
describe the individual’s theory

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No Plagiarism Please, Turnitin will check. I/O psychology knowledge needed.Please follow the Rubric attached
Throughout your degree program, you have learned about many theorists within the various psychological schools of thought. For this Assignment, you will have the opportunity to focus on a theorist you find influential. First, you will describe the individual’s theory and critically analyze it by doing the following:

  • Detail the main concepts in the theory.
  • Discuss the strengths of the theory.
  • Discuss criticisms of the theory.

Next, you will apply the theory to Industrial Organization Psychology (I/O psychology).

  • Create a 1-paragraph case study of a client you might encounter in a job related to your concentration. The client can be an organization.
  • Discuss how at least three concepts from the theory you chose can be applied in working with your client.

The body of your paper should be 3–4 pages (not counting the title page and reference page) and should include an introduction and conclusion. You must use at least three academic references to support your ideas. References must be in APA format, including in-text citations and reference list.

Does your reaction differ based on your role as a professional versus your role as a resident?

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Assignment 2

Topic and Rationale

The topic and rationale includes a detailed description of the client population you have chosen and examines the impact of substance abuse, addiction, recovery, and relapse on this client population, using two to three peer-reviewed journal articles.

Unit 2 Discussion 1

Local Substance Abuse

Base your response to the following discussion topic on the chapters you read in the Doweiko text, Concepts of Chemical Dependency.

Much of the data reported on the effect of substance abuse is on a national scale. However, the most effective responses to the substance abuse problem occur on a local level. Investigate and report on the nature and extent of substance abuse in your own state or community and compare it to that reported nationally. How is it supportive to the families of people with substance abuse issues? Visit the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors Web site for a link to each state’s substance abuse agency.

Unit 2 Discussion 2

Town Meeting

Consider the following scenario.

You are attending a local town meeting. One of the agenda items is the planned establishment of a residential substance abuse treatment program in a currently abandoned building. There is much reaction from the audience, with many people expressing concern that this will become a magnet for drug addicts and result in an increase in crime and other related problems.

Based on the assigned readings for this unit, examine the role that public perceptions and attitudes play in providing adequate treatment for those with problems related to substance abuse. Specifically, answer the following questions:

· As a human service professional who both lives and works in the community, what is your reaction to this issue?

· Does your reaction differ based on your role as a professional versus your role as a resident?

· How would you respond when asked your opinion about this issue?

Describe a time where you feel you have failed and blamed someone  else

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Attribution Theory and Performance
Prior to beginning this assignment, be sure to read Chapter 4: Cognition, Learning, and the Environment, and read the article “Extending Attribution Theory: Considering Students’ Perceived Control of the Attribution Process”, the Instructor Guidance, and view the following website The Critical Thinking Community (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (
For this written assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding  of attribution theory. In essence, attribution theory states that  individuals tend to make sense of (logically prescribe) situations by  associating them to self, others, thoughts, feelings, or actions. This  theory suggests that learners should consider why they do what they do,  and what or who they are giving credit for both the victories and the  failures. Further, this theory suggests that if a person believes that  they are not good at something, they may attribute their unsuccessful  outcomes to external factors, rather than to themselves. In contrast, if  individuals have success, they more often may attribute their successes  to internal factors.
Using your required resources to support, discuss the following:

  • Describe a time where you feel you have failed and blamed someone  else: the teacher, the friend, a loved one. (Failure could be academic,  relational, and/or organizational – loss of a job.)
  • Do you believe that you blamed external things to support a more  stable version of your own self-image? (In other words, it could not be  your mistake). If not, what other reasons might external variables be  attributed for our own performance?
  • How do think stability and controllability affect performance attributions, based on our reading this week?
  • Why do you think that self-efficacy plays such a critical role in how we process our learning behaviors?
  • What strategies could be applied to utilize what we know about  self-perception and attributions to increase your learning performance  in the future? (Minimum of two strategies.)

Suggested template.
The Attribution Theory paper

  • Must  formatted according to APA style as  outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use headings and sub-headings. See example. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  • Must use appropriate research methods (e.g. use of the Ashford  library) and skeptical inquiry ( to  support the content inclusions.
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis  statement. Visit the Ashford writing Center to clarify how to create a  strong thesis statement and what it helps you to accomplish. You may  also use the Thesis Generator (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. For  assistance with the critical thinking portion of the written assignment,  please see the information included on the Critical Thinking Community website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. The  conclusion typically has two parts: the summary statement (one or two  sentences that restate the thesis in a fresh way to reinforce the  essay’s main idea) and the clincher (a final thought that creates a  lasting impression for the reader).
  • Must use at least one scholarly source from the Ashford University Library, in addition to the required e-book.
  • Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according  to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. If you are  unsure how to create an APA style reference page, please visit the  Citation and Reference page on the Ashford Writing Center website.

How does social cognitive theory explain these individual differences?

 Psychology homework help
Discussion Questions III
All assignments MUST be typed and double-spaced, in APA style and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work. You must use and integrate the material presented in the course text and cite your work according to APA format. Use of outside resources can be used to enhance the text information, but cannot replace the text.
Respond to each question in 1- 1 ½ pages per question.
Total assignment should be 4-6 pages total plus a Title and Reference Page
Do not copy the questions in your responses. See APA style on how to create Topic Headings.  Suggested Topic Headings follow each question.  You may use them or create your own.Question One:  Skinner suggests that since environmental control is ever-present, we should learn to make maximum use of these environmental influences.  He also suggests that concern with internal variables, such as emotion and motivation, as explanations of behavior has led psychologists astray. Do you think this approach would lead to a more scientific psychology?  Or might it instead create a psychology that fails to develop a science of important aspects of human experience?
Suggested Topic Heading: Skinner and Environmental Influences
Question Two: In considering Kelly’s constructive alternativism, does it seem odd to read about a theorist who holds little stock in idea that there is an objective reality or absolute truth to discover?  Can we conduct a science of persons if there is no objective reality or truth to discover?  How might Kelly’s constructive alternativism foster an even more fruitful scientific investigation of persons than other theories?
Suggested Topic Heading: Kelly’s Constructive Alternativism
Question Three: B. F. Skinner questioned people’s capacity for free will and self-control. In what ways does social cognitive theory, and its associated programs of research, provide a counter-argument to Skinner’s position?. How does a focus on expectancies differentiate social-cognitive theory from behaviorism?  How does this shift enable social-cognitive theorists to explain why two people react differently to the same environment?
Suggested Topic Heading: Skinner vs Social Cognitive Theory
Question Four: People seem to differ in their “moods.” Some people are commonly “upbeat” and “lively.” Others seem lower in energy. Some people seem commonly to be depressed. How does social cognitive theory explain these individual differences? Or does it? Might this be a limitation to the social-cognitive approach? What are your thoughts about problem-focused and emotion-focused coping?
Suggested Topic Heading: Social Cognitive Theory, Problem-Focused and Emotion-Focused Coping
Cervone, D. & Pervin, L.A.    (2016).   Personality theory and research.   (12th ed.).   New York , NY   Wiley, John & Sons, Inc.     ISBN 9781118976296