
Was there a previous history with Jon Jonchuck by DCF?

 Psychology homework help
Five year old Phoebe Jonchuck was thrown to her death off a St. Petersburg Bridge by her own father, Jon Jonchuck.  Answer the following questions:
Was there a previous history with Jon Jonchuck by DCF?
Could this tragedy have been prevented?  Did Jonchucksuffer from a mental illness?  If so, what was the mental illness?
Did he receive treatment?  Is there any responsibility that the therapist has given the outcome of this case?
What type of treatment would have been effective if any with Jonchuck to have prevented this tragedy?
Did he have a criminal record?
Should someone who suffers from a mental illness and has a criminal record be barred from having custody of children?
What could have been done differently by DCF workers?
If you were asking questions of the DCF secretary Mike Carroll what would you want to know about his agencies response to this case?  Should he resign his post given the public outrage?  What measures could be taken to improve the operation of DCF in light of this tragedy?
The story can be found at the following link:

Was confidentiality amply discussed or reiterated at the onset of the group meeting, and to what extent did the facilitator gauge the members' understanding?

Psychology homework help
Unit 8 Discussion 1? $15.00 Due (Monday) 8/24/2018.
Unit 8 Discussion 1
[u08d1] Unit 8 Discussion 1
Group Experience
Analyze what you discovered about yourself while observing a counseling or support group. Please focus on the following when developing your response:
· Evaluation of group processes: Identify the type of group. To what extent were you able to assess group organization, and goals.
· Application of ethics: Was confidentiality amply discussed or reiterated at the onset of the group meeting, and to what extent did the facilitator gauge the members’ understanding? Was the setting appropriate to facilitate confidentiality?
· Effective group leadership: Assess the facilitator’s style and application of group management techniques. How does this compare to your increased knowledge of clinical processes associated with group therapy? If there was a co-leader, describe your observation of roles and cohesiveness.
· Personal reflection: Using anonymous examples, describe how insight of this process might influence your theoretical perspective, facilitation style, and appreciation of group work. How does this compare to points raised in the 2016 article by Weiss and Rutan.
· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
· The Benefits of Group Therapy Observation for Therapists-in-Training.


Use the Capella Library to read the following:
· Weiss, A. C., & Rutan, J. S. (2016). The benefits of group therapy observation for therapists-in-training [PDF]. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 66(2), 246–260. 10.1080/00207284.2015.1111083

discuss your experience in the self-help simulation this week

Psychology homework help
Journal on group simulation
In 450-500 words, discuss your experience in the self-help simulation this week. If you facilitated this week, discuss what you liked, disliked, learned, and felt. If you were a group member, discuss what it was like trying to change your identified behavior. Include any internal struggles with changing your behavior. Also discuss what you liked, disliked, or learned from the facilitator’s approach. You do not need to use APA style, but I will score on grammar and mechanics

I am the facilitator during this power point. We met to discuss the power point and who was going to do what. We also research for the presentation and got information. A lot of communication went on for this power point and as a team communication plays a big part with our team because we all work and have different schedules and some of us are married meaning that we can only meet during certain hours. We did our first group meeting at UOP and also through text and emails.

We talked about the high and lows that a person goes through, although that seems funny the high from cocaine is an all time high but the low is in fact so low it can deteriorate your life and kill you. What stood out to me is how common this drug is used and it come to no surprise because I’m aware of what it does to the user and also how it destroys families, but the negatives do not seem to out weigh the positives with this drug. During our meeting we talked about how famous people such as Tim Allen, Whitney Houston, Thomas Edison, Chris Farley, Len Bias and the list goes on all had deaths relating to cocaine use. Not only were they effected but also their family and we saw Whitney’s daughter fall in the same footsteps of her mother and even died of a drug overdose. Cocaine use is also more common and how its portrayed in movies, to music, and how frequently you see celebrities busted with it I feel it is becoming almost socially acceptable and this is a problem.

Why do other cognitive psychologists emphasize the unique features of the “wet mind” that enables it to perform more efficiently than computers?

 Psychology homework help

Person as a Processor

Research the topic of the “wet mind” popularized by Stephen Kosslyn.

  • Considering the human person as a processor, why do some cognitive psychologists think that the mind operates according to computational principles, similar to those followed by computers?
  • Why do other cognitive psychologists emphasize the unique features of the “wet mind” that enables it to perform more efficiently than computers?
  • What are the strength and limitations of each theory?

Post should be at least 300 words.

Week 3 Introduction

  • Introduction
  • Learning Outcomes
  • Overview
  • Resources
  • Self Checks


This week students will focus on the concepts of understanding the human being as their own personal processor. In addition, we will discuss Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis. Students are expected to read Chapters 2 and 6 in the Lecci & Magnavita text, complete the discussion questions, and complete the written assignment. The text will focus on the various concepts such as the person as a processor. These concepts will include, but are not limited to, a complete overview of Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis and the theories of Pinker, Mischel and Bandura. Students will also be reading the Schustack & Friedman text to explore the concept of explanatory style and the debate over what psychoanalysis is or should be.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the processing and psychodynamic theories of personality. (Aligns with CLOs 1, 3)
  2. Analyze the applicability of these theories to the current profession of psychology. (Aligns with CLOs 2)


AssignmentDue DateFormatPoint ValuePerson as a ProcessorDay 3 (1st post)Discussion Forum2Analyzing PsychoanalysisDay 3 (1st post)Discussion Forum3Explanation in Personality TheoryDay 7Written Assignment10


Required Resources

Lecci, L.B. & Magnavita, J.J. (2013). Personality Theories: A Scientific Approach. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

  • Chapter 2: Psychoanalytic and Neo-Analytic Theories of Personality
  • Chapter 4: Neurobiological Models of Personality (review)
  • Chapter 6: Cognitive and Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to Personality

Freud on Freud – YouTube clip: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Murray, H.A. (1940). What should psychologists do about psychoanalysis? First published in Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Retrieved from EBSCO Host PsycARTICLES
Peterson, C. (2010). Good Hope and Bad Hope. The Good Life, July 24, 2010, Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Peterson, C. (2011). There are no accidents. The Good Life, August 8, 2011, Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.