
Dominant and Subordinate Group Membership

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Dominant and Subordinate Group Membership
This week you are exploring what it means to have privilege in all aspects of life, whether it be that you are able to enroll in school and take this course, or that you are able to walk, type, see, taste, or purchase/have access to groceries. Having privilege also means that you have power of some sort. Even having access to goods and services can be seen as a privilege. Discrimination can accompany power and privilege as those who have power and privilege may not be consciously aware of how they benefit from it.


First, Chapter 4 of The Ecology of Diversity (Kahn, 2015) has a “Reflections on Diversity” section near the end entitled, “Membership in Dominant and Subordinate Groups.” Follow the instructions provided in the chapter and complete the chart considering who are you are and what relationships you have with each type of group.
Second, write at least three paragraphs (300 words) addressing the following questions:

  1. How has privilege, in any/all forms, shaped your life? Consider race, socioeconomic status, education, and other associations identified in Week 1.
  2. Have you been aware of the privileges in your life as you were growing up? Why or why not?
  3. As you learn more about privilege, and as you examine your life, what do you find most interesting or surprising?
  4. How has privilege shaped your life opportunities, life chances, experiences, etc.?

Post your discussion by Day 3 of the week. Before beginning, carefully review the Writing Center’s guide Writing a Good Discussion Board Post (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Initial Post Checklist:

  • Did you use scholarly resources to support your work?
  • Did you discuss each area in the instruction and Grading Rubric?
  • Did you use APA?

What assessment questions would you ask this family in order to determine the severity of the problem?

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Watch one of the following movies:
1. Rachel Getting Married
2. 28 days
3. When a Man Loves a Woman
Write a 4 pages paper discussing your analysis and observation of the family in the movie. Apply what you have learned in this course so far,as well as in your previous MFT courses.
Address the following topics in your paper.
·  What assessment questions would you ask this family in order to determine the severity of the problem? Include questions that relate to the topics of environment, the family system and individual development, as outlined in Ch. 5 of The Alcoholic Family in Recovery.
· What is your conceptualization of the problem? Provide a systemic summary of what is happening with this family system, including specific data from the movie case study to backup your conceptualization.
· Discuss the family’s recovery stage, including behavioral evidence for your assessment of their stage. Include information about how you ruled out other stages.
· Discuss your recommendation for therapy. What are the primary tasks for therapy in order for this family to move into ongoing recovery?
Follow APA format- 4 pages.

Describe the diversity situation or cultural dilemma and the cultural groups impacted by this topic

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Prejudice, Discrimination, Power, and Privilege
A successful final submission of any paper should be the product of brainstorming, outlining, and writing multiple drafts. University of the Rockies Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. is a great resource for all students, offering 24/7 live chat support and a 24 hour feedback turnaround for papers and discussion posts.
Note: you are required to submit a draft of this assignment to the Writing Center Paper Review (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and continue to leverage Grammarly and TurnItIn. You should submit your work to the Writing Center for review by Week 4, Day 3. A 24-hour turnaround is required, so be sure to allow enough time to receive the feedback and make changes before submitting it to Waypoint on Day 7.
This week you will continue to work on the topic of choice to progress toward your Cultural Perspectives final paper. Select ONE of the diversity-related topics researched for your Week 3 written assignment, or select a new topic.
Then, using the APA formatted template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., write a 660-1320 word paper (not including title page) that addresses the following:

  • Describe the diversity situation or cultural dilemma and the cultural groups impacted by this topic.
  • Explain the types of power or privilege each group possesses. In what ways are members of each group aware (or not aware) of their power or privilege?
  • Discuss the types of prejudice or discrimination applied to each group. Is the discrimination or prejudice overt or covert?
  • How do these (prejudice, discrimination, power or privilege) impact each group’s access to goods, services, positions of power, education, or other societal structures?

Support your claims with documentation from historical perspectives, recent news activities, scholarly articles, or course resources.
Submit a draft of your paper to the Writing Center for Paper Review (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. by Week 4, Day 3. Once you have received the feedback from the tutor, revise your writing based on the feedback you received and submit your final copy to Waypoint using the link below.
Point Value: 8 Points
Weekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3
Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Compare and Contrast Theories of Counseling

 Psychology homework help

Compare and Contrast Theories of Counseling

There are many theories behind the different counseling modalities. Some counselors will adhere to one specific theory, focusing treatment types to the tenets of that theory. Other counselors will adopt a more eclectic counseling foundation, drawing key ideas from multiple theories and combining many treatment types to suit their clients.
For this assignment, create a chart that outlines the following counseling theories: behavior theory, psychoanalytic theory, cognitive-behavioral theory, and person centered theory. For each theory, cover the following aspects:

  • Goals of therapy
  • Types of treatment
  • Theoretical explanation of where substance use or abuse stems from
  • Characteristics of the client that would be the best fit for this theory

Download a copy of the chart template which you can use to create your chart.
Once your chart is complete, address the following questions:

  • Describe the similarities and differences between the different therapeutic theories.
  • According to you, which approach or combination of approaches best fits you as a future counselor?

Write a 4–5-page paper (including the chart) in Word format.