
Discuss self motivation strategies

 Psychology homework help
Your writing should illustrate knowledge of the concepts through an original personal and/or professional integration of the assigned text material.
All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, 1” margins and in APA format. It must be written and proof read at the graduate level. Each answer should be numbered and be 1-2 pages long. This tells you about how much content to include and is not meant as a word count. You must integrate the material presented in the text and cite your work according to APA format.  1. “Practice makes perfect.” Most coaches pound this into their athlete’s heads.
In some sports, perfection can be achieved: bowling, perfection can be achieved by scoring 300. In other sports, perfection cannot be achieved: running, you can always get a little faster. In the sports that perfection can be achieved, how can you coach self motivation? Is it easier to coach self motivation in sports that can never be maximized to perfection?
Discuss self motivation strategies. Use personal examples to show application. 2. Coaches can always teach skill, but find teaching heart a little more complicated. Discuss different methods and techniques to teach passion. Include how passion can make or break an athlete.
Use personal examples to support your ideas. 3. In recent years, the term “Comfort food” has become a common house hold term. This eludes that food can alter moods. Can you use this theory to alter the moods of your athletes? Discuss how food interacts with the athlete.
Include discussion on anorexia, bulimia and obesity. 4. An injury is very hard to recover mentally from. Discuss the theory of goal setting and how it plays importance to mentally recover from a physical injury. Include ideas on how to use it as a motivational strategy during rehabilitation.
Roberts, G. & Treasure, D.   (2012).   Advances in motivation in sport and exercise.   (3rd).   Champaign, IL   Human Kinetics.     978-0736090810

How does the self-determination theory (SDT) apply to exercise and health?

 Psychology homework help
Critical Thinking Essay III
Your writing should illustrate knowledge of the concepts through an original personal and/or professional integration of the assigned text material. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, 1” margins and in APA format. It must be written and proof read at the graduate level.
Each answer should be numbered and be 1-2 pages long. This tells you about how much content to include and is not meant as a word count. You must integrate the material presented in the text and cite your work according to APA format.
1. How does the self-determination theory (SDT) apply to exercise and health?
Discuss recent research. 2. Anxiety can be good and bad in sports. Discuss different types and causes of anxiety and how you can use them to your advantage in sports.
Discuss also how to eliminate the bad anxiety. 3. Discuss and give examples of practical application based on Bandura’s (1997) theory of self-efficacy. 4. Discuss how visualization and hypnosis can be used with a volleyball team that lacks focus. What are some ideas of how the team might be able to use both of these techniques.
Roberts, G. & Treasure, D.   (2012).   Advances in motivation in sport and exercise.   (3rd).   Champaign, IL   Human Kinetics.     978-0736090810

What are some of the implications for the development of prevention programs designed to delay the transition to fatherhood posed by the research outlined in "Teenage Fatherhood and Involvement in Delinquent Behavior?"

 Psychology homework help
1. What are some of the implications for the development of prevention programs designed to delay the transition to fatherhood posed by the research outlined in “Teenage Fatherhood and Involvement in Delinquent Behavior?”
2. Describe the two explanations that have been offered for the link between teen fatherhood and earlier involvement in deviant behaviors, as set forth in “Teenage Fatherhood and Involvement in Delinquent Behavior.”3. As detailed in “Truth and Consequences at Pregnancy High,” describe the Living for the Young Family through Education (LYFE) program at Grace’s school.
3. As described in “Truth and Consequences at Pregnancy High,” what are the two reasons why there is little stigma in the South Bronx about having a child at a young age?
4. In the Taking Sides Issue Do Reality TV Shows Portray Responsible Messages about Teen Pregnancy?, Kramer cites that the US has the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the industrialized world.  On the other hand, young people in Scandinavian countries are among the least likely to become pregnant as teems.  Research sexuality education in countries such as Sweden and compare and contrast them to the methods that are used in the United States.  Explore why you believe the methods that have been proven effective in European countries are not being applied in the United States.


Note any gaps in these services and consider what improvements might be made to existing services as well as what services should be added

 Psychology homework help
Volunteers and political officials in local communities often campaign to improve conditions and provide services to increase the well-being of individuals and families living in those communities. If you are the parent of young children, you might focus on improving the local school or creating safe places where children can play. If you are an individual in later adulthood or a caregiver for an individual in later adulthood, what community resources might be important to you? For this week’s Assignment, you evaluate the resources that your local community provides for its older members.
To prepare for this Assignment, research the resources available in your local community to support the issues and concerns of the older population. Note any gaps in these services and consider what improvements might be made to existing services as well as what services should be added.
Submit a 2.5- to 4-page APA paper that includes the following:

  • A description of the services in your local community that support individuals in later adulthood
  • An evaluation of the effectiveness of the services you identified
  • A description of service gaps you identified
  • An explanation of how to improve existing services
  • A description of services that should be added, and why

Tucker-Seeley, R. D., Li, Y., Sorensen, G., & Subramanian, S. V. (2011). Lifecourse socioeconomic circumstances and multimorbidity among older adults. BMC Public Health, 11(4), 313–321.
Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA:  Cengage Learning.