managing goals, identify three personal or career goals you  would like to accomplish and explain why these goals are important and  how achieving them will help you improve your life. In addition,  summarize the research on goals from the “Managing Multiple Goals”  Investigation in Chapter 3, and explain how your goals follow the  guidelines for setting good goals.
    Assignment 1 should be one to two (1-2) pages in length and should include the following:
  1. Specify and explain one personal or career goal you have that can be accomplished in the next three to 12 months in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences.
    1. Include a succinct, clear statement of the goal or the change you want to make.
    2. Include a deadline within the next three to twelve months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.
    3. Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.
    4. Specify and explain a second personal or career goal you have  that can be accomplished in the next three to twelve months in one  paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences.
    5. Include a succinct, clear statement of this goal or the change you want to make.
    6. Include a deadline within the next three to twelve months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.
    7. Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.
  2. Specify and explain a third personal or career goal you have  that can be accomplished in the next three to twelve months in one  paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences.
    1. Include a succinct, clear statement of this goal or the change you want to make.
    2. Include a deadline within the next three to twelve months by which you want to have achieved this goal or change.
    3. Discuss why this goal or change is important to you and how it will help you improve your life.
  3. Summarize the relevant research on goals from the “Managing  Multiple Goals” Investigation in Chapter 3, and explain how your goals  follow the guidelines for setting good goals in one paragraph of three to five (3-5) sentences.
  4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment,  the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the  date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. [Use  writing templates in the webtext to make your cover page according to APA style guidelines.]
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow  APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page  length. [Use writing templates in the webtext to make your in-text citations and automatically create your reference page according to APA style guidelines.]
  5. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  • Identify and reflect on how personal responsibility for actions affects outcomes.
  • Use critical thinking skills to reflect on personal experiences related to success, failure, and strategies for personal growth.
  • Use technology and information resources to support learning issues in success psychology.
  • Write clearly and concisely about psychological success using proper writing mechanics.

Compare the historical trends related to people with disabilities

Psychology homework help
Need someone that has a Psychology background! READ THE ASSIGNMENT!!

LASA 1—Analysis of Historical, Legal, and Ethical Issues

As someone knowledgeable about research on children with exceptionalities, you have been given the task of presenting a report to the court on your arguments for and against people with intellectual disabilities raising children.
Do the following:

  • Launch the online library (under Academic Resources).
  • Select Find Videos.
  • Select Filmakers Library Online.
  • In the search box, type “is love enough” and click Go.
  • The first result should be Is Love Enough? directed by Tom Puchniak. Review this video.

Analyze the historical, legal, and ethical issues in the video. Make sure you include the following in your analysis (in an order that flows well in your paper):

  • Compare the historical trends related to people with disabilities. How would outcomes be different fifty years ago for the people in the movie?
    • Compare the differences from about ten years ago when the movie was produced to today.
    • Explain how far we have come and what still needs to be addressed (such as terminology, acceptance, and support).
  • Explain how laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the IDEA influence these decisions.
  • Identify the ethical principles that might apply to the situation. Consider the professional ethics codes, including the following:
    • American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from
    • American Counseling Association. (2005). ACA code of ethics. Alexandria, VA: Author. Retrieved from
  • Synthesize your research and create two arguments: one for and one against parents with intellectual disabilities raising children. Consider the perspectives of the parents as well as the children. Use evidence and examples from research, utilizing your assigned readings, and at least two peer-reviewed articles on this topic to support your argument.
  • Given what you learned in the video, your assigned readings, and research you found, recommend supports or interventions for the following:
    • The family
    • Within the community for the family and child
    • The school
  • Although this video focused on those with intellectual disabilities, generalize the issues to other exceptionalities.
  • Conclude your paper with a review of current thinking for and against people with exceptionalities raising children, based on the sources used.

Write a 7–9-page paper (not counting the title page, abstract, or reference page) in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Be sure to include a title page, abstract, and reference page also in APA format.

Identify one potential ethical issue and one legal issue that would be foremost in your mind as you begin counseling your client.

 Psychology homework help
Please can you do this Unit 3 Discussion 1 & 2 and Unit 3 Assignment 1? $40.00 Due (Monday) 7/23/2018.
Unit 3 Discussion 1 & 2 and Unit 3 Assignment 1? $40.00 Due (Monday) 7/23/2018.
Unit 3 Discussion 1
Legal Issues in Counseling Children and Teens
Based on your experience in a counseling-related field or another professional arena, identify an incident with specific legal issues associated with the provision of counseling services to children and adolescents and describe how they were handled. Briefly describe what happened, changing specifics as needed to protect confidentiality. Based on what you have learned in Counseling Children, Morelen and Schaffer’s 2012 article, linked in Resources, and your review of the laws in your state, how well were the issues handled? What are the best practices for handling these issues?
· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
· Understanding Clinical, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Child Emotional Maltreatment.
Unit 3 Discussion 2
Ethical Issues in Counseling Children and Teens [u03d2] Unit 3 Discussion 2
For this discussion, briefly describe the hypothetical case that you have created (or are creating) for your Unit 3 assignment. Then, identify one potential ethical and one potential legal concern that you would have in mind, as you began counseling with this child or adolescent. Explain the course of action you would take in the first session in order to prevent legal or ethical problems by communicating clearly with your client while also building rapport. Use the course readings for this week to support your conclusions.
Example Scenario
As an example, consider this scenario: Kendra, a 16-year-old student, has been encouraged by her best friend to come see you. Kendra called to make the appointment herself. She lives alone with her mother who works the night shift at a local club. Kendra says she hopes that her mother won’t have to know about her counseling because “she’s always tired,” and Kendra’s concern has to do with a boyfriend her mother dislikes. Kendra has never actually met the boyfriend; he is someone she connected with online who she’s been texting. Recently, the texts have become very sexual and Kendra has begun feeling uncomfortable, although she also finds the relationship exciting.
Based on your readings this week, what would be one potential ethical issue that would be foremost in your mind as you begin counseling Kendra? What would be one potential legal issue? How would you handle these concerns when Kendra comes in?
Discussion Instructions
Now, briefly describe the hypothetical case you have created (or are creating) for this unit’s assignment.
· Identify one potential ethical issue and one legal issue that would be foremost in your mind as you begin counseling your client.
· Identify your plan for addressing those issues.
· Cite the appropriate section of the ACA Code of Ethics, linked in Resources, and at least one other relevant resource.
Post your case to the discussion area.
· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
· American Counseling Association: Ethics and Professional Standards.
[u03a1] Unit 3 Assignment 1
Unit 3 Assignment 1