
Why is the literature review a needed piece of a research proposal?

Psychology homework help
Assignment 1: Review of the Literature
In Module 1, you learned about the literature review process, which you will employ as part of your final research proposal in M5 Assignment 2 RA 2. In preparation for writing this literature review, in M3 Assignment 2 RA 1, you will submit an annotated bibliography of 6 peer-reviewed articles from the Argosy University online library resources and locate articles related to the topic of your research in the following categories:
· 2 quantitative studies
· 2 qualitative studies
· 1 mixed-methods study
· 1 theoretical or research design of your choice
As you work toward your discussion in this module, start searching the library databases for articles that may be a good fit for your M3 Assignment 2 RA 1and M5 Assignment 2 RA 2.
Then, in this module’s discussion, consider the following:
A strong literature review not only plays a foundational role for setting up a research proposal and/or dissertation but also plays an important role in the results and discussion section that is presented after the data has been collected and analyzed.
· Why is the literature review a needed piece of a research proposal? How can a weak literature review diminish a research proposal?
· Once the data has been collected and you are moving into the completion of the research report, how will you continue to pull from your literature review in the results and discussion section of your report?
· What search strategies did you use to locate articles from the Argosy University online library resources for your upcoming RAs?
Review the points of others and add additional examples, challenging a response or drawing conclusions from the response.
Post your response in a minimum of 300 words.
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Submission Details:
· By the due date assigned, post your responses to this Discussion Area.
· Through the end of the module, respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. While responding, compare the similarities and differences between what you have constructed and what your classmates have.

Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16
Quality of responses to classmates 12
Frequency of responses to classmates 4
Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4
Language and grammar 4
Total: 40

· M2 Assignment 2 Submission

Top of Form

, you learned about the literature review process, which you
will employ as part of your
final research proposal in
. In preparation for writing this literature review, in
, you will submit an annotated bibliography of 6 peer

articles from the Argosy University online library resources and locat
articles related to the topic of your research in the following categories:
2 quantitative studies
2 qualitative studies

What strategies can teachers and students use to increase attention to relevant material in an online course?

 Psychology homework help
Revisit the Module One Areas of Interest and Practical Applications in Cognitive Psychology discussion topic, where you examined your interests, potential problems, and applied settings related to cognitive psychology. Building on those conversations, draft a topic suggestion by identifying your particular area of interest in cognitive psychology (attention, learning, memory, language, or decision making), select an applied setting (education, law, mental health, or technology), and describe the contemporary problem as it relates to your topic and setting. Last, draft three potential research questions that explore potential improvements related to your topic and the applied setting.
For example, if you suggested the topic of attention and online students, the applied setting would be education, and you might develop the following research questions:

  • How does multitasking while studying (e.g., listening to music while reading, or texting while reading) influence attention to course material?
  • How do individuals with ADHD perform in an online learning environment, and what strategies can help them succeed?
  • What strategies can teachers and students use to increase attention to relevant material in an online course?

Memory and technology

Cultural, Sociological, and Psychological Mate Selection Factors

Psychology homework help
 Hide Submission Folder InformationSubmission FolderAssignment 4: IntersectionalityTurnitin®Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.Instructions
ASSIGNMENT 4: Cultural, Sociological, and Psychological Mate Selection Factors
Define intersectionality in your own words. Identify three intersecting areas of your cultural identity. At least two of these facets of your cultural identity should represent positions of privilege (or dominant culture) in our country. Describe how the three intersecting areas of your cultural identity (gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability) impact your understanding of and relationship with marginalized groups of people in a paper of 1-1.5 pages. Your paper will be evaluated using standards below:
APA Style

  • In-text Citations
  • Reference Page


  • Organization
  • Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

Note: This assignment should include APA style citations and a reference list.  Using in-text citations for the textbook material and listing the textbook as a reference is sufficient for this assignment.  However, if you choose to include another source of information, you will need to cite and include that material in the reference list.  Before you begin this assignment, you should review the rubric to get a clear understanding of how I will evaluate it.  After you complete the assignment, you should revisit the rubric to confirm that your content is on target and that you writing adheres to the Weekly Assignment Writing Standards.  If you are not familiar with how to execute the writing standards for this assignment, you will need to set up an appointment with the Writing Center at NLU and follow up with the instructor.
Hide Rubrics

