
Briefly summarize the problems you and your client are addressing in treatment

Psychology homework help
The purpose of creating a case presentation is to allow you to demonstrate an example of your current field work experience and to simulate the process of collegial psychological case consultations and the professional treatment planning process.
General Format for Clinical Case Presentations
This format is for your use in creating a case presentation for 8871 – Practicum. The purpose of creating a case presentation is to allow you to demonstrate an example of your current field work experience and to simulate the process of collegial psychological case consultations and the professional treatment planning process. This format should help you summarize your case in an organized and sequential manner such that your readers can develop a solid sense of the case you are presenting and the work you have been doing in you field experience.
NOTE: Please assure that all matters associated with confidentiality are strictly adhered to in your case presentation.
1. Demographic description of client
This section should be brief but it should leave your audience oriented to the basic demographic information about your client. For example: age, gender, SES, ethnicity.
2. Presenting problem and reason for referral
A. Client’s perspective
B. Family perspective (if applicable)
C. Referring agency (or individual’s) perspective (school, legal, other agencies, etc.)
D. A summary of differences between these sources if applicable.
3. Focus of treatment
Briefly summarize the problems you and your client are addressing in treatment. These may not include ALL of the problems listed in the reason for referral, or all of the presenting problems. However, if you are not addressing them yourself, be prepared to tell us what the disposition of those problems has been. In other words, did you make community referrals for other services, etc.
4. History of the presenting problem

Think in terms the course of the problem(s) over time:

Remember that you are telling a kind of a story about your client. The events of the client’s problems unfold in a specific sequence. This sequence is referred to as the clinical time course or chronology. Think of it as the scaffold on which all the other details of the history of the problem(s) will hang. Elements of the time course should include:
· When did the problem(s) start? (Onset)
· How has it progressed over time?
· What is its current status?
Once you’ve established the time course, note any factors that :
· make the condition worse
· relieve the condition, or make it improve
· Also – Note any prior treatments for the condition(s) and the condition’s response to those treatments
5. Brief initial mental status exam results
This is critical for inpatient clients. It is optional for other clients unless there are clear problems in certain areas that need to be delineated for your audience in order to have a more complete picture of you client.
I. General description
A. Appearance
B. Behavior and psychomotor activity
C. Attitude toward examiner

Explain the difference between individual discrimination, institutionalized discrimination, and reverse discrimination

 Psychology homework help
In our readings for this module, we were exposed to the intersection of race (ascribed status) and poverty. We learned that poor health is directly linked to both minority status and lower social class. Minorities and the poor are more likely to face discrimination and other negative social influences as well.
Furthermore, our life choices are all affected by some ascribed conditions, but we rarely stop to understand how. For this assignment, you will write an article on the role of race and gender in determining social status. Your article will include interviews of two people.
Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the role of race in general with regard to social status in American society. Then, write an essay including the following:

  • Provide an overview of the role of race and gender in determining social status in American society.
  • Explain the difference between individual discrimination, institutionalized discrimination, and reverse discrimination.
  • Interview the two people you identified in Working Ahead for M2A2—Identify Two People. Do they differ in their race, gender, and class? Focus on the following in your interviews:
    • Using a sociological perspective, that is thinking critically, determine how the two people you interviewed have been affected by their ascribed traits. In other words, be objective and ask questions about race, class, gender, and age.
    • Ask probing questions about each person’s educational opportunities and career choices.
    • Inquire about their inherited social status, and how their own personal social status differs (or not) from their parents’ social status.
    • Ask if they see themselves as having experienced any form of discrimination.
    • Ask what they see as solutions to discrimination and social disparities based on race, gender, or discrimination.
    • Compare each person’s responses to your own observations; do you observe anything that he or she does not?
    • What differences do you observe between the ascribed traits versus achieved (or earned) traits?
  • Summarize your findings by explaining whether race, gender, and any form of discrimination have played a role in the social status of your interviewees.
  • Include in your summary ideas for reducing any form of discrimination in determining someone’s social status.

Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M2_A2.doc.

How much is housing related to the “American Dream”?

 Psychology homework help
Housing is a critical issue for the working poor. Key findings of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (2000) analysis show the following:

  1. From 1993 to 1998, the number of subprime refinancing loans increased ten-fold.
  2. Subprime loans are three times more likely in low-income neighborhoods than in high-income neighborhoods.
  3. Subprime loans are five times more likely in black neighborhoods than in white neighborhoods.
  4. Homeowners in high-income black areas are twice as likely as homeowners in low-income white areas to have subprime loans.

Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the subprime crisis. Then, answer the following:

  • How much is housing related to the “American Dream”?
  • How did this housing crisis affect the working poor?
  • Identify any new policies in place to help the working poor find affordable housing.

Write a 2–4-page paper in Microsoft Word format, following current APA formatting. Include a separate page for your references.
Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M3_A2.doc.

  • How much is housing related to the “American Dream”?
  • How did this housing crisis affect the working poor?
  • Identify any new policies in place to help the working poor find affordable housing.

what are the four factors that influence obedience according to Milgram?

 Psychology homework help
 Module Chapter 14 Discussion Assignment


One form of social influence is obedience, which involves “going along with direct commands, usually from someone in a position of authority” (Huffman & Sanderson, 2014, p. 406).
The following video clips are replications of Milgrams’ study on obedience and Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment. After viewing, answer the discussion questions.
Replication of Milgram’s Experiment by the BBC (5:59)
Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment (5:24)
Discussion Questions
1. In your opinion, why did the “teachers” in the Milgram study obey the orders to administer deadly shocks to the “learner” despite his moral objection?
2. According to your text, what are the four factors that influence obedience according to Milgram?
3. Compare and contrast the findings of Milgram’s study and Zimbardo’s experiment. In your opinion, which was more more disturbing? Explain why?


Before you begin, remember to review the class Discussion Board Guidelines.
Your original post, in response to the discussion prompt above, should contain a minimum of 125 words, not including restatement of questions or reference sections. Utilize critical thinking, and support your work with additional resources as applicable.
Finally, any content that is paraphrased, summarized or quoted in your discussion post or response must be must be cited using APA format. For more information on APA format, review the OWL Guide: APA General Format (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.