
discuss theories of life-span development by evaluating a theory that seems especially relevant to you and your role as a social worke

 Psychology homework help
Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman (2016) stated, “We need theories to guide our thinking and our work so that we may undertake research-informed practice” (p. 127-128). At the same time, the authors asserted, “No theory will be perfectly applicable. Perhaps you will decide that only one or two concepts make any sense to you in terms of working with clients” (p. 128). Though you may be able to apply only a few concepts in a particular theory to your work with clients, as a social worker, you should be applying evidence-based research to your work. Empirically-based developmental theories may guide you as you assess clients and their presenting problems. You may also apply developmental theories to your treatment decisions.
For this Assignment, you discuss theories of life-span development by evaluating a theory that seems especially relevant to you and your role as a social worker. Select a theory of life-span development to address in this Discussion. This may be a theory described in the resources of this course, or you may select a theory based on personal research. Locate at least one scholarly resource (not included in the course resources) that addresses the theory you selected.
Post a Discussion in which you analyze the theory of life-span development that you selected. Summarize the theory; then, identify the strengths and weaknesses of this theory, especially as it relates to social work practice. Explain one way you might apply the theory to your social work practice.
300-400 Words
Dybicz, P. (2012). The hero(ine) on a journey: A postmodern conceptual framework for social work practice. Journal of Social Work Education, 48(2), 267–283.
Villadsen, K. (2008). ‘Polyphonic’ welfare: Luhmann’s systems theory applied to modern social work. International Journal of Social Welfare, 17(1), 65–73.

Explain how dynamic assessment is consistent with Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development and with scaffolding

 Psychology homework help
· Respond to the REVIEW question under the “Ask Yourself” section in Chapter 9. Make sure your response is thorough.
Revel – Section 9.6, Individual Differences in Mental Development – “Explaining Individual and Group Differences in IQ” – Journal 9.4
Since there is actually no “review” question, let’s do the “Connect” question:
“Explain how dynamic assessment is consistent with Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development and with scaffolding (you will need to refer back to the Vygotsky discussion in chapter seven)
· Respond to the APPLY question under the “Ask Yourself” section  in Chapter 9
Revel – Section 9.8, Learning in School – “How Well-Educated Are U.S. Children?” – Journal 9.6
“Sandy wonders why her daughter Mira’s teacher often has students work on assignments in small, cooperative groups. Explain the benefits of this approach to Sandy.”
· Respond to the APPLY question under the “Ask Yourself” section in Chapter 10
Revel – Section 10.2, Self-Understanding – “Influences on Self-Esteem” –
Journal 10.1
“Should parents try to promote children’s self-esteem by telling them they’re “smart” or “wonderful”? Are children harmed if they do not feel good about everything they do? Explain”
****PLEASE RESPOND IN QUESTION/ANSWER FORMAT and ONLY CITE FROM THE BOOK… Chapter 9 & 10    Berk, L. E. (2014). Exploring Lifespan Development (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-134-41266-5

How does the article relate to assigned readings (this week the reading are on  Individual and Intergroup Personality Differences)?

Psychology homework help
hey there I need this  journal article reviewed in about 400 words with the following prompts :
What is the title of the article, the journal in which it was found, and the electronic link to it (if applicable)? Use APA format and title your submission with this information as you would in an Annotated Bibliography.
Describe the content of the article.
How does the article relate to assigned readings (this week the reading are on  Individual and Intergroup Personality Differences)?
Was the article reviewed by experts in the field before it was published?
Does the article have a stated research problem that helps you determine the focus of the author’s work? What is it?
Does the article describe how the author collected and analyzed the data? Please explain.
Is the article logically organized and easy to follow? Support your response.
Is there a discussion of the author’s interpretation of the results of the study? What does it say?
What in this article was most important to you? Why did you find it interesting? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
Is this article something you would recommend or use in the future? Why or why not?

Create an action plan for implementation.

Psychology homework help
Your recommendation in the policy brief you presented, in Topic 5, has been accepted by the committee, taken through the legislative process, and is now ready for implementation. Create an action plan for implementation. Once you have your ideas outlined you will prepare an implementation presentation for the legislator to communicate to all stakeholders. Your 10 slide presentation should include:
Any stakeholders (any individual or group that would be impacted by the policy)
Required resources and who provides them (what is needed to implement the policy)
Challenges that might be encountered
Time Frame (time frame should be reasonable)
Evaluation processes ( how will you ensure the policy is effective)
Summarize how agencies, personnel, and public involved in the implementation of the policy will be impacted. Include a description of the considerations needed for seamless implementation of the policy for all stakeholders.
Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.
Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include 50-75 words per slide.