Rubric Name: M4 Intersectionality Assignment Rubric

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaMeets All Expectations (100%)Meets Most Expectations (85%)Meets Some Expectations (70%)Does Not Meet Expectations (0%)Content and Focus (45%)4.5 points
– Follows all assignment directions.
– Connects assignment content to the course materials and readings and to his/her own professional goals, if applicable.
– Provides appropriate detail, depth, and breadth within guidelines for page/word count provided in the assignment directions.
– Addresses all 4 of the following components of the assignment:

  • Defines intersectionality in your own words.
  • Describes how the three intersecting areas of your cultural identity (gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability) impact your understanding of and relationship with marginalized groups of people. At least two of these facets of your cultural identity represent positions of privilege (or dominant culture) in our country.

3.825 points
– Follows assignment directions closely with minor deviations that do not detract from the quality of the assignment.
– Connects assignment content to the course materials and readings and to his/her own professional goals.
– Provides appropriate detail, depth, and breadth with minor deviations from the guidelines for page/word count provided in the assignment directions.
– Addresses 3 of 4 components of the assignment, but may have minor difficulties in tying them together into a coherent and consistent response:

  • Defines intersectionality in your own words.
  • Describes how the three intersecting areas of your cultural identity (gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability) impact your understanding of and relationship with marginalized groups of people. At least two of these facets of your cultural identity represent positions of privilege (or dominant culture) in our country.

3.15 points
– Follows most of the assignment directions.
– Connects assignment content to some of the course materials and readings and to some of his/her own professional goals.
– Provides varied but sufficient detail, depth, and breadth but does not meet guidelines for page/word count provided in the assignment directions.
– Addresses 2 of 4 components of the assignment, but may have minor difficulties in tying them together into a coherent and consistent response.

  • Defines intersectionality in your own words.
  • Describes how the three intersecting areas of your cultural identity (gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability) impact your understanding of and relationship with marginalized groups of people. At least two of these facets of your cultural identity represent positions of privilege (or dominant culture) in our country.

0 points
– Does not follow or inconsistently follows the assignment directions.
– Makes a weak or no connection between the assignment content, course materials and readings, and/or his/her own career advancement goals.
– Does not provide appropriate detail, depth, and breadth that demonstrate mastery of the material and does not meet guidelines for page/word count provided in the assignment directions.
– Does not address at least 2 of the 4components of the assignment.

  • Defines intersectionality in your own words.
  • Describes how the three intersecting areas of your cultural identity (gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, and ability) impact your understanding of and relationship with marginalized groups of people. At least two of these facets of your cultural identity represent positions of privilege (or dominant culture) in our country.

Creativity and Critical Thinking (10%- Total)1 point
– Many ideas presented in the assignment are creative and original.
– Some of the ideas, solutions, suggestions, or views discussed in the assignment represent a unique and innovative way of approaching the issue that was not apparent to others.
– Student draws logical conclusions from facts gathered and presented, and uses such conclusions to recommend reasonable course of action, if applicable.

How you apply the Asset Approach in your human service practice

Psychology homework help
Here are the guidelines for the Capstone Essay/Final Paper:
The Capstone Essay is the final assignment turned in as part of BHSV 490: Internship III and Capstone Seminar. Its purpose is to provide a culminating reflection about what it means for you to be a human services professional with a degree.
Students completing the Bachelors degree in Human Services are expected to demonstrate the following:
1. An understanding of, and the ability to practice the asset approach when working as a professional human services provider.
2. An understanding of how an interdisciplinary approach that includes the study of human services, psychology and sociology together can guide and inform human service practice.
3. An ability to actually apply human services knowledge, skills and professional ethics via experiences provided in three internships.
4. An understanding of how changing socio-economic conditions today are redefining the helping professions and human services.
Your Human Services Capstone Essay should answer the question “How would you describe yourself as a human services professional?” by connecting your internship experiences to program course work. The essay should include a discussion of the following:
1. How you apply the Asset Approach in your human service practice.
2. How concepts and theories from the disciplines of human services, psychology and sociology have helped guide and inform your human service practice. (Be sure to give at least one specific example from each academic discipline.)
3. How changing socio-economic conditions today are redefining the helping professions and human services.
4. In addition to the essay you should also include a 1 page summary or abstract of the key points of your essay in your portfolio.